Pete Schumer
I really liked this class. I had already taken calc 2 in high school which made it a lot easier. I can see how someone just going into the course without any prior knowledge of calculus 2 would struggle. It was pretty fast paced and had homework essentially every night.
Calculus II was one of my hardest classes as the material is very hard. It did not help that although the teacher was very nice, he was very picky and often way too uptight about the way he wanted homework’s laid out etc. when it comes to the material though, he explained all the concepts very well and on the math side of things I enjoyed the class.
Calc II is naturally a very challenging course. You cover a vast amount of material in a very short time. The problem sets were very challenging and definitely harder than those we did in class. The exams and quizzes were pretty challenging under the time constraints. Pete was a very enthusiastic and engaging professor. He is a stickler, though, and is very specific on how he wants things done. Overall, he was a great guy and definitely one of the better math profs I've taken a course with.
Calc II is naturally a very challenging course. You cover a vast amount of material in a very short time. The problem sets were very challenging and definitely harder than those we did in class. The exams and quizzes were pretty challenging under the time constraints. Pete was a very enthusiastic and engaging professor. He is a stick …Read more