Calculus II
Calculus II A continuation of MATH 0121, may be elected by first-year students who have had an introduction to analytic geometry and calculus in secondary school. Topics include a brief review of natural logarithm and exponential functions, calculus of the elementary transcendental functions, techniques of integration, improper integrals, applications of integrals including problems of finding volumes, infinite series and Taylor's theorem, polar coordinates, ordinary differential equations.
I took this class as a freshman just looking for the next level of math after calc 1. I forgot a lot from calc 1 coming into this as I took it junior year during covid (online) but there’s a couple week review that helped me remember a lot. Every week you’ll have an online assignment with 15-20 problems usually from the week but we only had to get 85% correct to get all points for it. There is also a feedback assignment which is like 5 questions but much more difficult and usually with multiple parts. Big benefit with Professor Crodelle (probably others too?) is you can redo Feedback assignments and quizzes within the week to try improving your grade. But it’s definitely medium/fast paced, you gotta keep up, ask questions if you don’t know something, it’s not a class you can suffer in silence on bc it’ll get a lot worse if you do. I’ve enjoyed the class overall just as it’s something to think about, but there are definitely times you might regret signing up for it bc nothing makes sense. Anyway, in summary it’s a tough course but if you’re up for it, it’s good, I liked professor Crodelle although I believe our class had mixed opinions, and if you understood calc 1 decently enough you can survive this class. Oh one other thing is you’re theoretically supposed to do readings every day in the textbook but I think I only did the first 2 or 3 because that would add so much homework time and she goes over the main points in class. just take good notes.
I took this class as a freshman just looking for the next level of math after calc 1. I forgot a lot from calc 1 coming into this as I took it junior year during covid (online) but there’s a couple week review that helped me remember a lot. Every week you’ll have an online assignment with 15-20 problems usually from the week but we o …Read more
Calculus II with Professor Olinick was a very challenging endeavor. The homework is graded pretty lightly, and it is manageable. However, the content in the exams is very difficult, and I often found myself staying in the exam room for extended periods of time. Professor Olinick was a relatively fair grader, apart from a couple of occasions. Be ready to study a lot in preparation for this course.
Calculus II with Professor Olinick was a very challenging endeavor. The homework is graded pretty lightly, and it is manageable. However, the content in the exams is very difficult, and I often found myself staying in the exam room for extended periods of time. Professor Olinick was a relatively fair grader, apart from a couple of oc …Read more
Olinick is a great professor, I was worried at first by reading the reviews on here, but he is very kind and fair. The course is graded solely on 4 exams and 2 small projects. The projects are not hard at all and the exams were not bad either. However, I feel that if you don't want to cram for exams, you should definitely do the homework as it will take away from the anxiety of feeling unprepared. I also think lectures were pretty helpful as he went through many examples of questions that appear on homework and exams.
Olinick is a great professor, I was worried at first by reading the reviews on here, but he is very kind and fair. The course is graded solely on 4 exams and 2 small projects. The projects are not hard at all and the exams were not bad either. However, I feel that if you don't want to cram for exams, you should definitely do the home …Read more
This class was a fever dream. Attendance is not taken, and homework is not a component of the final grade, so I did not spend any time doing a single homework assignment. Because of this, the class was no work at all for about three weeks until the day before an exam when I would decide to review. The tests were very straightforward. They were also untimed, so I would always take my sweet time to complete them without feeling any pressure. I made an appearance in the class maybe once every two weeks, and from the ones I went to, lectures seemed informative, but sometimes there did not seem to really be an order to them. Also, one time I went, and there was a random man teaching instead of Olinick, so you never know what is waiting for you in his classroom. Olinick was also very nice, accommodating, and passionate about the material.
This class was a fever dream. Attendance is not taken, and homework is not a component of the final grade, so I did not spend any time doing a single homework assignment. Because of this, the class was no work at all for about three weeks until the day before an exam when I would decide to review. The tests were very straightforward. …Read more
Olinick was a great professor! I really enjoyed his lectures. His explanations made the material easier to understand. He is also very helpful and patient during office hours, demonstrating that he has our best interests at heart. Exams are very straightforward if you pay close attention to the textbook and redo homework problems before each exam. Professor Olinick never tries to trick or surprise us on exams. Every question is one we've seen before in class/in the textbook. There also is not a lot of homework if you plan accordingly, so you can have more time to read through the textbook.
Olinick was a great professor! I really enjoyed his lectures. His explanations made the material easier to understand. He is also very helpful and patient during office hours, demonstrating that he has our best interests at heart. Exams are very straightforward if you pay close attention to the textbook and redo homework problems bef …Read more
The course had a lot of work particularly with home work (3 problem sets a week) and Schumer went through class at a fast pace. Definitely expect to spend a lot of time working on homework. The material builds on itself so getting stuck behind will make the class super difficult if not impossible. That said the testing is very fair with there being plenty of time on the tests and all of the problems being covered in class or on homework. The homework problems are harder than what is tested so if you can get through the homework you will do fine on the tests. Finale Grade (A).
The course had a lot of work particularly with home work (3 problem sets a week) and Schumer went through class at a fast pace. Definitely expect to spend a lot of time working on homework. The material builds on itself so getting stuck behind will make the class super difficult if not impossible. That said the testing is very fair w …Read more
Olinick is definitely a kind person and I really enjor his classes as well as his teaching style. He has sample exams that looks really similar to the actual exams, so if you paid effort and time on the prepraration, you well be good. He is also really cute and fun when teaching, providing jokes.
I really liked this class. I had already taken calc 2 in high school which made it a lot easier. I can see how someone just going into the course without any prior knowledge of calculus 2 would struggle. It was pretty fast paced and had homework essentially every night.
Calculus II was one of my hardest classes as the material is very hard. It did not help that although the teacher was very nice, he was very picky and often way too uptight about the way he wanted homework’s laid out etc. when it comes to the material though, he explained all the concepts very well and on the math side of things I enjoyed the class.
Lot of homework but helpful for the quizzes and prepare you well for the exams. He's rly excited about math and is sweet, but make sure that you really pay attention in class and for the homework b/c if u don't get something it seems very easy to fall behind in.
Although the class is fast-paced, I thought Professor Schumer did a great job of explaining every concept. Attendence is very important, especially because homework’s are submitted in person. Schumer is a reasonable grader, and gives a generous amount of partial credit.
Calc II is naturally a very challenging course. You cover a vast amount of material in a very short time. The problem sets were very challenging and definitely harder than those we did in class. The exams and quizzes were pretty challenging under the time constraints. Pete was a very enthusiastic and engaging professor. He is a stickler, though, and is very specific on how he wants things done. Overall, he was a great guy and definitely one of the better math profs I've taken a course with.
Calc II is naturally a very challenging course. You cover a vast amount of material in a very short time. The problem sets were very challenging and definitely harder than those we did in class. The exams and quizzes were pretty challenging under the time constraints. Pete was a very enthusiastic and engaging professor. He is a stick …Read more
Professor Kubacki was very helpful in explaining new concepts in this class. This class is very fast-paced, and if you want to do well on the exams: do the homework, and redo it again and again. There is a lot of homework, but it's the best and most effective way to learn. The exams are also very similar to the problems in the homework, so you should have no trouble with them if you consistently work on the problem sets every week.
Professor Kubacki was very helpful in explaining new concepts in this class. This class is very fast-paced, and if you want to do well on the exams: do the homework, and redo it again and again. There is a lot of homework, but it's the best and most effective way to learn. The exams are also very similar to the problems in the homewo …Read more
I liked learning calc two with professor Olinick. His teaching style focuses on really understanding why mathematical methods and formulae exist, rather than only focusing on practicing how to solve problems. So in class, he will go over proofs and derivations, which you then practice in the (all optional) homeworks. Doing the homeworks will ensure success on calc two exams with Olinick.
I liked learning calc two with professor Olinick. His teaching style focuses on really understanding why mathematical methods and formulae exist, rather than only focusing on practicing how to solve problems. So in class, he will go over proofs and derivations, which you then practice in the (all optional) homeworks. Doing the homewo …Read more
This course if very fast. There is an hour long lecture then you go home and do around 20 relevant homework problems. 4 times a week. Plus a quiz once a week. Pete goes fast and doesnt give much room for student collaboration or participation in class, but he is good at going back and explaining even the most basic stuff when people forget
Olinick is literally 100 years old, however he knows his stuff extremely well. Sometimes spends too much time on the easy stuff while breezing through the more difficult topics. In order to be successful, completing the optional homework and going to office hours if you need help is important. In addition, there are 3 exams, a final, 2 projects, and optional extra credit problems.
This class is fast-paced and difficult but Professor Schumer is always happy to help. He is very nice and understanding. I recommend using CTLR and tutors as well as office hours to master material. There is a lot of work - 3 homeworks a week plus weekly quizzes and 3 exams.
I took Calculus II with Professor Mike Olinick, and it was definitely a challenging course. There was a lot of homework, and the assignments required a solid understanding of the material. The tests were also pretty tough, pushing you to really know your stuff. If you’re looking for a course that’s rigorous and keeps you on your toes, this is a solid choice, but be prepared to put in the work!
I took Calculus II with Professor Mike Olinick, and it was definitely a challenging course. There was a lot of homework, and the assignments required a solid understanding of the material. The tests were also pretty tough, pushing you to really know your stuff. If you’re looking for a course that’s rigorous and keeps you on your toes …Read more
The Calc I to Calc II jump is going to be tough no matter what. Olinick's class has no required homework, which makes it difficult to stay motivated to do the work. But at the same time, doing the homework is the best way to do well in the class. Olinick is a great man with a good sense of humor, but I found that he would explain concepts in a roundabout way that didn't make the most sense to me.
The Calc I to Calc II jump is going to be tough no matter what. Olinick's class has no required homework, which makes it difficult to stay motivated to do the work. But at the same time, doing the homework is the best way to do well in the class. Olinick is a great man with a good sense of humor, but I found that he would explain con …Read more
While the teacher is passionate about what he is teaching, the material is presented shallowly, making it hard to understand the content. Be prepared for a very fast-paced class that covers a unit a class. lots of quizzes that feel like they do not reflect the difficulty of the homework.
I took this course mostly for fun because I had not taken a math class since calc 1 in high school and I wanted to challenge myself. I really enjoyed the class and thought Professor Schumer was great. The class also serves as a prerequisite for higher-level math and physics courses. The course can be pretty fast-paced, but the workload is manageable.
The course content is pretty difficult, and it requires a lot of hard work to get an A. Office hours are extremely helpful, and TA hours were necessary to complete the homework. Professor Crodelle is great. She genuinely cared about her students and is passionate about teaching math. She was very caring and helpful to me when I was going through some personal things. In short: calc 2 is hard, but Prof Crodelle is a great professor for it!
The course content is pretty difficult, and it requires a lot of hard work to get an A. Office hours are extremely helpful, and TA hours were necessary to complete the homework. Professor Crodelle is great. She genuinely cared about her students and is passionate about teaching math. She was very caring and helpful to me when I was g …Read more
I really liked Prof Crodelle! The key to this class is going to her office hours. Calculus is really about memorizing methods for solving problems. The class definitely requires outside of class work, but if you have to take calc 2 take it with Crodelle. The homework sets were hard but prepared you well for the exams. I would say the exams were way easier than the homework sets and you are allowed a "cheat sheet" of notes.
I really liked Prof Crodelle! The key to this class is going to her office hours. Calculus is really about memorizing methods for solving problems. The class definitely requires outside of class work, but if you have to take calc 2 take it with Crodelle. The homework sets were hard but prepared you well for the exams. I would say the …Read more
This was a very difficult class, the professor went through the content very quickly and made it very hard to tackle the problems on the homework and tests. The content of the lectures was okay but the explanations on how to solve the problems were lacking immensely.
Olinick is a super nice person and he knows a lot about Calculus! He is very funny and sometimes makes jokes when he is teaching! He is also very kind and willing to help and re-explain concepts during office hours which are offered almost everyday at a variety of different times. His lectures can be a little boring at times but they are easy to follow and cover what is on the homework. He also has hints to the homework assignments on his website which are super helpful and he hands out the answer key in class the next day. His website also has sample exams which look pretty similar to the actual exams and are helpful when studying.
Olinick is a super nice person and he knows a lot about Calculus! He is very funny and sometimes makes jokes when he is teaching! He is also very kind and willing to help and re-explain concepts during office hours which are offered almost everyday at a variety of different times. His lectures can be a little boring at times but they …Read more
I took this course as it is required by the graduate schools I will be applying to. I enjoy math a lot, but I would not be disappointed if this were the last math course I ever have to take, as it was incredibly mentally and emotionally draining, even if I did learn a lot. I definitely enjoyed the projects the professor assigned - they were all incredibly well thought out and enjoyable to complete, either with a group or as an individual. The final project was focused on fractals, which was a fun divergence from the regular material of the course (mostly on integrals and derivatives.) That said, I would not encourage a friend (or even my worst enemy) to take this course for fun, especially if they value their gpa. If you're a math major you can take all this with a grain of salt, as I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg for the math department.
I took this course as it is required by the graduate schools I will be applying to. I enjoy math a lot, but I would not be disappointed if this were the last math course I ever have to take, as it was incredibly mentally and emotionally draining, even if I did learn a lot. I definitely enjoyed the projects the professor assigned - th …Read more
Prof Crodelle was extremely enthusiastic about the material. Her lectures were very organized and structured. There was a lot of homework but it was manageable and the exams were very fair and related to the material seen in class. I really enjoyed the points-based system since it made exams seem less intimidating and allowed me to focus on actually learning the material.
I think I would have been able to better succeed in this course under a different professor. Though Professor Olinick did his best to be helpful, there was generally a large jump over the setup of problems and an emphasis on the solving. This led to me being great at the latter, but completely lost on nearly everything conceptual. Grading also felt a little arbitrary at both on exams and overall. Homework was assigned, but had no affect on the overall grade while roughly 90% came strictly from the exams.
I think I would have been able to better succeed in this course under a different professor. Though Professor Olinick did his best to be helpful, there was generally a large jump over the setup of problems and an emphasis on the solving. This led to me being great at the latter, but completely lost on nearly everything conceptual. …Read more
Such a hard class and he is so all over the place it makes my head spin. very nice guy and very interested in the topic but he is so fast and goes on so many tangents and I get so confused and there's quizzes every week
This course is fast-paced but manageable. The only way to succeed is to do the homework problems, which is due three times a week for accuracy. Prof. Schumer is a harsh grader, and although he gives partial credit, it is very minimal.
Professor Crodelle lead a very structured and helpful lecture. All material was well organized and made clear through canvas. While there was a lot of homework, it was manageable and could get done ahead of time. There were lots of opportunities to gain points back and mastery of the material was prioritized over getting everything exactly perfect. The points-based system made exams seem less intimidating and allowed me to focus on actually learning the material
Professor Crodelle lead a very structured and helpful lecture. All material was well organized and made clear through canvas. While there was a lot of homework, it was manageable and could get done ahead of time. There were lots of opportunities to gain points back and mastery of the material was prioritized over getting everything e …Read more
Took my first semester freshman year. It started off really rough because I had forgotten most of Calc 1. Mostly just works through problems and answers questions when asked but rarely does any explicit teach of processes and methods.
Professor Olinick has a great knowledge for the course and the material. However, for me at least, his teaching style was very ineffective. We also did not use canvas so I never knew my grade for the course the whole semester until it was posted. Overall ok class, I only took it because I had to. I came into the class excited to learn about math and left glad I never have to do it again.
Professor Olinick has a great knowledge for the course and the material. However, for me at least, his teaching style was very ineffective. We also did not use canvas so I never knew my grade for the course the whole semester until it was posted. Overall ok class, I only took it because I had to. I came into the class excited to lear …Read more
Edit: By the end of the semester, it seemed as Bleher made a real effort to change his style of lecturing. He is a quirky, kind guy who cares about his students, I just don't think he was prepared to teach calc II. Original review: If you can, don't take this class with Professer Bleher. Class time consists of confusing, difficult to read lecture slides jam packed with formulas to memorize, only for Bleher to swiftly start solving problems on the board without much room for students to try first. There is no effort to conceptually understand any of the material, it is just a case of "memorize this, memorize that". The class is quiet and not very collaborative, and overall just seems a bit disorganized. I'm learning more from Youtube than this class, which is a shame. Unfortunately I have class that conflicts with his office hours, but one-on-one he is a fantastic explainer. I just don't think he's the best at constructing a class with 25+ students in it.
Edit: By the end of the semester, it seemed as Bleher made a real effort to change his style of lecturing. He is a quirky, kind guy who cares about his students, I just don't think he was prepared to teach calc II. Original review: If you can, don't take this class with Professer Bleher. Class time consists of confusing, difficult to …Read more
Pete is very kind and enthusiastic. There is homework due basically every class and is graded on accuracy, not just completion but the lowest 3 grades are dropped and it's overall pretty doable. There is also a quiz every week but they are not bad either.
I suffered in every language possible. I cried, I bled, I vomited. In this course, I learned how to hate myself. After I tried to finish every problem, I would pull strands of my hair out. highly recommend this class.
This course requires a lot of dedication to succeed. There are two weekly homework assignments, one of which is an online set of questions through Edfinity and the other is a handwritten-and-scanned assignment. The latter can be resubmitted for full points, so it's not too stressful, but both combined can be time-consuming. There are also weekly quizzes that can be retaken. Jen is very kind and super passionate about teaching--the lectures are very conceptual, so going to office hours is likely necessary for full comprehension. Calculus is inherently hard, but Jen is probably the most diligent professor you could ask for.
This course requires a lot of dedication to succeed. There are two weekly homework assignments, one of which is an online set of questions through Edfinity and the other is a handwritten-and-scanned assignment. The latter can be resubmitted for full points, so it's not too stressful, but both combined can be time-consuming. There are …Read more
This course was hard for me. He went over homework in the of beginning class. Then we would do practice problems. We would have homework due every class (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). We also had quizzes every Thursday. We had two midterms and a final.
The class was slightly challenging at times, but the grading was fair, and there were extra credit opportunities. The professor was also really helpful during office hours and helped me understand concepts I didn't grasp during class.
This course is pretty hard. Took it not coming from a strong math background and it takes a lot of work. It is important stuff, but in class we mainly went over theory instead of examples. I recommend if you want to go into math, but if you're just looking for a math class to fulfill a requirement, this one is not it. It will take a lot of work outside of class. Fast-paced as well.
This course is pretty hard. Took it not coming from a strong math background and it takes a lot of work. It is important stuff, but in class we mainly went over theory instead of examples. I recommend if you want to go into math, but if you're just looking for a math class to fulfill a requirement, this one is not it. It will take a …Read more
This class was pretty good. Prof. Crodelle's homework and grading methods are really nice. We had two assignments a week that could usually be done within three hours. Most weeks I had to get help from a tutor on one or two questions but they were easy to find and Crodelle had usually given them the answers.
Professer Bleher is an intelligent person who has a deep excitement for Mathematics, but is not necessarily good at teaching to everyone's needs. You must go to his office hours to get the most out of this course, and while his insights are clearly rooted in excitement about math, they are often unclear and difficult to handle. Many of the students in the 8:30 section were confused initially by his 'style' which perpetuated a course that you could only be successful in by teaching yourself the content before hand. Had we followed the proposed schedule, this would have been easier to do, but because of lectures turning into unclear explanations from Bleher to his students more than teaching new content it was very difficult. His lack of teaching skill made this course hard to adjust to and prepare for. The content is easy enough, and his teaching doesn't add much. I personally disagree with his exam grading, which took significantly more points off for missed steps (even assuming correct final answers, 10 or more steps, etc) than any other professor I've worked under. This left the median final grade fairly low for how difficult the course work is.
Professer Bleher is an intelligent person who has a deep excitement for Mathematics, but is not necessarily good at teaching to everyone's needs. You must go to his office hours to get the most out of this course, and while his insights are clearly rooted in excitement about math, they are often unclear and difficult to handle. Many …Read more
Professor Bleher is definitely not for everyone. His teaching is often confusing and disorganised. With the way that calculus builds on itself, many units being taught out of order was anything but helpful. Lectures mostly consist of slides being shown with formulas to take notes on and memorize, and then practice problems which everyone has no idea how to begin and simply waits until he starts solving them himself. Exams are pretty hard. He will give a practice exam the day before which helps somewhat, but never enough because a huge portion of the test will end up being a topic we looked at for half of a lecture while parts that we spent days on are not covered. The homeworks are probably the most helpful part of the course, because I will always be faced with problems that I have minimal idea on how to solve. Thus I have to figure out how to do them myself and will actually learn the topics. All that being said, he clearly loves maths, and is willing to explore many other ways to solve a problem apart from what he had prepared for class. He is also far better one on one, and is actually a very nice guy.
Professor Bleher is definitely not for everyone. His teaching is often confusing and disorganised. With the way that calculus builds on itself, many units being taught out of order was anything but helpful. Lectures mostly consist of slides being shown with formulas to take notes on and memorize, and then practice problems which ever …Read more
Olinick assigned homework 3 times a week and each one would take 2-3 hours. Nothing too hard and TAs were very helpful. 6 hours of homework and maybe 10 hours total if midterm week. But Olinick said that homeworks were optional and so literally no one did them. So if you didn't do the homeworks it's 0 hours a week. There's also no reason to do the homework because his grading structure is entirely midterms, final, and a few projects. The midterms are impossible, no curves and class average was maybe a 75. Clutch a B with Olinick and call it an A+ with anyone else.
Olinick assigned homework 3 times a week and each one would take 2-3 hours. Nothing too hard and TAs were very helpful. 6 hours of homework and maybe 10 hours total if midterm week. But Olinick said that homeworks were optional and so literally no one did them. So if you didn't do the homeworks it's 0 hours a week. There's also no re …Read more
Calc II is an extremely difficult course with a pretty intense workload. Professor Crodelle is an excellent teacher who makes the material go from impossible to understand to pretty much able to understand. She is a very fair grader and gives partial credit, which is necessary because problems are pretty difficult. Overall, Prof. Crodelle is very passionate about math and makes the course easier to handle. I wouldn't take this course again because it required a lot of work and took time away from some of my other classes, but I would love the professor and it would be a great course for someone more interested in math.
Calc II is an extremely difficult course with a pretty intense workload. Professor Crodelle is an excellent teacher who makes the material go from impossible to understand to pretty much able to understand. She is a very fair grader and gives partial credit, which is necessary because problems are pretty difficult. Overall, Prof. Cro …Read more
Want to preface by saying that I am not a math major. Crodelle was very effective in teaching the course. Expect weekly quizzes and problem sets. Quizzes can be retaken for full credit and problem set corrections can be done for full credit. Course is heavily weighted on psets and participation. Exams are challenging and definitely need to prepare for them thoroughly but are manageable if you've done the outside work to get ready for them.
Want to preface by saying that I am not a math major. Crodelle was very effective in teaching the course. Expect weekly quizzes and problem sets. Quizzes can be retaken for full credit and problem set corrections can be done for full credit. Course is heavily weighted on psets and participation. Exams are challenging and definitely n …Read more
Professor Schumer is extremely lively and is constantly making jokes during class. The pace of the class is fast as you learn a different section of a unit each day. There are quizzes every Thursday but they are not that bad. Good amount of homework 3 days a week
Dr. Seigfried Bleher is a great teacher. Some may not like him, simply because he teaches harder level courses. However, he makes sure too accommodate for students needs during class periods. You have to make sure to stay on top of the work and follow in class or else you'll sink and fail.
Take this class with Siegfried Bleher only if you already have some calculus background because he will assume you do. The second midterm was so hard that he had to curve it the following day. His teaching methods aren't clear so be prepared to learn most of things by yourself.
This course was difficult, but Professor Crodelle made it bearable. She brought enthusiasm to each class and made each concept interesting. I would advise that if you are taking this course to take advantage of office hours because I found it to be most helpful!
Calc II is a challenging class regardless of who the professor is; that being said, I wonder if it would have been easier with someone else. Dr. Bleher is friendly and accommodating. The class is homework-heavy, and despite the fast pace, we still ended up behind the syllabus. We also removed the weekly quizzes to accommodate the course content. If you are taking this class, be prepared to seek external help, as that ended up being the most efficient learning tactic for me.
Calc II is a challenging class regardless of who the professor is; that being said, I wonder if it would have been easier with someone else. Dr. Bleher is friendly and accommodating. The class is homework-heavy, and despite the fast pace, we still ended up behind the syllabus. We also removed the weekly quizzes to accommodate the cou …Read more
Prof Bleher is not as terrible as every other reviews say. He is not great, but part of the reason why students feel left behind is due to the fast pace of the course. He does assign alot of hw every week but I feel like they were helpful for me to prepare for my test.
The material taught in this course if very valuable. There were 2 sets of problem sets due per week and 3 exams. The homework isn't hard. My professor also had recorded that class so that students could go back and watch the lesson. I think this helped a lot.
You can tell he loves what he does, however, he does unnecessarily hard problems in class that are often something we do not need to know for homework or exams. Similarly, the practice problems are very different from those on the homework. If you seek out one-on-one help, he is helpful.
I don't think this course was necessarily terrible, but it's not set up to help you succeed. With Olinick, the worst part of the course is that the homework does not impact your grade, which meant I didn't do it, making the exams incredibly difficult. Olinick allows note sheets for his later exams, so if you don't know what's going on, I'd pack it full of as many examples as you can because the exams are very similar to his practice exams and other problems.
I don't think this course was necessarily terrible, but it's not set up to help you succeed. With Olinick, the worst part of the course is that the homework does not impact your grade, which meant I didn't do it, making the exams incredibly difficult. Olinick allows note sheets for his later exams, so if you don't know what's going o …Read more
This course was very hard. As someone who did well in BC calc in high school this class was extremely hard. the average for the class was about a 70 and nothing was graded on a scale. Also, throughout the semester you do not know at all were your grade stands other than the few grades you get back.
Prof Crodelle was extremely enthuastic and presented the material in a way that made sense to me. While there was a lot of course work, I felt that the workload forced me to understand the material. Favorite math class at Midd thus far! Would highly recommend taking a class with Prof Crodelle!
JC is a great professor. She is very enthusiastic about math in and outside of her classes. I found going to her office hours really helpful. I found the homework to be very time consuming and long but they are not too bad. I would recommend to take calc 2 with her!
I did not like Olinick. His grading policy is completely based on 4 difficult exams over the course of the semester. We have homework due every class but it doesn't count towards your final grade. He just says "if you do it all i might raise your grade at the end." It is very hard to get an A in this class.
Professor Jen is willing to provide help at any time, even when her office hours have not started. You must complete the readings before class to understand what you are learning, and this can be difficult because of other assignments for this class on top of it.
Quizlet plus is a must for this class as the homework occasionally goes beyond what is covered in class. Pete is an enthusiastic teacher and gives clear examples in class. It's relatively tough for an intro calc class but I'd say you learn a lot.
Bleher is an amazing guy. He is really passionate, funny, and understanding. His teaching style isnt for everyone (i dont even know if its for me) but its worth a little extra effort to get to spend time with that awesome dude. just reach out to him and he will acomodate.
Personally, this course was very tough. This has been my only extremely stressful course at Middlebury and it is definitely due to the difficulty in the grading scheme. There is zero room for error to make any mistakes on any assignment if you want an A or even an A-.
A hard class, but I did not try hard enough. The test were really hard and the homework was a lot but not too much. Missing a class was horrible you would just be extremely far behind. But Bleher was great!
It was pretty bad.. We had so much homework, even when we had a midterm approaching (like the day before), and lecture was a waste of time. I find that I could have taught myself the content better than bleher (which is what I ended up doing). The first half of the semester is review from calc 1, so I was able to breeze through relatively easily, but he cant teach.. dont take a class with him.
It was pretty bad.. We had so much homework, even when we had a midterm approaching (like the day before), and lecture was a waste of time. I find that I could have taught myself the content better than bleher (which is what I ended up doing). The first half of the semester is review from calc 1, so I was able to breeze through relat …Read more
Love prof crodelle. i took this class as a math major and she is amazing and treats students with honest care. she is always willing to help and spend time with you to make sure you understand the material.
This is a hard class and requires lots of time and attention to do well. Jen is a great, positive and fun professor but the material is definitely difficult. She gives two large homework assignments per week which can be brutal;
Professor Crodelle is great, her teaching style makes learning the material easy. Calc is hard, that's just how it is, nothing can make it completely easy. However, prof Crodelle is just about the best you can get for calc.
If you can, do not take this class with Professor Bleher. He is a super nice man and means very well, but his teaching style is not conducive to learning the material in this class. While the material covered in this class is not extremely complicated, the disorganization within each class creates a tremendous amount of confusion.
Jen is great- her grading is easy to understand and designed to make you learn from your mistakes. Exams are not insane but difficult enough, but not weighted super highly. The course material can be challenging, but \grading is extremely fair.
Run while you can. Olinick is a nice old man, but he is not an effective educator. For most of the class, he is just lecturing to himself. He does not involve us, aside from the very occasional question posed to the class. There is NO group work at all during class. You very likely won't even learn the names of your peers. Which is very unfortunate because solving problems together is very useful for everyone. There is daily homework, but it doesn't count towards your grade. 90% of your grade is based on exams, with 10% on group projects. But, if you are tempted to not do your homework -- you aren't going to pass this class. And homework is such a drag. It has to be done on pen and paper, and cannot be submitted online. You have to read Olinick's textbook to do it -- which I strongly dislike. Stewart Calculus is a far better textbook. His exams are untimed (except for the final), and you can bring a cheat sheet. But, he is a tough grader. Do the study sheet beforehand, because the tests are very similar. Don't take this class unless you have to.
Run while you can. Olinick is a nice old man, but he is not an effective educator. For most of the class, he is just lecturing to himself. He does not involve us, aside from the very occasional question posed to the class. There is NO group work at all during class. You very likely won't even learn the names of your peers. Which is v …Read more
I don't know if I'm just bad at math, but this was the hardest class I've ever taken. The homework was impossible (took hours and was graded for completion), and there was a problem set due every class. I took it for the DED credit, and I enjoyed calc I in highschool, but this was a different level. If you don't need to, don't take this class.
This is a tough class, mike is a little bit tricky to understandd. lectures are not always clear and concise. explanations in class might be tricky, the class moves fast and homework is intense so you might have to frequent office hours.
Professor Olinick is a straight shooter. No funny business. He gets into course material as soon as class starts, no greetings or anything. I think this is because he is a self-proclaimed "night-owl" and it is a crime that Middlebury has this man teaching Calculus II at 8 A.M. in the morning. As for the course itself, Professor Olinick divides the grading into four exams + a cumulative project grade (we had two this semester). The first exam you take raw, while the last three you are allowed to have a page (front-side and back) of notes. He gives a sample exam a few days before the actual exam. I would recommend paying lots of attention to the sample exam, since they come very close to mimicking the actual one. If you really wanted to, you could write the process of solving the sample exam on the page of notes, since they follow a similar process for the exam. The tests are also untimed, which is surprisingly a plus. As for the style of teaching, he sometimes gets into tangents about unimportant things that have little relevance to what is actually being studied, so sometimes it gets difficult to filter what you should be writing down or not. He relies a lot on class participation, and unfortunately since this course starts at 8:40, many of us are too tired to participate and there is this air of dead silence when he asks a question --- which he always says something like "my granddaughter in middle school has already learned this." Professor Olinick is a good dude and deserves better, so please participate. The homeworks are "optional" and due at the end of class. Its a few questions from the textbook and honestly they're pretty difficult, so do as you please (I would recommend still doing all of them just because he can boost your grade at the end of the semester). In conclusion, I don't think anyone really can enjoy Calc II so he does his best at making this class serviceable. Again, he's a good, wholesome guy and I would recommend studying the most for the sequence and series exam.
Professor Olinick is a straight shooter. No funny business. He gets into course material as soon as class starts, no greetings or anything. I think this is because he is a self-proclaimed "night-owl" and it is a crime that Middlebury has this man teaching Calculus II at 8 A.M. in the morning. As for the course itself, Professor Olini …Read more
Very friendly and enthusiastic professor. He explains everything clearly and with effective examples. However the lack of resources, canvas, practice, and review options for the class really threw me off.
Crodelle is super sweet. The class is just on a difficult topic and you need to be able to put in the time and effort to learn the material. She has a nice grading and point distribution system that makes grading pretty fair.
Professor Bleher has a teaching style that is definitely not conductive to all students' learning. I didn't like how he would consistently target specific students (ones that were obviously struggling more) by cold calling them and forcing them to answer when it was clear they didn't know how to. That being said, you can tell he really loves math and is very passionate about the subject. He also tried his best to accommodate students in my class when they expressed specific confusion on a concept- or an issue with grading. He's a good guy, but I think many students experience frustration from his way of teaching.
Professor Bleher has a teaching style that is definitely not conductive to all students' learning. I didn't like how he would consistently target specific students (ones that were obviously struggling more) by cold calling them and forcing them to answer when it was clear they didn't know how to. That being said, you can tell he real …Read more
Schumer's teaching style is effective, making complex concepts accessible. His fair grading system and reasonable exams create a supportive learning environment, ensuring students grasp the material thoroughly. Highly recommended for a solid understanding of calculus.
The exams were especially difficult and although Siegfried Bleher is passionate about what he's teaching, it was difficult to keep up with the fast-pace of the class and the concepts. There were a lot of graded homework assignments which at times felt to be taking a long time. I do think I learned a lot however it was a very challenging class and very time committing.
I took this class because I am thinking about being a math major so it was required. I have been relatively good at math in the past so the course was not the hardest but the instructors teaching style was not great. It was understandable that many people did not do well as we did not receive much help from him. With a different professor this class shouldn't be too hard if you give enough effort.
I took this class because I am thinking about being a math major so it was required. I have been relatively good at math in the past so the course was not the hardest but the instructors teaching style was not great. It was understandable that many people did not do well as we did not receive much help from him. With a different prof …Read more
I took this class as a part of the Math major/minor. I had already taken Calc2 in high school and wanted a bit of a refresher to learn the material again. I found the class had more work than I was hoping as well as a lot of class time. It is a helpful class however.
To be fair, I am not good at math so it's no wonder this class was really hard for me. I took Calc 1 in high school during covid, and simply didn't know enough to do Calc 2 here. If you are good at math i'm sure it would be fine!
The course material was fast paced and slightly unorganized. But exams were very fair and homework problems were very helpful in understanding the key concepts. Most exams we were allowed to bring a sheet of paper on test day with information on it.
The class was very fast-paced. The grades were based on weekly assignments, 3 exams and a few projects. If you're not intending to be a math major, I would advice to take this class only of you have a strong calculus foundation.