MATH01222 months ago

Run while you can. Olinick is a nice old man, but he is not an effective educator. For most of the class, he is just lecturing to himself. He does not involve us, aside from the very occasional question posed to the class. There is NO group work at all during class. You very likely won't even learn the names of your peers. Which is very unfortunate because solving problems together is very useful for everyone. There is daily homework, but it doesn't count towards your grade. 90% of your grade is based on exams, with 10% on group projects. But, if you are tempted to not do your homework -- you aren't going to pass this class. And homework is such a drag. It has to be done on pen and paper, and cannot be submitted online. You have to read Olinick's textbook to do it -- which I strongly dislike. Stewart Calculus is a far better textbook. His exams are untimed (except for the final), and you can bring a cheat sheet. But, he is a tough grader. Do the study sheet beforehand, because the tests are very similar. Don't take this class unless you have to.

Run while you can. Olinick is a nice old man, but he is not an effective educator. For most of the class, he is just lecturing to himself. He does not involve us, aside from the very occasional question posed to the class. There is NO group work at all during class. You very likely won't even learn the names of your peers. Which is v …Read more

Tough GradingDifficult Exams
7hrs / week Impossible difficulty Very low value Would not take again
MATH01222 months ago

This is a tough class, mike is a little bit tricky to understandd. lectures are not always clear and concise. explanations in class might be tricky, the class moves fast and homework is intense so you might have to frequent office hours.

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkDifficult Exams
8hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would not take again
MATH01222 months ago

Olinick is a great professor, I was worried at first by reading the reviews on here, but he is very kind and fair. The course is graded solely on 4 exams and 2 small projects. The projects are not hard at all and the exams were not bad either. However, I feel that if you don't want to cram for exams, you should definitely do the homework as it will take away from the anxiety of feeling unprepared. I also think lectures were pretty helpful as he went through many examples of questions that appear on homework and exams.

Olinick is a great professor, I was worried at first by reading the reviews on here, but he is very kind and fair. The course is graded solely on 4 exams and 2 small projects. The projects are not hard at all and the exams were not bad either. However, I feel that if you don't want to cram for exams, you should definitely do the home …Read more

Chill and RelaxedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
7hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
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