MUSC02094 months ago

Su is very passionate about music and pushing students to move out of their comfort zones. If you take this class, be prepared to write some pieces that are really weird! This class definitely broadened the horizons of what I thought music could be, and I think going into very experimental techniques taught me a lot about how to make more traditional styles of music exciting. As long as you participate in class and take risks with your compositions, you'll be fine in this class.

Su is very passionate about music and pushing students to move out of their comfort zones. If you take this class, be prepared to write some pieces that are really weird! This class definitely broadened the horizons of what I thought music could be, and I think going into very experimental techniques taught me a lot about how to make …Read more

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
3hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
MUSC02105 months ago

Su is really passionate about music, and if you are engaged, she can really push you into exploring new and creative ways of making music. While course content may not seem applicable at first, the discussions you carry out of the course are very valuable for broadening perspectives and experimenting as an artist.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
MUSC016011 months ago

Su Tan is a great lecturer and she is very passionate about what she teaches. She can go on tangents and she sometimes isn't very clear on what her expectations are for course work, but her assignments are very doable, and the final was take home which was very nice. Also, a part of your grade consists of going to three concerts that Midd offers and writing a reflection about your experience in them, which is a very nice way to listen to live music during your semester.

Su Tan is a great lecturer and she is very passionate about what she teaches. She can go on tangents and she sometimes isn't very clear on what her expectations are for course work, but her assignments are very doable, and the final was take home which was very nice. Also, a part of your grade consists of going to three concerts that …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
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