65 reviews
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Professor winder focused on invasive mussel data for this course. It's interesting to see the code but she goes very fast, which might be hard if you are new to coding. However there is no homework except for the final project midway into j term, which is manageable
My instructor was Professor Winder. This is the first course I took on data science. The instructor is extremely nice and would always answer whatever questions you have at office hours. The classes were very helpful too. It give you a great introduction to R holistically. I would definitely recommend it to anyone considering STAT but have not taken any course in it yet.
I took AP stats in high school and assumed that would more than prepare me for the advanced intro. stats course. I was wrong. This course is fast paced and harshly graded. While all of class is dedicated to lecturing on new material, you will be going to basically every office hours and spending hours outside of class studying if you want to keep up. Expect a B. Good luck!