with Jason Arndt2 days ago

Professor Arndt's Introduction to Psychology class was tough but engaging. We had weekly reading assignments of multiple chapters of our textbook that usually took 3-4 hours to complete. Exams were tough, but not impossible or unfair, and followed lectures and assigned textbook readings. My biggest issue with the course was that Unit Essay grading seemed arbitrary and unclear. This is the type of class where you will need to learn what the professor wants from you and how to best tailor your work to fit that.

Professor Arndt's Introduction to Psychology class was tough but engaging. We had weekly reading assignments of multiple chapters of our textbook that usually took 3-4 hours to complete. Exams were tough, but not impossible or unfair, and followed lectures and assigned textbook readings. My biggest issue with the course was that Unit …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
7hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble26 days ago

The course was mostly lectures, which Prof. Kimble excells at. His lectures are very clear and entertaining, and most students were never bored or distracted. The quizes were pretty easy if you paid attention.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
1hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jason Arndt5 months ago

I thought this class did an amazing job preparing for any psychology course down the road. The papers challenged you to think about concepts outside of just memorization and the exams were fair, but you definitely had to dedicate time towards studying for them.

Fast-PacedTough GradingDifficult Exams
7hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble4 months ago

I found Professor Kimble to be an incredible teacher. His lectures are always engaging, and he is great at finding examples for some abstract ideas. The course is very heavy on memorization(final exam had about 450 flashcards worth of content.) That being said, literally everything you will learn will be useful if you have any interest in psychology. Professor Kimble is a very fair grader and grades on a curve. The quizzes always have only content that is on the slides, meaning if you study everything, there are no surprises. Overall, this is a great course, 100% worth the time.

I found Professor Kimble to be an incredible teacher. His lectures are always engaging, and he is great at finding examples for some abstract ideas. The course is very heavy on memorization(final exam had about 450 flashcards worth of content.) That being said, literally everything you will learn will be useful if you have any intere …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
4hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

I loved Intro to Psych with Professor Parshina. I took it this semester (Fall 2024) and I really really enjoyed it. The material is fast-paced but mostly just because it covers a lot of different ground - you get a baseline understanding of many different subsections of psychology! This is great cause then you can decide if you want to continue studying one subsection more specifically next semester (for example, taking a Social Psychology class.) Her system is very structured so it is very simple to check your grade, or learn how to improve. Her grading can be specific in what she wants in your answers - but once you understand the type of response she expects, you will be fine! There is an assignment and online quiz due every week but if you pay attention in class these are not super difficult - since you can use your notes and any resources you have! If you are good about your time management, it is a totally manageable amount of work each week. She is so passionate about the topic and passionate about her students and does everything possible to make the class fun and engaging. She also learns everyone's names even though it is a big class. She is wonderful and I can't recommend more!

I loved Intro to Psych with Professor Parshina. I took it this semester (Fall 2024) and I really really enjoyed it. The material is fast-paced but mostly just because it covers a lot of different ground - you get a baseline understanding of many different subsections of psychology! This is great cause then you can decide if you want …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndt4 months ago

This class is heavy reading and consists of a lot of material so it is easy to fall behind. Although at times it was very time consuming, taking the class with Prof. Arndt who requires notes for each chapter was a way to stay on top of the material. The exams require critical thinking skills and is all based on the lectures and readings so there is no need to study outside of the content that is presented to you. The papers had unique prompts that examine your knowledge on multiple concepts and requires you to combine it to answer the prompt. Overall it is enjoyable if you have genuine interest in the subject.

This class is heavy reading and consists of a lot of material so it is easy to fall behind. Although at times it was very time consuming, taking the class with Prof. Arndt who requires notes for each chapter was a way to stay on top of the material. The exams require critical thinking skills and is all based on the lectures and readi …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingFast-Paced
7hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble2 months ago

Professor Kimble often joked around and made the class relaxed and fun. The main focus was on memorization, but the quizzes required more than just remembering definitions—they tested your ability to apply the information to new scenarios, which made studying more engaging. There wasn’t any homework aside from the assigned readings, and studying for the quizzes every two weeks. The course also included a midterm, a final exam, and one research paper. A bonus was the opportunity to earn research credit through go/sona. Overall, Professor Kimble does a great job of teaching the material!

Professor Kimble often joked around and made the class relaxed and fun. The main focus was on memorization, but the quizzes required more than just remembering definitions—they tested your ability to apply the information to new scenarios, which made studying more engaging. There wasn’t any homework aside from the assigned readings, …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Gina Thomas4 months ago

I really enjoyed taking Intro to Psychology with Gina Thomas. She is a very passionate and smart professor. The exams were challenging because the amount of content but not super difficult. She loves what she teaches and was always happy to answer questions. Her lecture style was very interesting and included videos, class activities, and demonstrations. Instead of doing a large final project like other Intro Psych courses we did a StoryMap project. Even if you do not intend on majoring in Psychology I would highly recommend taking this course!

I really enjoyed taking Intro to Psychology with Gina Thomas. She is a very passionate and smart professor. The exams were challenging because the amount of content but not super difficult. She loves what she teaches and was always happy to answer questions. Her lecture style was very interesting and included videos, class activities …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
2hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

I'd recommend taking very, VERy good notes on the lectures. Take notes on everything she says. Her quizzes and tests are open notes, but they're not as easy as it sounds. Her questions are sneaky hard, they're not questions you can just look up. If you use the lecture slides, do the reading she tells you to do, and then use your notes from class, you will be okay. Sometimes her test open answer questions are things we talked specifically about in class, and you'll get full credit on them if you use your class notes. She is a hard grader and looks for very specific answers on homework and exams so that's why I stress taking good notes on everything she says during lecture.

I'd recommend taking very, VERy good notes on the lectures. Take notes on everything she says. Her quizzes and tests are open notes, but they're not as easy as it sounds. Her questions are sneaky hard, they're not questions you can just look up. If you use the lecture slides, do the reading she tells you to do, and then use your note …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkTough Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

Her exams and quizzes are all open notes, open book, and open internet, which makes taking them less stressful. However, these exams and quizzes are timed and tricky; if you didn't read the textbook carefully or understand the materials well, it is still difficult to do well on them. However, Olga does give plenty of extra credits throughout the semester for students to earn back the points they have lost. For example, on the class before the exam, she will give extra credits to the groups that do well on the jeopardy game which is based on the exam materials - so read the textbook and go over class notes because those extra credits can really help your grade!

Her exams and quizzes are all open notes, open book, and open internet, which makes taking them less stressful. However, these exams and quizzes are timed and tricky; if you didn't read the textbook carefully or understand the materials well, it is still difficult to do well on them. However, Olga does give plenty of extra credits th …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Jason Arndt4 months ago

This course, although definitely interesting and you learn a lot, the Professor is not very accommodating and can be a harsh grader on tests and essays if not written the way he likes it. There are 3 exams and 2 essays; the exams got easier as you learn the format of his tests, which are all online. It is around 40 pages of reading from the textbook, along with notes on all the reading that you have to submit per class. This can be annoying, but it forces you to do the full reading and fully understand the text. It's a fun course, but If you can aim not to get prof Ardnt, I highly recommend it.

This course, although definitely interesting and you learn a lot, the Professor is not very accommodating and can be a harsh grader on tests and essays if not written the way he likes it. There are 3 exams and 2 essays; the exams got easier as you learn the format of his tests, which are all online. It is around 40 pages of reading f …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingDifficult Exams
8hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Gina Thomas11 months ago

The most important is to pay attention during lectures (I barely did the reading for this course, mostly just reviewed my notes and presentations before the exams). Prof is very nice grader, just make sure to read highlighted chapters in provided exam preparation sheet and remember studies/experiments and their results, about which Prof talked during the lectures. You will also have StoryMap project about topic of your choice instead of paper, which is super easy if you're good choose the topic right away and good with time management

The most important is to pay attention during lectures (I barely did the reading for this course, mostly just reviewed my notes and presentations before the exams). Prof is very nice grader, just make sure to read highlighted chapters in provided exam preparation sheet and remember studies/experiments and their results, about which P …Read more

Project-HeavyEasy GradingEasy Exams
5hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Olga Parshinalast month

I had Professor Parshina and she is a wonderful instructor. I thoroughly enjoyed her class, listening to lectures, participating in discussions, and completing the tasks. There are some long readings but they are interesting. She is great at repeating and explaining concepts in many different ways. Overall her class is chill but if you miss class you may miss some points. The grading is really fair too.

I had Professor Parshina and she is a wonderful instructor. I thoroughly enjoyed her class, listening to lectures, participating in discussions, and completing the tasks. There are some long readings but they are interesting. She is great at repeating and explaining concepts in many different ways. Overall her class is chill but if y …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
2hrs / week Very low difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina28 days ago

I took this class to fill my schedule, and it was a great decision. There is a weekly homework assignment and a weekly quiz (which is take home) that can both be done pretty easily. Professor Parshina's teaching style allowed everyone to focus and do well, and I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who wants a relatively easy and cool class freshman year.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Very low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Jason Arndt8 months ago

Professor Arndt's lectures are extremely effective. Most of the material that you need to know is included in the lecture, however you will need to read the textbook in order to excel academically. Arndt tends to be a harsh grader and expects you to adhere to strict deadlines. You should not take this class with him if you do not enjoy putting in a lot of effort. He assigns weekly study teams and prep, which includes taking notes during personal reading and lectures. Attendance is a must. The lectures are interesting, and he does a very nice job at them. Overall, a necessary class, but I would consider a different professor if you are looking for an easy A.

Professor Arndt's lectures are extremely effective. Most of the material that you need to know is included in the lecture, however you will need to read the textbook in order to excel academically. Arndt tends to be a harsh grader and expects you to adhere to strict deadlines. You should not take this class with him if you do not enj …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would not take again
with Jason Arndt11 months ago

This is a very effective intro course. Although I discovered that psychology is not an area of interest for me, it is not because of this class. Arndt is a really good professor, who uses psychological principles in the teaching of this class. Although it is difficult and the readings/notes take a long time, the difficulty is necessary to learn the amount of content. It's not easy to get a good grade in this class, but if you do the work fully and study for exams, it's certainly possible. If you want to continue with psychology, I recommend to take this class with Arndt.

This is a very effective intro course. Although I discovered that psychology is not an area of interest for me, it is not because of this class. Arndt is a really good professor, who uses psychological principles in the teaching of this class. Although it is difficult and the readings/notes take a long time, the difficulty is necessa …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingLots of Homework
6hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Jason Arndt11 months ago

This course should be required for all human beings. I didn't have any prior knowledge about psychology going into this class, and I learned tons, enjoying every piece. BEWARE: this class has a hefty workload. Prof Arndt assigns lots of textbook readings, essentially covering the entire textbook. It is required to turn in lecture and textbook notes every week, so these are always lengthy assignments. If you pay attention/take notes in lecture (very important) and actually read the readings, the tests are not that difficult. If I followed his instructions while we were learning the content, then little studying was actually necessary to do well on exams. The papers are also not too difficult or long, but the deadlines can sneak up. Arndt overall gives amazing lectures and is very engaging. He knows how to teach dense content in a short amount of time. Listen to what he says.

This course should be required for all human beings. I didn't have any prior knowledge about psychology going into this class, and I learned tons, enjoying every piece. BEWARE: this class has a hefty workload. Prof Arndt assigns lots of textbook readings, essentially covering the entire textbook. It is required to turn in lecture and …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus4 months ago

Seehus is very clear and easy to follow during the lecture. His exams are very fair as long as you pay attention in class, and reviewing the textbook helps with studying. There isn't much homework, aside from two papers that you choose when yours will be due and the quizzes are helpful for test review. I really liked seehus as a professor and thing that he does a good job making lecture interetsing anf engaging

Seehus is very clear and easy to follow during the lecture. His exams are very fair as long as you pay attention in class, and reviewing the textbook helps with studying. There isn't much homework, aside from two papers that you choose when yours will be due and the quizzes are helpful for test review. I really liked seehus as a prof …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Average difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Gina Thomas4 months ago

I enjoyed this class; it was fun. I could tell Gina was passionate about the class, so it translated to the class being passionate as well. I will say the exams were a bit tedious; I felt they were set up to test if you were reading the textbook and not if you were interacting with the lectures. But if you do the readings, pay attention in class, and do the final project, it should be an easy A.

I enjoyed this class; it was fun. I could tell Gina was passionate about the class, so it translated to the class being passionate as well. I will say the exams were a bit tedious; I felt they were set up to test if you were reading the textbook and not if you were interacting with the lectures. But if you do the readings, pay attent …Read more

Fast-PacedDifficult ExamsTough Grading
2hrs / week Very difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina11 months ago

Olga is fantastic, so I highly recommend taking this class with her. Everything is open-note open-internet and she is incredibly accommodating and kind as well as knowledgeable. The only downsides for me were that the material is the exact same as AP/IB psych courses, so it can be a bit boring and repetitive, but Olga definitely made it bearable. There were weekly readings from the textbook plus an assignment and a quiz with tests every few weeks, but again, everything is open-note so it is very doable. Plus, she always provides extra credit opportunities in and out of class.

Olga is fantastic, so I highly recommend taking this class with her. Everything is open-note open-internet and she is incredibly accommodating and kind as well as knowledgeable. The only downsides for me were that the material is the exact same as AP/IB psych courses, so it can be a bit boring and repetitive, but Olga definitely made …Read more

Fast-PacedEasy GradingLots of Homework
3hrs / week Very low difficulty Low value Would take again
with Jason Arndt30 days ago

Professor Arndt seems to truly love psychology. He teaches well and builds engaging lectures, albeit slightly slow paced if you've already taken psychology at all. My biggest complaint was that he required submission of extensive notes both from class and on all textbook reading every week. I understand class notes, but to require extensive textbook notes as well felt unreasonable.

Professor Arndt seems to truly love psychology. He teaches well and builds engaging lectures, albeit slightly slow paced if you've already taken psychology at all. My biggest complaint was that he required submission of extensive notes both from class and on all textbook reading every week. I understand class notes, but to require ex …Read more

Constant ReadingTough GradingEasy Exams
10hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Olga Parshina3 months ago

I think this was a pretty fun class. A lot of times, she pauses class to do "group experiments" and will put us through quick psychological tests to make the material we are learning more familiar. She is a nice teacher, and all assignments are take home and done outside of class, besides the graded tickets that let you leave the discussion section. Would recommend.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Jason Arndt4 months ago

This course was a very intense experience, with hours of reading each week, three exams throughout the semester, and the occasional unit essay. I did find that the rigor of the class required me to dedicate real time to comprehending the material. In-class, it is absolutely essential to take thorough notes as his slides do not contain much information and the majority of the valuable information from class, information which you must know about for the exam, will come from what Prof says.

This course was a very intense experience, with hours of reading each week, three exams throughout the semester, and the occasional unit essay. I did find that the rigor of the class required me to dedicate real time to comprehending the material. In-class, it is absolutely essential to take thorough notes as his slides do not contai …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingDifficult Exams
9hrs / week Hardcore difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

Olga parshina was a great teacher who was incredibly laid-back and chill. The only work was a single take-home open-everything quiz that took t most 30 minutes. She is super accommodating and has even set up a system that lets you give teaching suggestions without revealing your identity.

Fair GradingChill and Relaxed
0hrs / week Very low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

This class was amazing because all of our quizzes and tests are take home and open note which takes away the stress of memorization and puts the emphasis on understanding the material. Parshina has a clear enthusiasm for what she teaches so everything is very interesting.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Gina Thomas4 months ago

I enjoyed the format of this course, and I found the content extremely relevant and interesting. Prof Thomas is knowledgeable and enthusiastic and provides a great foundation of psychological knowledge. The exams were very reasonable. I found the final project requirements confusing and a little frustrating, but the grading was fair. I have no significant complaints– I got a lot out of this class.

I enjoyed the format of this course, and I found the content extremely relevant and interesting. Prof Thomas is knowledgeable and enthusiastic and provides a great foundation of psychological knowledge. The exams were very reasonable. I found the final project requirements confusing and a little frustrating, but the grading was fair. …Read more

Fair Grading
2hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

A lot of reading, but you can definitely get by without some of it. I really enjoyed the professor, straight to the point and gives a lot of materials and resources that was helpful for the test. Exams are fair, but a lot of outside requirements like a research paper and participating in studies. I took it for the pre-med track and it was a generally good class experience.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 months ago

Jason Arndt is a very strange guy. For psychology professor, he isn't very accommodating of anything that you need. He is super invested in the material and is a decent teacher. His tests are hard, and if you want to get an A, I would take it with a different professor. He is very specific on how he wants you to word the short answer questions. His papers are also graded fairly harshly. It was an experience for sure. I learned a lot, but if I could go back, I would take it with a different teacher.

Jason Arndt is a very strange guy. For psychology professor, he isn't very accommodating of anything that you need. He is super invested in the material and is a decent teacher. His tests are hard, and if you want to get an A, I would take it with a different professor. He is very specific on how he wants you to word the short answer …Read more

Fair GradingDifficult Exams
4hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Olga Parshina6 months ago

If you are considering taking Intro to Psych, I highly recommend Prof. Parshina! She is very chill and typically only assigns chapter readings you are expected to read on your own time, and assigns an open-note/open-book quiz and exams which if you read the material, shouldn't be hard.

Constant ReadingFair GradingEasy Exams
7hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus4 months ago

I enjoyed this class, and I appreciate how clear the day to day cycle of the class was. I ended up not being as interested in Psych as I expected, but I found that Professor Seehuus was really interested in us legitimately learning the material over any sort of busy work. My only complaints about the class were that on the exams there were some super specific questions to the point of ridiculousness and that the criteria for the papers was a bit unclear. I would probably take it over again.

I enjoyed this class, and I appreciate how clear the day to day cycle of the class was. I ended up not being as interested in Psych as I expected, but I found that Professor Seehuus was really interested in us legitimately learning the material over any sort of busy work. My only complaints about the class were that on the exams ther …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would take again
with Gina Thomas8 months ago

I loved this course. It was super interesting material, and the workload was really not bad at all. Professor Thomas was very kind and accomodating, plus she was clearly very passionate about everything she was teaching. Don't worry about this class! As long as you stay on top of the work for each class it is really nothing to worry about.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
4hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus5 months ago

I thought the content of the course was interesting but Professor Seehuus was constantly lecturing and I found it hard to pay attention. The class wasn't super engaging and there were heavy readings from the textbook, however if you devote a lot of time outside of class as well, to learn the material, you will be successful in his class.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingDifficult Exams
5hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas11 months ago

I took this course because I couldn't get into anything else but now I am a psych major. Prof. Thomas is very knowledgeable and passionate. Her lectures are great and she is good at keeping people engaged. Her exams are very hard because she will ask you to recall small details from the hundreds of pages of textbook readings. It gets a bit easier once you get used to her style. Take this course if you are even slightly considering majoring in psych.

I took this course because I couldn't get into anything else but now I am a psych major. Prof. Thomas is very knowledgeable and passionate. Her lectures are great and she is good at keeping people engaged. Her exams are very hard because she will ask you to recall small details from the hundreds of pages of textbook readings. It gets …Read more

Difficult ExamsConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus11 months ago

Dr. Seehuus is an amazing lecturer. I thoroughly enjoyed taking Intro Psych with him and will be taking Psych Disorders with him next fall. You need to pay attention in this class, and do all the readings, or you will be penalized. The tests cover a lot of material, and have write-in sections that focus heavily on material covered in-lecture.

Fair Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Clarissa Parker11 months ago

I loved Professor Parker's teaching style so much that I decided to beg her to be my advisor. I was going through it mentally and she was really helpful. She does not make me feel stupid which is great when you have questions to ask. You also just get the feel that she wants to help all her students do well and I love her for that.

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
3hrs / week Extremely difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Gina Thomas8 months ago

Prof. Thomas is an exceptional teacher. She is very enthusiastic about the material and is very effective in her teaching. Although there is a lot of material, it is all very basic. You don't need to read the entire textbook sections to understand what is going on.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

Professor Arndt is a good teacher. The material is relatively easy to understand and the in-class lectures are great for furthering understanding. The problem I have with his style of teaching is the weekly note turn-ins. It's ironic when put into context with all that we learn about motivation and learning techniques but I found that the need to take notes on the reading and lectures actually decreased my retention of the concepts. The exams also seemed a smidge unfair. It felt like he was trying to find small pieces of info that could easily be overlooked to test, rather than focusing on the big overarching concepts that are the foundation for the learning.

Professor Arndt is a good teacher. The material is relatively easy to understand and the in-class lectures are great for furthering understanding. The problem I have with his style of teaching is the weekly note turn-ins. It's ironic when put into context with all that we learn about motivation and learning techniques but I found tha …Read more

Lots of HomeworkFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas10 months ago

Overall, Professor Thomas was very passionate about the subject and her knowledge in the field was very present. Her lectures were very engaging and time flew by in the class. The tests were relatively easy but they did cover a ton of material. Other than the 3 tests there was a final project and that was all the work for the class. Rarely was there homework for the class.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Gina Thomas11 months ago

I personally was somewhat interested in Psych before this class. However, this class began to make me think about majoring or minoring in Psych. I loved the material and Gina did an amazing job at teaching it. Although the exams are not open note or take home, if you review the material the exams are very straightforward and are not tricky. I personally love the human mind and behaviors, I would definitely recommend this course.

I personally was somewhat interested in Psych before this class. However, this class began to make me think about majoring or minoring in Psych. I loved the material and Gina did an amazing job at teaching it. Although the exams are not open note or take home, if you review the material the exams are very straightforward and are not …Read more

Project-HeavyFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina11 months ago

I loved Intro to Psych with Olga. She is absolutely riveting with engaging PowerPoints and lectures that are super stimulating to the curious mind. Weekly quizzes were never too difficult but ensured that you had done the tedious readings. In all I would certainly take this class again and I think that anyone wanting to take an intro to psych class should choose one with her.

Constant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Gina Thomas11 months ago

Thomas is a great teacher and does a good job displaying the vast material in intro psych. I was debating whether or not to major in psych but she helped me a lot with my decision. Her exams tend to be very very hard, but besides that, the class is pretty relaxed. Discussions are simple and there is no final exam, only a project that you choose. Overall I would recommend taking this course with Thomas, compared to the other intro professors I've heard about she was the best.

Thomas is a great teacher and does a good job displaying the vast material in intro psych. I was debating whether or not to major in psych but she helped me a lot with my decision. Her exams tend to be very very hard, but besides that, the class is pretty relaxed. Discussions are simple and there is no final exam, only a project that …Read more

Fast-PacedTough GradingDifficult Exams
4hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina11 months ago

This course was incredibly helpful as an intro due to the professor being high engaging and funny. My favorite part was the discussions which were very interactive and never felt boring. The lectures were highly interactive as well. We had pop "quiz" type class assignments occasionally so missing class is a hindrance to your grade. Overall, her grading is very forgiving in the sense that she will drop the lowest quiz scores and offer a lot of bonus points.

This course was incredibly helpful as an intro due to the professor being high engaging and funny. My favorite part was the discussions which were very interactive and never felt boring. The lectures were highly interactive as well. We had pop "quiz" type class assignments occasionally so missing class is a hindrance to your grade. O …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkEasy Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Marcia Collaer2 years ago

Collaer is really sweet and accommodating! Her lectures could be mundane sometimes but if you like taking notes, it's fun. The exams are not too bad - mainly based on the lecture slides and the textbook (maybe articles). The discussion sections were fun. People talk about how hard Intro to Psych could be, but if you take it with Collaer I think you'd come out loving psych (or at least not hating it), after learning about so much cool stuff! Highly recommend!! (Don't take it with Arndt - good prof but seen people suffer a lot)

Collaer is really sweet and accommodating! Her lectures could be mundane sometimes but if you like taking notes, it's fun. The exams are not too bad - mainly based on the lecture slides and the textbook (maybe articles). The discussion sections were fun. People talk about how hard Intro to Psych could be, but if you take it with Coll …Read more

Fair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus8 months ago

Personally I did not enjoy the style of this class, which largely relied on reading the textbook in order to do well on exams. However, as long as you do the reading and listen in class it's not too hard. I found that sometimes it was difficult to pay attention, but I gained more from doing the reading than I did listening in class. DO NOT SKIP ANY READING OR YOUR EXAM GRADE WILL SUFFER

Personally I did not enjoy the style of this class, which largely relied on reading the textbook in order to do well on exams. However, as long as you do the reading and listen in class it's not too hard. I found that sometimes it was difficult to pay attention, but I gained more from doing the reading than I did listening in class. …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingDifficult Exams
4hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Martin Seehuus11 months ago

Intro Psych with Professor Seehuus was a great class where I felt I learned a lot of useful information. The topics covered in lectures are interesting and applicable, but very fast-paced. I found exams to be quite difficult due to the fact they are multiple-choice heavy and cover a huge amount of information. Make sure to do the readings every week and be attentive to the lectures and they are manageable with a fair amount of review.

Intro Psych with Professor Seehuus was a great class where I felt I learned a lot of useful information. The topics covered in lectures are interesting and applicable, but very fast-paced. I found exams to be quite difficult due to the fact they are multiple-choice heavy and cover a huge amount of information. Make sure to do the rea …Read more

Difficult ExamsConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Jason Arndt11 months ago

Professor Arndt is really passionate in his work and in the field he teaches in. There are a lot of mixed opinions on Professor Arndt, but if you're looking for an easy class, go back to where you're from. In this class, you will be learning a lot and receiving the same amount of information you put in. Whatever you reap, is what you sow. Overall, I've learned a lot from this class and I would recommend if you're interested in learning what psychology is really about!

Professor Arndt is really passionate in his work and in the field he teaches in. There are a lot of mixed opinions on Professor Arndt, but if you're looking for an easy class, go back to where you're from. In this class, you will be learning a lot and receiving the same amount of information you put in. Whatever you reap, is what you …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus10 months ago

You will have to read a 1500 page book about psychology. Everything is in the book, which is both a blessing and a curse. There are weekly quizzes which aren't too hard, but everything is based on the book, so you really can't rely on the lectures to get you forward. You may get lucky on the first exam, but if you don't dedicate yourself to this class and read consistently and diligently, expect Cs and Ds. The TAs are amazing.

You will have to read a 1500 page book about psychology. Everything is in the book, which is both a blessing and a curse. There are weekly quizzes which aren't too hard, but everything is based on the book, so you really can't rely on the lectures to get you forward. You may get lucky on the first exam, but if you don't dedicate your …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingTough Grading
10hrs / week Hardcore difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Martin Seehuus11 months ago

From everything I've heard about professor Seehuus, he has drastically changed the layout of this course this Spring. The course itself isn't that time consuming but there is a quiz every week (take home) and four exams throughout the semester. The exams in total weigh 80% of the total grade so they mean a lot. Most of his in class lectures are seemingly non-important to the class as the exams are mostly all about the readings from the textbook and not what we talk about in class.

From everything I've heard about professor Seehuus, he has drastically changed the layout of this course this Spring. The course itself isn't that time consuming but there is a quiz every week (take home) and four exams throughout the semester. The exams in total weigh 80% of the total grade so they mean a lot. Most of his in class l …Read more

Difficult Exams
3hrs / week Very difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

This class is certainly fast-paced and Parker covers a lot of material in her lectures. However, she is extremely accommodating regarding her assignments and truly cares about the wellbeing of her students. She stresses on early in the class that doing the readings is crucial, but you can definitely get by without doing much or any of them. She also loves pop quizzes but they were always in a group setting or take home. I would certainly take another class with her and would recommend her as one of the best profs at midd.

This class is certainly fast-paced and Parker covers a lot of material in her lectures. However, she is extremely accommodating regarding her assignments and truly cares about the wellbeing of her students. She stresses on early in the class that doing the readings is crucial, but you can definitely get by without doing much or any …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
3hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

Jason is an incredible professor. Even though the class is about 45 people, he made an effort to know everyone's names and faces. There's a LOT of reading (about 1 textbook chapter for each lecture, so twice a week), and not doing it is not an option since we don't cover most of it in class and it shows up in the exam. However, if you put in the work, an A is achievable. For the discussion section, we switched from regular case study based discussions to having study groups at that time, because Jason realized (after the first exam) that we needed it. There's quite a lot of components that go into grading (3 exams and 2 essays being the main assignments), which is tiring because it feels like having 4 midterms (2 in the first midterm season, 2 in the second). However it's overall a good thing, bc it means your grade can't plummet with one bad assignment.

Jason is an incredible professor. Even though the class is about 45 people, he made an effort to know everyone's names and faces. There's a LOT of reading (about 1 textbook chapter for each lecture, so twice a week), and not doing it is not an option since we don't cover most of it in class and it shows up in the exam. However, if yo …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

If I were to explain why Professor Parker is an absolutely amazing teacher in my eyes, it all comes down to how she accommodates her students. There are fairly high expectations for her class, from lots of reading to fast-paced lectures, but when it comes to office hours and extensions, you cannot beat Professor Parker. When the class had trouble finishing their literature review on time, she gave us two back-to-back extensions to alleviate our stress. Exams can be tough, and the information comes fast, but nothing out of the ordinary for an intro psych course. As well, she is very welcoming, and it was much easier to get extra help from her than from almost every other teacher I've had at Midd. Highly recommend her if you plan to take psych

If I were to explain why Professor Parker is an absolutely amazing teacher in my eyes, it all comes down to how she accommodates her students. There are fairly high expectations for her class, from lots of reading to fast-paced lectures, but when it comes to office hours and extensions, you cannot beat Professor Parker. When the clas …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Marcia Collaer2 years ago

I really enjoyed this course and thought it was very interesting. I think that the material was challenging and it was certainly fast paced due to it being an intro course with a lot of info to cover. However, it was very engaging and useful in my opinion. The exams were quite challenging and required a lot of studying but Professor Collaer explained concepts well and was a pretty fair grader. I enjoyed the lecture style and thought that Collaer brought in a lot of real world examples of the subject matter. The discussion sections were particularly good and I enjoyed getting to talk in smaller groups about the topics and do some experiments.

I really enjoyed this course and thought it was very interesting. I think that the material was challenging and it was certainly fast paced due to it being an intro course with a lot of info to cover. However, it was very engaging and useful in my opinion. The exams were quite challenging and required a lot of studying but Professo …Read more

Fast-PacedTough GradingDifficult Exams
5hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Robert Moeller2 years ago

This is a difficult class but was also quite rewarding. I think Prof Moeller tried to scare us off in the first couple weeks but was incredibly accomodating after that and clearly cares about his students. This class involves lots of reading and a large final research paper on a topic of your choice. It caused me a fair amount of stress taking it in my first semester but wound up being quite rewarding, Moeller was helpful and I learned a lot. I think there's something in psychology that interests everybody, so finding that makes this class interesting.

This is a difficult class but was also quite rewarding. I think Prof Moeller tried to scare us off in the first couple weeks but was incredibly accomodating after that and clearly cares about his students. This class involves lots of reading and a large final research paper on a topic of your choice. It caused me a fair amount of str …Read more

Fair GradingProject-Heavy
7hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

Super awesome experience. I love her teaching style. I love the structure and organization of her class, the totally reasonable exams, and her general warmth and vibe of class. She's great at fostering question-welcome environment, but also is able to stay on track and get through a lot of material. Despite being pretty content heavy, I feel like the exam was a very reasonable level of difficulty.

Super awesome experience. I love her teaching style. I love the structure and organization of her class, the totally reasonable exams, and her general warmth and vibe of class. She's great at fostering question-welcome environment, but also is able to stay on track and get through a lot of material. Despite being pretty content heavy …Read more

Fast-PacedFair Grading
2hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Marcia Collaer2 years ago

Prof. Collaer does an excellent job providing in depth explanations in psych. You can tell she is passionate about her work and she values overall effort and interest in the subject over work turned in. There is a lot of textbook reading, however each chapter is incredibly interesting. The course covers a lot of material and is hard work but I recommend it if you have a genuine interest but you leave the classroom each day with a handful of new concepts

Prof. Collaer does an excellent job providing in depth explanations in psych. You can tell she is passionate about her work and she values overall effort and interest in the subject over work turned in. There is a lot of textbook reading, however each chapter is incredibly interesting. The course covers a lot of material and is hard …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
5hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

This course is wonderfully taught by professor Parker. The information on its own is very interesting and applicable to daily life. Parker does an excellent job at delivering material and making lectures something I looked forward to. Parker is very approachable and accommodating, I recommend going to her office hours if you are having any trouble at all. It does require an immense amount of effort to do well but that effort is rewarding and very much worth it!

This course is wonderfully taught by professor Parker. The information on its own is very interesting and applicable to daily life. Parker does an excellent job at delivering material and making lectures something I looked forward to. Parker is very approachable and accommodating, I recommend going to her office hours if you are havi …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

The exams are based on lectures and textbook readings so you have to read the textbook. Her exams are mainly based on memorization and I would say she is a pretty easy grader. Part of your grade is to lead a discussion on one of the topics but its very chill.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingEasy Grading
6hrs / week Very low difficulty High value Would take again
with Olga Parshina11 months ago

In conclusion, Psych 101 transcends the traditional confines of an introductory course, serving as a transformative experience that ignites a lifelong passion for psychology. Through its captivating content, innovative teaching methodology, and unwavering commitment to student engagement, Psych 101 not only equips students with a foundational understanding of the discipline but also inspires them to embark on a journey of intellectual exploration and self-discovery. As I reflect on my experience in Psych 101, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable insights gained and eagerly anticipate the continuation of my psychological odyssey.

In conclusion, Psych 101 transcends the traditional confines of an introductory course, serving as a transformative experience that ignites a lifelong passion for psychology. Through its captivating content, innovative teaching methodology, and unwavering commitment to student engagement, Psych 101 not only equips students with a fou …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
2hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Robert Moeller2 years ago

Prof Moeller is very accommodating and supportive. He genuinely cares about his students and their success. Exams are tough and there's a big emphasis on material from his lecture slides. Discussion debates and presentations can also be challenging if you're new to those assessment formats.

Constant ReadingFair GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Olga Parshina7 months ago

If you were to take an intro to psych course, please take it with Olga!! She is amazing and the sweetest human being ever. All her exams and homework assignments were very reasonable and fair, and EVERYTHING IS TAKE HOME TOO!!

Fast-PacedEasy GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus4 months ago

Seehuus is a great professor. The class is pretty chill with a little bit of textbook reading. Most of the content on the exams comes from his lectures. The final was very easy. Highly recommend taking intro with him.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

The course was great and not too difficult and Olga is a GREAT teacher she has all open notes for quizzes and tests and the assignments are fair and easy and you are able to work with people. great way to know if you like psych

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
1hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
with Gina Thomas5 months ago

I really enjoyed the course. The material and lectures were fun. I found the exams difficult because they ask you to master detailed information. The extra credit policy was very mercy. You will do well if you pay attention to every assignment.

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

I took this class as a freshmen in my first semester and I felt it was a good transition into college courses, Olga was new but very effective in her teaching. There were quite a few exams but they were all open notes and reasonable.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

I would absolutely recommend Professor Parker to anyone - she is very knowledgeable, down to earth, and considerate of students' needs. The course itself is tough and requires a good amount of studying (especially for exams), but as long as you keep up and listen in lectures you'll get along just fine. The material is very interesting so even if you're not planning on majoring in Psych it is still a great overview of the field.

I would absolutely recommend Professor Parker to anyone - she is very knowledgeable, down to earth, and considerate of students' needs. The course itself is tough and requires a good amount of studying (especially for exams), but as long as you keep up and listen in lectures you'll get along just fine. The material is very interestin …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
2hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble5 months ago

This is a great class. There's a lot of reading, and a quiz every two weeks, so you have to read the textbooks. Kimble is a great professor, making lectures engaging and adding personal anecdotes in with most of the concepts, so it's fun to learn.

Fast-PacedFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus2 years ago

He was so entertaining and a very supportive professor! I did not do well on the first paper, but I met with him and learned so much afterwards. Seehuus does not give any exams which I loved because a lot of other intro psych classes had some rough exams. Our final paper was a research essay, we had three other one page papers, and a weekly quiz on the chapter that we were learning in lecture. Great class !

He was so entertaining and a very supportive professor! I did not do well on the first paper, but I met with him and learned so much afterwards. Seehuus does not give any exams which I loved because a lot of other intro psych classes had some rough exams. Our final paper was a research essay, we had three other one page papers, and a …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingNo Exams
2hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Olga Parshina5 months ago

Professor Parshina is an extremely high energy professor. She is enthusiastic about what she is teaching. She uses many different assessment styles including papers, quizzes, tests, and projects. All tests and quizzes are open notes which is very nice.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Olga Parshina3 months ago

This course was fairly easy as all of the exams are take home and open note and open internet. The class was just lecture based and discussions were very interesting. I would recommend this course especially as a distribution credit.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
1hrs / week Very low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus4 months ago

For an introduction class, it was as good as one can be. Lectures were very important to attend as he would often create questions on the exam based on discussions in class. However, as long as you took notes and reviewed previous exams it was fine.

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
1hrs / week Very difficulty Very high value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas6 months ago

biggest advice would be to keep up with assigned readings as she will pull specific details on the exam. i enjoyed the final project which was basically creating a fun website on any topic of ur liking

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Gina Thomas9 months ago

Class was made manageable by the professor. There is a semester long project that makes the course more engaging but a little bit more time consuming. Exams can be tough so make sure to prepare enough for those.

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

Intro to Psych with Professor Arndt is a great class and I'd recommend it to anyone. The material is very interesting and Professor Arndt wants you to have a strong basis in psych as well as tips for ways to improve your life in general. In class, we probably go over about 20% of what is in the textbook. But, while the exams are heavy on material that we didn't cover in class, the material we cover in class is still heavily represented on the exam and going to class is necessary if you want an A. I clicked on easy exams because there's only two options here. I'd definitely say they were manageable exams if you read and understood the textbook.

Intro to Psych with Professor Arndt is a great class and I'd recommend it to anyone. The material is very interesting and Professor Arndt wants you to have a strong basis in psych as well as tips for ways to improve your life in general. In class, we probably go over about 20% of what is in the textbook. But, while the exams are heav …Read more

Fair GradingEasy ExamsConstant Reading
2hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

Professor Thomas is super knowledgeable about her subject and incredibly accommodating for the benefit of her students. Her exams can be difficult, but if you listen in class/discussion and do the readings, the exams aren't awful. She is also super kind and understanding in discussions and is really good at bringing out quieter voices (in discussions).

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingDifficult Exams
4hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

I'm not a psychology major and never took another class in the department but Professor Arndt is an incredible teacher. Easily the most driven, organized, and impressive professors I've ever had at Middlebury. He knew everyone in the class by face within a week, lectured effectively without being boring, and was very conscientious of the needs of his students. His instructions on assignments was extremely clear and fair, as was his grading. Even though I wasn't deeply interested in the subject matter, his teaching style made me feel engaged and encouraged me to ask questions.

I'm not a psychology major and never took another class in the department but Professor Arndt is an incredible teacher. Easily the most driven, organized, and impressive professors I've ever had at Middlebury. He knew everyone in the class by face within a week, lectured effectively without being boring, and was very conscientious of …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would not take again
with Matthew Kimble2 years ago

This course had a pretty typical format, with nightly readings, traditional lectures, and quizzes every couple weeks. The material is not extremely difficult, but you definitely need to put some time into studying and staying on top of the work. Most of the assessments are quizzes/tests, so be prepared for that. Overall a very interesting class and worth the time.

Fast-PacedEasy GradingDifficult Exams
5hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

Professor Thomas makes the very broad topic of Psychology very manageable. Her lectures are very digestible and if you pay attention to the lectures and even glance through the textbook, you will do fine on her exams. You get full credit on the written reflections as long as you put thought into them.

Chill and RelaxedEasy Grading
1hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble3 months ago

Professor Kimble is an extremely passionate and helpful professor. The course includes a lot of memorization but is totally doable with the right studying. You will leave the class feeling like you learned a lot and Professor Kimble really makes the class.

0hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

This class was extremely easy and not particularly difficult to digest. The issue in taking this course is the sheer breathe of material one must digest and then expectorate back onto the paper during exams. Make sure to read directions and meet with the teacher for papers, as you only do two of them and then end up not getting another chance to really bump your grade back up.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Robert Moeller2 years ago

The class is fast-paced, which makes sense considering it is an introduction to all of psychology. the discussion papers read throughout the semester are all interesting and relevant. He is very understanding. His exams/quizzes are a bit niche but I believe that adequate studying/review negates this issue. Rob's great!

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Olga Parshinalast year

I found this course not only relatively easy but also found lectures and discussions engaging and fun. The homework follows the same structure each week with a short assignment and quiz. If you do the textbook reading and go to lecture these are both relatively easy, and she also provides a lot of extra credit. The content is pretty fast paced with a lot of information each week but she relates this to mini studies, videos, and brain games during lecture that clarify the concepts and make class more interesting.

I found this course not only relatively easy but also found lectures and discussions engaging and fun. The homework follows the same structure each week with a short assignment and quiz. If you do the textbook reading and go to lecture these are both relatively easy, and she also provides a lot of extra credit. The content is pretty …Read more

Fast-PacedEasy GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

I am really glad I took this course. It was super interesting, though quite fast paced. You will be expected to read the textbook and take notes on what you read because things from the textbook will be on the test even if not covered in class. But if you do the reading before class and take notes on the lectures you will do well.

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Matthew Kimblelast year

This course is lecture based, with 4 quizzes throughout the semester and a research paper on the topic of your choice. The professor make references to real life examples (his life, specifically) to keep everyone in the lecture engaged, and we did some really interesting small experiments during discussion. Even if you don't plan on majoring in psychology, I would still recommend this course to anyone who have even the slightest curiosity for the topic. As long as you read the materials and review the slides, the quizzes shouldn't be too hard. Kimble is an awesome professor.

This course is lecture based, with 4 quizzes throughout the semester and a research paper on the topic of your choice. The professor make references to real life examples (his life, specifically) to keep everyone in the lecture engaged, and we did some really interesting small experiments during discussion. Even if you don't plan on …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Olga Parshinalast year

Intro to Psych with Parshina has been great, I recommend her to anyone taking this course. Lectures are clear, engaging, admittedly fast-paced. You can tell Parshina is passionate and she is a strong and clear instructor. Tests are open note, open textbook, open internet, but can still be a challenge. Tests are the large majority of the grade and are every week, and are usually out of 12, so any errors can bring down your grade. Though, Parshina offers several in class extra credit opportunities and the lowest test grade is dropped. I would take a class with Parshina again.

Intro to Psych with Parshina has been great, I recommend her to anyone taking this course. Lectures are clear, engaging, admittedly fast-paced. You can tell Parshina is passionate and she is a strong and clear instructor. Tests are open note, open textbook, open internet, but can still be a challenge. Tests are the large majority of …Read more

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

Professor Arndt is an excellent professor. He was always available to talk to during his office hours, and if I had questions, he was always happy to answer them. This course is definitely reading heavy, and it's important to read the material as the content within the readings were on the exams we had. Overall, this class was great!

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble2 years ago

Tough class and tough tests, but if you put in the work for it you can definitely get an A. Psychology itself is a lot of material to memorize, especially in an introductory level class. We had quizzes based on a lot of the lecture presentations and also were expected to read the textbook, which was hard to keep up with. I remember having to study minimum 2-3 hours for each quiz, and it is helpful to review often to accumulate what you've learned.

Tough class and tough tests, but if you put in the work for it you can definitely get an A. Psychology itself is a lot of material to memorize, especially in an introductory level class. We had quizzes based on a lot of the lecture presentations and also were expected to read the textbook, which was hard to keep up with. I remember h …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Hardcore difficulty Extremely high value Would not take again
with Marcia Collaerlast year

Collaer was amazing. Her personality really showed through her lectures, and she has a lot of years of experience in teaching intro to psych. The exams are based on the readings, I would say around 60% of the exam is the reading and 40% is lecture so please at least skim the chapter terms and pay attention to any studies or case-studies done.

Endless WritingFair GradingDifficult Exams
10hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble2 years ago

Intro Psychology was so far the best class I have taken on campus. The material is interesting and anyone who is looking for a future in Neuro/Psych will find it incredibly interesting. Kimble is an incredible lecturer and cares a lot about the material. He does a great job tying in personal anecdotes and finding ways to help the material stick. There is limited reading for class. Most of your grade focuses on quizzes and tests, which can be difficult, but he has a generous curve and if you study his PowerPoints it is not bad. Highly recommend this class with Kimble

Intro Psychology was so far the best class I have taken on campus. The material is interesting and anyone who is looking for a future in Neuro/Psych will find it incredibly interesting. Kimble is an incredible lecturer and cares a lot about the material. He does a great job tying in personal anecdotes and finding ways to help the mat …Read more

Fast-PacedEasy GradingDifficult Exams
2hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

The content in this class isn't particularly difficult but there is a good amount of reading in the textbook every week. The class projects consisted of two unit essays which were interesting and related to what you learned in the class. That being said, they are graded quite harshly. The tests were extremely difficult as you are primarily asked about small nuances rather than important topics, making it hard to study for them. The tests also include a lot of content, most of which we don't even touch on in class. The professor is definitely not accommodating in terms of turning things in late (without a penalty to your grade) or small insignificant details being wrong on assignments.

The content in this class isn't particularly difficult but there is a good amount of reading in the textbook every week. The class projects consisted of two unit essays which were interesting and related to what you learned in the class. That being said, they are graded quite harshly. The tests were extremely difficult as you are pri …Read more

Constant ReadingTough GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

I greatly enjoyed taking this intro to psych course and found the teacher did a great job at answering many questions. However, it sometimes felt as though we were taught the easier studies to understand rather than the best studies to discuss a point. Perhaps dependence on the textbook we used may be limiting in future courses so I would recommend doing separate research on sites such as inthinking. Overall, a good intro for those who have not taken psych before.

I greatly enjoyed taking this intro to psych course and found the teacher did a great job at answering many questions. However, it sometimes felt as though we were taught the easier studies to understand rather than the best studies to discuss a point. Perhaps dependence on the textbook we used may be limiting in future courses so I …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
12hrs / week Some difficulty Low value Would take again
with Kim Cronise2 years ago

I think this was a very fair and valuable intro to psych class, and Professor Cronise is very knowledgeable on the material. There was a fair amount of reading, and it's very easy to get behind on them. The exams weren't too difficult, but they are very specific and a lot of the material wasn't explicitly covered in lecture. Overall, I would definitely take this course again, as it was very interesting and Professor Cronise was very reasonable with grading and the set up is organized and very easy to follow.

I think this was a very fair and valuable intro to psych class, and Professor Cronise is very knowledgeable on the material. There was a fair amount of reading, and it's very easy to get behind on them. The exams weren't too difficult, but they are very specific and a lot of the material wasn't explicitly covered in lecture. Overall, …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Marcia Collaer2 years ago

Professor Collaer is the sweetest. It is evident that she wants all of her students to succeed. She teaches old school where students are not allowed to have any electronics because research has shown that students effectively learn this way. She's also a great teacher. Our grades mainly consist 3 of our exams which is fair because it covers the material that we covered during our lectures. Other aspects that contribute to you r grade is participation, a debate, and a research paper. Although this may seem like a lot, it is spaced out so it is really relaxed.

Professor Collaer is the sweetest. It is evident that she wants all of her students to succeed. She teaches old school where students are not allowed to have any electronics because research has shown that students effectively learn this way. She's also a great teacher. Our grades mainly consist 3 of our exams which is fair because i …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Olga Parshinalast year

I really enjoyed taking this class with Prof Olga she is very kind and engaging in her lectures. There is homework once a week that is pretty easy and then 3 major exams that are all take home and on canvas. There is also alot of reading but I got by in the class just fine without doing the readings. I would definitely take this class again and I feel lucky that I got to take a course that has alot of dense material with a prof like Olga.

I really enjoyed taking this class with Prof Olga she is very kind and engaging in her lectures. There is homework once a week that is pretty easy and then 3 major exams that are all take home and on canvas. There is also alot of reading but I got by in the class just fine without doing the readings. I would definitely take this clas …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Clarissa Parkerlast year

Professor Parker is a very engaging lecturer, but she is demanding and forces you to cover a lot of material. Exams were pretty difficult, but your experience with the class in general was greatly determined by how well you managed your time. If you could spread your exam review out a few weeks early, it was quite manageable. Otherwise, it was a cram for midterms and finals.

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Matthew Kimblelast year

I would add this to my list of must take classes at Middlebury. Intro Psych with Kimble is engaging, fun, and interesting. Professor Kimble is a joy to learn from, his teaching style is easy to follow and course content is broken up with frequent interesting case studies. Be prepared to study for relatively frequent quizzes and exams. The exams are challenging but fair. I think I learned more in this class than I have in any other class at Middlebury.

I would add this to my list of must take classes at Middlebury. Intro Psych with Kimble is engaging, fun, and interesting. Professor Kimble is a joy to learn from, his teaching style is easy to follow and course content is broken up with frequent interesting case studies. Be prepared to study for relatively frequent quizzes and exams …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingDifficult Exams
2hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Clarissa Parkerlast year

I really enjoyed taking this course with Professor Parker. She was clearly enthusiastic about the subject (despite it only being an introductory course), intelligent, and funny. Exams were timed open note and were not too difficult if you studied and wrote notes effectively.

Fast-PacedFair GradingEasy Exams
4hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Marcia Collaerlast year

Collaer is awesome! She clearly loves teaching psych and is very helpful and encouraging. Her exams are tough and you really have to know your stuff, but as long as you keep up with the textbook readings and pay attention in class it's very manageable. The discussions are super fun and fairly laid-back and you have a lot of freedom surrounding the final research paper! Great class, great prof, 10/10!

Collaer is awesome! She clearly loves teaching psych and is very helpful and encouraging. Her exams are tough and you really have to know your stuff, but as long as you keep up with the textbook readings and pay attention in class it's very manageable. The discussions are super fun and fairly laid-back and you have a lot of freedom s …Read more

Constant ReadingDifficult ExamsFair Grading
12hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Matthew Kimblelast year

I loved intro to psych with Kimble! Grading on quizzes and tests was tough but not unfairly so. Kimble is amazing at lecturing, and I still think about many of his lectures 6 months later. Quizzes and exams are frequent, making the class relatively fast-paced. However, this class was totally worth it, and the biggest downside for me was the 8AM time block.

6hrs / week Very difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Gina Thomaslast year

Intro to Psychology is a really fast-paced course. However, if you're gonna take it with anyone, take it with Gina Thomas. She's a fantastic lecturer and teaches the material really well. She's super engaging and really nice. The material is a lot, but she also understands that it's a lot and will be as accommodating as possible.

Fast-PacedFair GradingConstant Reading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Marcia Collaerlast year

I loved this class. Definitely recommend for anyone looking to fill out any requirements. The professor was also great and made understanding the material very easy. Some people did not read the textbook and did perfectly fine. Personally It helped me be more prepared for answering question in class. However, not a hundred percent needed if you don't have the time.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Matthew Kimblelast year

Prf. Kimble is an extremely passionate and knowledgeable teacher. There is a lot of material to cover and quizzes and tests are tough. His grading is fair. There are numerous quizzes and the class is super fast paced to clover the wide gamut of topics. Highly recommend taking the class with Prof. Kimble. It is well-worth it!

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
12hrs / week Extremely difficulty Average value Would take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

Professor Arndt is enthusiastic and engaging as a lecturer. The class projects were primarily unit essays, which had interesting thought-provoking prompts. The exams can be challenging as all concepts covered in the reading are fair game and many go unmentioned in class. He had us turn in notes each week which was sometimes a hassle but kept me accountable for the most part.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

This class was a great intro course. There was a lot of material in the textbook and it was a bit hard to memorize. Concept application is very important in this class and it was something I really struggled with. However, the professor was very accommodating, kind, and knowledgeable. The discussions were pretty easy. It was mostly just study group time and on some days we would read an article and discuss it. Exams were tough but only because there was a lot of material to memorize beforehand.

This class was a great intro course. There was a lot of material in the textbook and it was a bit hard to memorize. Concept application is very important in this class and it was something I really struggled with. However, the professor was very accommodating, kind, and knowledgeable. The discussions were pretty easy. It was mostly j …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
10hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would not take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

The content wasn't necessarily difficult, but it's a lot of information at once and can be overwhelming at times. Tests are also pretty hard because there is so much content to remember (and you have to really understand it to apply it). Loved the professor though, he really cares about the subject and made it engaging for the most part (even though the lectures are long)

Fast-PacedDifficult ExamsFair Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

I loved this course! Intro Psych covers so many topics so you only brush the surface of each one but I still really enjoyed it. I took the course with Prof. Thomas and I enjoyed her teaching style quit a bit. She is good at engaging with the class through activities and quizzes and I was never bored during her lectures. Exams can be tricky because there is so much material but as long as you study you will be fine. I highly recommend intro to psych!

I loved this course! Intro Psych covers so many topics so you only brush the surface of each one but I still really enjoyed it. I took the course with Prof. Thomas and I enjoyed her teaching style quit a bit. She is good at engaging with the class through activities and quizzes and I was never bored during her lectures. Exams can be …Read more

Fair GradingChill and Relaxed
1hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

Professor Thomas is the Lebron James of Psych (in the best way possible). If you are interested in psych you will love her class. She is very nice and accommodates to student needs. Her lectures are interesting and although it is fast-paced, exams are extremely difficult

Fast-PacedFair Grading
2hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Marcia Collaer2 years ago

Collaer is so nice and clear. I enjoyed her lectures. The homework is totally managable. The exams are probably the most difficult part but if you go to class and review key terms/concepts, you will do fine. I hope to take another class with her. She is great at dumbing things down and getting the classes attention with examples.

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Kim Croniselast year

I did not like the professor as she was very rude to me and said I wasn't doing enough for the class even though I had an extremely high grade in the class. Her class was very boring and the lecture was almost exactly like the textbook although she would add research examples or videos that she tested us on. The exams were very easy and she gave a lot of extra credit. She is anti-laptop which is annoying and grades on participation.

I did not like the professor as she was very rude to me and said I wasn't doing enough for the class even though I had an extremely high grade in the class. Her class was very boring and the lecture was almost exactly like the textbook although she would add research examples or videos that she tested us on. The exams were very easy …Read more

Slow-PacedConstant ReadingEasy Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

Professor Parker is a sharp, decisive psychology teacher. In taking this course, you will be confronted with a large amount of medium-difficulty work. As long as you do the readings (and take some light notes on them) and study appropriately, you should be able to do well in this course.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Gina Thomaslast year

Professor Thomas is very nice, and she taught the course effectively. I thought this course was very easy - the readings (textbook) were done ahead of class but I found they were generally unnecessary, the exams were super easy if you studied a bit, you knew exactly what would be on them, and the projects and discussions were a bit of a joke, they might as well have just been participation grades.

Professor Thomas is very nice, and she taught the course effectively. I thought this course was very easy - the readings (textbook) were done ahead of class but I found they were generally unnecessary, the exams were super easy if you studied a bit, you knew exactly what would be on them, and the projects and discussions were a bit o …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Matthew Kimble2 years ago

Prof. Kimble is super fun and engaging as a teacher. The class does have a lot of textbook reading but he always touches on the most important parts in class so you can skim. Overall, a great class and planning on taking more classes with him in the future.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Martin Seehuus4 months ago

In my Introduction to Psychology course, I found the blend of foundational concepts and real-world applications really engaging. The course covered essential theories, from understanding the brain's basic functions to exploring complex behaviors, making it easy to see how psychology impacts everyday life. Lectures were interactive, often involving case studies and discussions, which made abstract theories more relatable. For prospective students, I’d recommend keeping up with the readings, as they enhance understanding and participation in discussions. If you’re interested in the “why” behind human actions, this course will give you a solid start in psychology.

In my Introduction to Psychology course, I found the blend of foundational concepts and real-world applications really engaging. The course covered essential theories, from understanding the brain's basic functions to exploring complex behaviors, making it easy to see how psychology impacts everyday life. Lectures were interactive, o …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomaslast year

I formerly intended to major in Psychology, but after this class, I realized it wasn't for me. I don't think it was a fault with the professor, but personally it was just a lot more than I first believed. Not that I thought Psych was going to be easy, but this class was just difficult to keep up with.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingDifficult Exams
5hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would not take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

This is a very content-heavy class that is straight memorization and regurgitation of information, but I think that is how all the intro psychology classes are. Parker did a good job making the content fun and easy to remember, and only tested us on things she had gone over in class.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Olga Parshina6 months ago

I took this class to try out psych and see if it was something I was interested in. I had also heard that Olga had open note assignments/tests so decided to take it with her. To be honest, though, I didn't love this class. Although I took good notes in class / in textbook, I felt like I never really absorbed the material and found myself struggling on the exams even with my notes due to the way the exam questions were presented. Although I enjoyed not having to memorize all of the information like the other sections, I felt like they probably learned more than I did in the end. That being said, Ogla's extra credit went a long way and boosted my grade in the end. Choosing a prof just depends how deep your interest about psych is.

I took this class to try out psych and see if it was something I was interested in. I had also heard that Olga had open note assignments/tests so decided to take it with her. To be honest, though, I didn't love this class. Although I took good notes in class / in textbook, I felt like I never really absorbed the material and found my …Read more

Constant ReadingChill and RelaxedFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

Psych with professor Thomas was definitely one of my favorite classes so far. She is very thoughtful with her teaching, and presents the material in ways that are easily manageable considering the broad scope of psychology. I really enjoyed the content and listening to lecture. If you are well prepared and keep up with the readings, you will do well in this class. I definitely reccommend.

Psych with professor Thomas was definitely one of my favorite classes so far. She is very thoughtful with her teaching, and presents the material in ways that are easily manageable considering the broad scope of psychology. I really enjoyed the content and listening to lecture. If you are well prepared and keep up with the readings, …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingDifficult Exams
3hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

They use this course to try to weed kids out of the psych department but it really isn't that bad. Professor Thomas is a very dynamic teacher and is passionate about the material. The work is kind of crammed but that's what you get what you take an intro course.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Kim Cronise2 years ago

Professor Cronise clearly cares about her students and their learning. Her teaching is not too fast-paced although quite a bit of material is covered in a pretty short amount of time. She allows a high degree of freedom with the final paper which can be intimidating but if you are at all interested in psychology, this is a clear option and Cronise is a great professor to take the class with.

Professor Cronise clearly cares about her students and their learning. Her teaching is not too fast-paced although quite a bit of material is covered in a pretty short amount of time. She allows a high degree of freedom with the final paper which can be intimidating but if you are at all interested in psychology, this is a clear opti …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
7hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

Professor Arndt was a great intro to psych teacher. As someone who isn't planning on pursuing psychology, this class was somewhat tricky and at times tedious, but the material was valuable. Professor Ardnt was engaging, helpful, and enjoyable during lectures and discussions, and he gave good exams/ papers. There is a lot of in-depth reading for this class which was the one drawback. The chapters are long and are filled with necessary exam topics, so you have to spend a lot of time with the textbook.

Professor Arndt was a great intro to psych teacher. As someone who isn't planning on pursuing psychology, this class was somewhat tricky and at times tedious, but the material was valuable. Professor Ardnt was engaging, helpful, and enjoyable during lectures and discussions, and he gave good exams/ papers. There is a lot of in-depth …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

This course with Professor Jason Arndt is highly recommended. His lecture is topic-focused and based on textbook content. He also provides pointers on certain concepts from the text; hence, reading and taking notes will be beneficial in preparing for lecture.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Olga Parshina4 months ago

She is an amazing professor who is passionate about the material. We did many in-class activities involving different types of studies and experiments to show how we use psychology daily. Reading the textbook is crucial as well is paying attention in lectures. All quizzes, homework, and exams are open notes but you have to do the reading and pay attention in class. In class discussions were interesting and relevant to the lecture topics.

She is an amazing professor who is passionate about the material. We did many in-class activities involving different types of studies and experiments to show how we use psychology daily. Reading the textbook is crucial as well is paying attention in lectures. All quizzes, homework, and exams are open notes but you have to do the rea …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Gina Thomaslast year

I loved Gina Thomas. She was really easy to understand and I loved going to her class. She was always willing to answer any questions and just really wanted all of her students to do well. She is engaging and makes lectures worth going to. I loved her.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

There was a lot of reading for this course but it was worth it. I definitely learned and lot and enjoyed the lecture style of the class because Professor Arndt was very engaging. It was my hardest class in the fall, but I would definitely take it again.

Constant ReadingFast-PacedFair Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Olga Parshinalast year

I really enjoyed this class even though at times it could be difficult. She prepares you well for the quizzes, but make sure to be paying attention in class because quiz questions are often based off class discussions.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Robert Moellerlast year

Liked Moeller a lot and would happily take a class with him again. Wasn't sure he was necessarily psyched to be teaching intro, but that's certainly fair. He is kind, engaging, thoughtful, and intelligent! A great prof all around.

Project-HeavyFair Grading
5hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would not take again
with Matthew Kimblelast year

Professor Kimble is a great professor. Intro Psych was one of my favorite classes and I learned so much. Although his quizzes and exams can be tough, he is a fantastic professor who is passionate about psychology.

Fast-PacedFair GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

Arndt is a great teacher, and he's very passionate about psych, which makes lecture more interesting. The course content isn't difficult to understand, just a lot at once, so there's tons of memorization and vocab.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingTough Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would not take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

very very note-taking heavy, a lot of this material never shows up on the exams/gets discussed in class. not accommodating to students' needs or extenuating circumstances at all, does not allow extensions without a penalty to the grade

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
10hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

I really enjoyed this class and her teaching style. She approached the class with a lot of warmth and flexibility. Her lectures were interesting and she encouraged questions while getting through a lot of material. Exams took quite a bit of memorization but were very reasonable if you paid attention in class. A quick skim of the textbook with focus on sections included in the study guide was all that was necessary for exams. Homework was light - just a few short readings and writing assignments.

I really enjoyed this class and her teaching style. She approached the class with a lot of warmth and flexibility. Her lectures were interesting and she encouraged questions while getting through a lot of material. Exams took quite a bit of memorization but were very reasonable if you paid attention in class. A quick skim of the text …Read more

Fair GradingChill and Relaxed
2hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Kim Cronise2 years ago

This was a really great introductory course. A lot of reading is involved, but it made me feel more prepared for future classes. The professor does a great job of incorporating examples into her lectures.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

The course would have been better if we actually used class time to go over what the exams would be on. Instead, we spent so much time on experiments that had been conducted, when it came time for the actual exams you had to learn everything outside of class. Literally, everything that was on the exam. It was borderline not even worth it attending class. Arndt is a nice guy and I enjoyed his persona. I just wish he would have constructed his class in a much more effective way. Exam studying, on average, took me 6-8 hours.

The course would have been better if we actually used class time to go over what the exams would be on. Instead, we spent so much time on experiments that had been conducted, when it came time for the actual exams you had to learn everything outside of class. Literally, everything that was on the exam. It was borderline not even wort …Read more

Difficult ExamsFair Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

This course was a great introduction into psychology. It's definitely fast paced, but the information is very fun. As long as you stay on top of the reading and take notes, you should be able to get good grades.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jason Arndt2 years ago

This was my first ever psychology course and Professor Arndt was extremely accommodating for the students and effective in his teaching style. Even in the larger lecture environment he was able to create a pretty cohesive feeling classroom.

Constant ReadingFair GradingDifficult Exams
7hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Gina Thomas2 years ago

Prof. Thomas is the best. She makes the content super interesting, but you have to spend time doing the readings to be successful on exams. I think I had the best PSYC 105 experience with Prof. Thomas compared to my friends who had other professors.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Kim Cronise2 years ago

Kim Cronise assigns a lot of readings and her lectures do not go in depth. The exams are very difficult and even if the readings are done, the exam won’t encompass them. The lectures are slow paced, she has a nice soothing voice.

Slow-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
4hrs / week Extremely difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

Intro to Psychology was a very interesting class. I found the material very enjoyable and Professor Parker made it even better. It is obvious she is passionate about psychology. She always added jokes to her lectures which I found pretty funny.

Constant ReadingFair GradingChill and Relaxed
4hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Kim Cronise2 years ago

I took this class because it is required for the major, but I feel like we could have definitely made the class better. Her voice is very small and she speaks very slowly, which makes it hard for me to concentrate in class. Also, all the things we talk about in class are just repetitions of the textbook so I feel like I taught myself the entire course by reading the textbook.

Chill and RelaxedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
4hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Olga Parshinalast year

I really enjoyed Professor Parshina. The class wasn't the most interesting, but I think that's because it was really broad, which makes sense for an intro course. Everything is open note, open internet which is nice, but also some questions are quite difficult. She offers extra credit which is really nice. I would definitely recommend this professor.

Fair GradingEasy Exams
4hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would take again
with Jason Arndtlast year

This is a content-heavy course with lots of reading. While I enjoyed what I was learning, there was just so much to keep track of. Prof Arndt is very enthusiastic and makes a point of getting to know his students, I just didn't enjoy the class setup. Weekly note turn-ins were a lot, and our discussion time was used for study groups instead, which I enjoyed less. Exams covered anything we read in the textbook even if we didn't cover it in class, so it felt hard to study for the tests.

This is a content-heavy course with lots of reading. While I enjoyed what I was learning, there was just so much to keep track of. Prof Arndt is very enthusiastic and makes a point of getting to know his students, I just didn't enjoy the class setup. Weekly note turn-ins were a lot, and our discussion time was used for study groups i …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Marcia Collaer2 years ago

I put little effort towards this class due to a really tough semester but Collaer helped me navigate an incomplete and, by all means, had reason not to. Very consistent with Intro class reputations but maybe slightly better beacuse Collaer is deceptively funny and a well-versed lecturer/qualified professor. I would be interested in taken an upper level course with her as any misgivings I had were indicative of Intro Psych and not her.

I put little effort towards this class due to a really tough semester but Collaer helped me navigate an incomplete and, by all means, had reason not to. Very consistent with Intro class reputations but maybe slightly better beacuse Collaer is deceptively funny and a well-versed lecturer/qualified professor. I would be interested in t …Read more

Fair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Olga Parshinalast year

Prof Olga is very accommodating and supportive. she genuinely cares about his students and their success. Exams are tough and there's a big emphasis on material from his lecture slides. Discussion debates and presentations can also be challenging if you're new to those assessment formats.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Clarissa Parker2 years ago

Be prepared for her pop quizzes when they come and definitely make sure that you are preparing for your exams enough time in advance. Review the stuff she gives you to review and prepare for the discussions and you will be fine.

Constant ReadingFair GradingDifficult Exams
10hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
with Matthew Kimble2 years ago

Pretty straight forward for a psych intro class. A lot of memorization and reading but that is expected. I’d take it again and you get some good information. As long as you follow along, exams are not bad.

Slow-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again