JAPN0101 with Otilia Milutin23 days ago

Especially with taking languages at Middlebury College, it is not surprising if it feels as if the course is fast-paced or difficult. Prof. Milutin is a great professor who tries her best to teach many difficult Japanese concepts with the time that she is given. She tries her best to answer questions that students have and is always willing to help if you are struggling. It is very clear that she cares about her students and the environment of her classroom. She is an amazing professor and tries her best to facilitate the learning process of taking a language.

Especially with taking languages at Middlebury College, it is not surprising if it feels as if the course is fast-paced or difficult. Prof. Milutin is a great professor who tries her best to teach many difficult Japanese concepts with the time that she is given. She tries her best to answer questions that students have and is always …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingFast-Paced
7hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
JAPN0101 with Otilia Milutin23 days ago

This course starts a little slow with learning the primary alphabets of the Japanese language, but picks up very quickly. Even though this is a review of 101, keep in mind that if you intend to stick with japanese as your language, 102 is significantly more difficult than 101. However both classes are very rewarding and will help you advance in the langauge.

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
8hrs / week Very difficulty Very high value Would take again
JAPN0101 with Otilia Milutinlast month

I actually enjoyed taking this class, it was extremely hard especially as a first semester class, but it was also highly rewarding. Milutin sensei does an amazing job in ensure that you are understanding the material. She is extremely understanding and if she sees you struggling, she will reach out for help and provide you with resources.

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
30hrs / week Extremely difficulty Very high value Would take again
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