HARC0204 with Cynthia Packert27 days ago

This course was straightforward and manageable as long as you kept up with the readings and prepared for the exams. The professor provided a clear outline of what to expect on the exams, and they closely matched the actual tests. Overall, it was a relaxed and enjoyable class.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
HARC0216 with Daniel Houghton29 days ago

I really enjoyed this class. Although I don’t have intentions of becoming an architecture major I found this class really useful. I feel as though this is the closest we have to a shop class and I was able to do a lot of hands- on work.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyEasy Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
HARC0247 with Sarah Rogers29 days ago

Loved this class! Rogers was so engaging with the material and an excellent professor and the workload was never overwhelming. There were only a few papers and they weren't too difficult. The content for the exams was always from the class content and were pretty straight forward. I really recommend for anyone wanting more knowledge on this era. I know feel much more confident in museums and have a better appreciation for the paintings and artists that we talked about.

Loved this class! Rogers was so engaging with the material and an excellent professor and the workload was never overwhelming. There were only a few papers and they weren't too difficult. The content for the exams was always from the class content and were pretty straight forward. I really recommend for anyone wanting more knowledge …Read more

Fair Grading
3hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
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