Beginning Arabic III
Beginning Arabic III This course is a continuation of ARBC 0102.
Ustadh Sam is extremely passionate about teaching Arabic and sharing Arabic music (especially Yemeni music and culture) with us. He really encourages us to use dialects in skits and speaking exercises to give us insights to how Arabic native speakers actually use their language. Ustadh Sam is also very meticulous and straightforward in explaining the grammar. However, since he usually allocates relatively more time in speaking and listening exercises, I suggest you constantly self-review and reinforce the grammar rules on the textbook.
Ustadh Sam is extremely passionate about teaching Arabic and sharing Arabic music (especially Yemeni music and culture) with us. He really encourages us to use dialects in skits and speaking exercises to give us insights to how Arabic native speakers actually use their language. Ustadh Sam is also very meticulous and straightforward …Read more
I really enjoy learning from Sam. He is actually writing my recommendation for language schools this year. While people often say he's harsh and a bit cold in class, I feel like this style really forces you to learn. He is also super helpful outside of class. very active on email
Ustaadh Sam is great! He is always down to have a conversation about the homework and/or material. Sometimes, I wish we spent less time on dialectical differences; but otherwise, his teaching was really effective!
Professor Soltan is the best instructor in the Arabic department and is very precise and detailed in explaining grammatical concepts. I sometimes did not get the chance to solidify my knowledge of each unit's vocabulary, as he does not focus too much on them during class (and it makes it more difficult when doing short text readings), but I learned how to apply many sentence structures and conjugate well.
Professor Soltan is the best instructor in the Arabic department and is very precise and detailed in explaining grammatical concepts. I sometimes did not get the chance to solidify my knowledge of each unit's vocabulary, as he does not focus too much on them during class (and it makes it more difficult when doing short text readings) …Read more
Ustaadha Dima is very good at engaging students into learning Arabic. Classes are intense and a lot of material can be covered in one day. She is a great teacher and I learned a lot of valuable things in her class. She is sometimes a tough grader but will always make the class environment fun for everyone.
The Arabic Department here is absolutely fantastic. They explain the language very well. In fact, as a native English speaker, I’ve found it easier to learn Arabic than I’ve found learning Spanish. Take Beginning Arabic, it’s easy and fun!
Usama is probably the most effective instructor in the Arabic department. He is funny and engaging. He is very good at explaining grammar concepts. A lot of homework because it is an intro-level course.