with Summer Jack8 months ago

I took this class to gain an art credit, and I thought that the material and class were a lot of fun. The professor would spend the first half of the class lecturing and would have us do a hands-on art project relating to the material we had just learned, during the second part. Outside of class there were 5 main image-searching projects, and the final was 2 papers and a presentation to go along with each. The exams were not that difficult, but some questions were really heavily weighted, although the professor always went back and regraded questions for fairness.

I took this class to gain an art credit, and I thought that the material and class were a lot of fun. The professor would spend the first half of the class lecturing and would have us do a hands-on art project relating to the material we had just learned, during the second part. Outside of class there were 5 main image-searching proj …Read more

Chill and Relaxed
2hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Summer Jack6 months ago

This is probably the most fun class I have and will ever take at MIDD. You end up learning a lot through the lectures and then there are fun hands-on activities after. The final project is really fun although it is a decent amount of work. I would definitely recommend this course.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingProject Exams
1hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Summer Jack11 months ago

I took this course as a schedule filler. I was pleasantly surprised when I showed up and was told that all tests are take home. The only two major assignments you have are a research paper, and an applied project with another paper. Besides those two massive assignments the rest of the class is a breeze.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
with Summer Jack11 months ago

The class is very chill, we spend half the class with lectures and the latter half doing hands on crafts relating to the lecture. It gives me a break from the work heavy material from all my other classes. Throughout the semester, you get 5 "image journals" in which you provide 10 images from a specific time period and state what the statue/painting is wearing. All exams are open notes.

The class is very chill, we spend half the class with lectures and the latter half doing hands on crafts relating to the lecture. It gives me a break from the work heavy material from all my other classes. Throughout the semester, you get 5 "image journals" in which you provide 10 images from a specific time period and state what the …Read more

Project-HeavyFair GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again