MUSC0160 with Jeff Buettner4 days ago

Jeff is an incredibly kind human who loves music and getting people excited about music. But the way he taught this course was just not all that great. He didn’t really lecture on the important material, and instead just encouraged us to learn the material ourselves from the textbook. We had a weekly canvas quiz that was where i learned the majority of the course material. All of the quizzes you could retake until you got a 100, so it was a super easy class. But it didn’t exactly encourage us to retain the material.

Jeff is an incredibly kind human who loves music and getting people excited about music. But the way he taught this course was just not all that great. He didn’t really lecture on the important material, and instead just encouraged us to learn the material ourselves from the textbook. We had a weekly canvas quiz that was where i l …Read more

Slow-PacedEasy Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
MUSC0245 with Matthew Taylor2 months ago

Matthew Taylor is very enthusiastic about his material however it wasn't the best course. The course was very slow sometimes and being a musician, there weren't many other musicians in the course just people who wanted to get the easy credit. This made it hard at times to get anything done and people just messed around all class. One homework assignment due a week which you could basically submit anything.

Matthew Taylor is very enthusiastic about his material however it wasn't the best course. The course was very slow sometimes and being a musician, there weren't many other musicians in the course just people who wanted to get the easy credit. This made it hard at times to get anything done and people just messed around all class. One …Read more

Slow-PacedUngradingNo Exams
0hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Extremely low value Would not take again
MUSC0210 with Matthew Quayle2 months ago

I really loved this class. The small class size was perfect, as it really gave everyone time to hear thorough feedback on their pieces. Every piece we wrote in this class was very fun, particularly our string quartets. Getting to see a real string quartet play them was an amazing experience. Professor Quayle is a wonderful composer, pianist, professor, and person. He is as knowledgeable as he is kind — extremely. Having already taken Composition I from Professor Quayle in the fall, I so enjoyed seeing myself progress as a composer. This class was one of the highlights of my year.

I really loved this class. The small class size was perfect, as it really gave everyone time to hear thorough feedback on their pieces. Every piece we wrote in this class was very fun, particularly our string quartets. Getting to see a real string quartet play them was an amazing experience. Professor Quayle is a wonderful composer, …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
2hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
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