MUSC01014 months ago

Class was fine, honestly just felt like a waste of time a lot. Work was pretty optional as all readings were covered in class. It was very western-centric, but the musical selections were interesting sometimes.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
1hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Very low value Would not take again
MUSC01014 months ago

I took this class for the distribution requirement, and even though I received a good grade, I did not enjoy the format or content of the class very much. I enjoyed the concert report assignment, but I felt there was an unnecessarily long word count for most of the homework assignments.

Fair GradingEasy ExamsEndless Writing
3hrs / week Some difficulty Low value Would not take again
MUSC03334 months ago

A very interesting course with intriguing reading material, but very discussion focused almost to the point where it can feel like you're lacking context or the adequate knowledge to steer discussions in the right direction. There are a few reading quizzes throughout the semester which are short but need to be thorough, and there is also a final paper, two discussion leads and one major presentation.

A very interesting course with intriguing reading material, but very discussion focused almost to the point where it can feel like you're lacking context or the adequate knowledge to steer discussions in the right direction. There are a few reading quizzes throughout the semester which are short but need to be thorough, and there is …Read more

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
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