PSYC02253 months ago

Prof MacMullin is very straightforwards. There are no surprises with her exams and she outlines all of her expectations for your work. Before each class there is a reading, podcast, video, or some other work that she wants you to engage with and talk about in class. They are not difficult and are often interesting. There is a textbook but her lecture slides are so clear (and what the exams are based off of) so there is little need to read it. Be sure to review for exams but they are very fair. The class is lecture heavy.

Prof MacMullin is very straightforwards. There are no surprises with her exams and she outlines all of her expectations for your work. Before each class there is a reading, podcast, video, or some other work that she wants you to engage with and talk about in class. They are not difficult and are often interesting. There is a textboo …Read more

Fair Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
PSYC02253 months ago

Child Development was an enriching experience characterized by engaging lectures and a supportive learning environment fostered by the exceptional teaching of Professor MacMullin. Through captivating discussions and insightful exploration of developmental theories, the course provided a profound understanding of the intricacies of childhood growth and behavior. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the class, from the fascinating content to the nurturing guidance of Professor MacMullin, leaving me with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of child development.

Child Development was an enriching experience characterized by engaging lectures and a supportive learning environment fostered by the exceptional teaching of Professor MacMullin. Through captivating discussions and insightful exploration of developmental theories, the course provided a profound understanding of the intricacies of ch …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
1hrs / week Very low difficulty Above average value Would take again
PSYC02015 months ago

This was truly one of the worst classes I have ever taken in my life. Do bless Prof. MacMullin but girl needs to not be .... doing this. I felt I could learn more by skipping class and reading the textbook as she would just confuse the simplest subjects. Save yourself a headache!

Fast-PacedEasy ExamsFair Grading
0hrs / week Very low difficulty Very low value Would not take again
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