Becky Tang
This was a great intro to R. While exams were difficult, there were never any surprises. I also enjoyed that we had a chance to perform our own experiment that included analyzing the stats from data we collected.
I took AP stats in high school and assumed that would more than prepare me for the advanced intro. stats course. I was wrong. This course is fast paced and harshly graded. While all of class is dedicated to lecturing on new material, you will be going to basically every office hours and spending hours outside of class studying if you want to keep up. Expect a B. Good luck!
This class was alot of work. Sometimes the concepts were hard to follow in class and I found myself going to most office hours which were always busy and TA hours. Prof Tang is super nice and the material was super interesting but it really was ALOT of work, but i honestly did enjoy it regardless as its a lot of super interesting material. If you took AP stats that is a bit helpful in the beginning of the semester. If you put the work into the class, you will do fine, but just be ready to put alot of work in!
This class was alot of work. Sometimes the concepts were hard to follow in class and I found myself going to most office hours which were always busy and TA hours. Prof Tang is super nice and the material was super interesting but it really was ALOT of work, but i honestly did enjoy it regardless as its a lot of super interesting mat …Read more