with Michael Sheridan8 months ago

This is my favorite class I have ever taken. Professor Sheridan is excited for class everyday and keeps his enthusiasm throughout the class. The material itself is extremely interesting, so it does not feel like work. He is definitely a hard grader, but the class itself if not difficult. Definitely take this course with Sheridan!

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingTough Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Michael Sheridan8 months ago

Prof. Sheridan includes a lot of his own research in this course, which makes the lectures engaging. It’s clear that he’s passionate about these subjects and teaching about them. The grading is a little tough and there are a lot of readings and a good amount of writing, but it’s pretty easy to keep up. I would definitely recommend, the topic is really interesting and all around a great prof.

Prof. Sheridan includes a lot of his own research in this course, which makes the lectures engaging. It’s clear that he’s passionate about these subjects and teaching about them. The grading is a little tough and there are a lot of readings and a good amount of writing, but it’s pretty easy to keep up. I would definitely recommend, t …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingTough Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Michael Sheridan2 months ago

I had a great time in this class. It felt almost like a freshman-year seminar because it was so easy. Although there were a lot of readings that you can get away with not doing during lectures till the discussion sections because you'll need them there. As long as you don't put it off, the homework is easy. Mike is very kind and willing to give you a small extension. It's a good class overall, albeit the reading and movies do become a little boring at times.

I had a great time in this class. It felt almost like a freshman-year seminar because it was so easy. Although there were a lot of readings that you can get away with not doing during lectures till the discussion sections because you'll need them there. As long as you don't put it off, the homework is easy. Mike is very kind and wil …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingNo Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would take again
with Michael Sheridan8 months ago

Prof. Sheridan is so enthusiastic about the topics and always has good stories about his own research and fieldwork, for an intro level class it really gets you interested in anthropology. The workload is pretty light, about 2 readings + a film to watch every week and a fieldwork assignment about every other week which is about as much work as an essay. He is accommodating and cares about students. The class is genuinely engaging and so worth taking.

Prof. Sheridan is so enthusiastic about the topics and always has good stories about his own research and fieldwork, for an intro level class it really gets you interested in anthropology. The workload is pretty light, about 2 readings + a film to watch every week and a fieldwork assignment about every other week which is about as mu …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
with Ellen Oxfeld8 months ago

Professor Oxfeld is very passionate about what she teaches, but you may find her teaching dry at some point. This course requires constant readings since you have to read around 5 books or so and need to do comparative essays about them. Her grading is quite easy if your essays captured the essence of the readings well. Essay prompts are really open to interpretations.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
10hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with David Stoll11 months ago

Professor Stoll was awesome. He clearly has had a fascinating career as a professional anthropologist and he does a great job transferring his vast wealth of knowledge over to his students. Some of the material can be very dry at times and extremely interesting at others. Lots of videos to watch and reading all the time.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Michael Sheridan9 months ago

This course was very interesting content wise and the instructor was very passionate and used a lot of real life examples form his own fieldwork. That being said each week entailed a large amount of reading and the discussions weren't helpful in clearing up my questions about content.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Michael Sheridan5 months ago

Fascinating class and Mike is a great instructor. His stories are captivating and he is so relaxed. He can be a difficult grader at times so I recommend discussing your fieldwork ideas with him outside of class. Otherwise I 100% recommend this class.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
2hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with David Stoll3 months ago

Professor Stoll's instruction style is not for everyone. It's not very engaging, but he's quite enthusiastic. The readings are quite long. Quizzes every other week, but if you do the readings and go to class they're not bad.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingDifficult Exams
4hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with David Stolllast year

This class felt like a bit of a slog. Expect to read a book + watch a movie per week, with no course materials newer than 2005. Speaking of things that haven't been updated since the naughts, lectures are done with a whiteboard and marker in lieu of slides. Quizzes and tests ask pretty hyperspecific questions from lectures, but if you're savvy while studying, you can predict what he's going to ask pretty easily. All in all, not the most difficult class but definitely time intensive, and the idiosyncracies in lectures, readings, and tests kind of cloud how cool the material is.

This class felt like a bit of a slog. Expect to read a book + watch a movie per week, with no course materials newer than 2005. Speaking of things that haven't been updated since the naughts, lectures are done with a whiteboard and marker in lieu of slides. Quizzes and tests ask pretty hyperspecific questions from lectures, but if yo …Read more

Constant ReadingEasy GradingDifficult Exams
6hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would not take again
with Michael Sheridan9 months ago

Michael Sheridan is a great professor and very dedicated to his work, but he is a really hard grader, expect a lot of Bs on your papers. There is also a lot of reading assignments needed to be done and the papers take forever to do

Chill and RelaxedTough GradingConstant Reading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Ellen Oxfeld2 years ago

If you have a more relaxed schedule you will be fine with this class, but I already had a heavy workload and this class topped it off. It is a LOT of reading I was almost never able to complete it all when also working with my other classes. To give an example we recently read somewhere upwards of 300 pages this past week plus watched an hour and a half film and had a discussion post (every Thursday night before discussion friday). So again if you’re really into anthro or have the time to spare then go for it but it’s not gonna be a easy class unless you can commit to the time necessary. Also I’m not really sure how to estimate the hours I spend per week so that could be way off it really depends on your reading speed too.

If you have a more relaxed schedule you will be fine with this class, but I already had a heavy workload and this class topped it off. It is a LOT of reading I was almost never able to complete it all when also working with my other classes. To give an example we recently read somewhere upwards of 300 pages this past week plus watche …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant Reading
10hrs / week Very difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Ellen Oxfeld2 years ago

Lots of reading, would be manageable with a light schedule. Expect >300 pages per week with a discussion post and sometimes movies and videos to watch. Lectures were boring and just came from a slide deck. Not very engaging and she didn't ever learn anyones name in the class.

Fast-PacedConstant Reading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Ellen Oxfeldlast year

I'm sure profs don't enjoy teaching massive intro classes filled with students just there for the distribution credit, but this class was very nonremarkable. Lectures were very dull and felt prepackaged, there were so many of us in the room and no effort was ever made to build community among the students. Exam and paper grading was difficult, requiring specific detail, even though the concepts were taught very abstractly. That's not to say there wasn't some interesting material, especially the sections on political economy and hunter-gatherer societies, but it was presented with no enthusiasm in such an uninteresting manner that it prevented me from learning too much or enjoying it.

I'm sure profs don't enjoy teaching massive intro classes filled with students just there for the distribution credit, but this class was very nonremarkable. Lectures were very dull and felt prepackaged, there were so many of us in the room and no effort was ever made to build community among the students. Exam and paper grading was …Read more

Constant ReadingTough Grading
6hrs / week Very difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Ellen Oxfeldlast year

I could never keep up with the readings and the films were overkill. There were times where I had to skip the readings entirely to feel some sort of happiness. The discussion section was dreadful, but I think this depends on the group you're a part of. I only had to write three papers for the class, but they were based on the readings so I had a hard time. Although Oxfeld could be monotone at times, her passion for anthropology always shines through. If you want to major in anthropology, I definitely think you should take the class. If not, stay away.

I could never keep up with the readings and the films were overkill. There were times where I had to skip the readings entirely to feel some sort of happiness. The discussion section was dreadful, but I think this depends on the group you're a part of. I only had to write three papers for the class, but they were based on the reading …Read more

Slow-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Extremely difficulty High value Would not take again
with David Stolllast year

Excellent and engaging lectures, though very fast-paced. Difficult to keep up with in class and readings are an absolute grind. So much on anthropological history, methodology, and really interesting ethnographies. Exams are based heavily on lectures and readings. Documentaries are interesting and grading is fair. Accommodating professor as long as you communicate. Would recommend despite the challenge.

Excellent and engaging lectures, though very fast-paced. Difficult to keep up with in class and readings are an absolute grind. So much on anthropological history, methodology, and really interesting ethnographies. Exams are based heavily on lectures and readings. Documentaries are interesting and grading is fair. Accommodating profe …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
15hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Ellen Oxfeldlast year

This class required a lot of reading. There was only a final and a midterm that were both take home essays. There was also an additional pape, besides that the class only had weekly discussion posts. The teacher was also very understanding and did not take attendance for class.

Constant ReadingFair GradingNo Exams
6hrs / week Some difficulty Low value Would not take again
with David Stolllast year

The class comprised of two lectures and a discussion. His lectures were pretty fast-paced and often people asked him to repeat words and phrases. After the first quiz, we were quick to realize that they relied heavily on his lecture and less on specific details about the readings. He'd ask for definitions and some of the things we noticed about the reading/videos assigned. Discussion would go by fast as he usually guided us well through the reading for the week. Sometimes we'd go around the class to answer one of his questions or opinions of certain topics. We had a final paper which was not bad at all. His exams not too bad if you are fine with memorizing a lot of stuff.

The class comprised of two lectures and a discussion. His lectures were pretty fast-paced and often people asked him to repeat words and phrases. After the first quiz, we were quick to realize that they relied heavily on his lecture and less on specific details about the readings. He'd ask for definitions and some of the things we no …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again
with David Stolllast year

David Stoll is a good lecturer, but the exam based nature of the class was challenging. The questions required incredibly precise answers, and you had to study a ton if you wanted to have a chance of doing well. The material was somewhat interesting, but not incredibly.

Fast-PacedTough Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again
with David Stoll2 years ago

This course was not very engaging. Tons of readings to keep up with and classes were very fast paced lectures. Exams expected you to memorize everything Stoll said in class. They weren't too hard to do well on, but required lots of boring memorization for prep.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
7hrs / week Average difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Ellen Oxfeldlast year

Definitely a course that takes up a lot of time reading. She's an interesting person and you can tell she's passionate about what she's teaching but the work load made the class sort of a turn off.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would not take again