Intro to Statistical Science
Introduction to Statistical Science (formerly MATH 0116) A practical introduction to statistical methods and the examination of data sets. Computer software will play a central role in analyzing a variety of real data sets from the natural and social sciences. Topics include descriptive statistics, elementary distributions for data, hypothesis tests, confidence intervals, correlation, regression, contingency tables, and analysis of variance. The course has no formal mathematics prerequisite, and is especially suited to students in the physical, social, environmental, and life sciences who seek an applied orientation to data analysis. (Credit is not given for MATH 0116 if the student has taken ECON 0111 (formerly ECON 0210) or PSYC 0201 previously or concurrently.)
Introduction to Statistical Science (formerly MATH 0116) A practical introduction to statistical methods and the examination of data sets. Computer software will play a central role in analyzing a variety of real data sets from the natural and social sciences. Topics include descriptive statistics, elementary distributions for data, hypothesis tests, confidence intervals, correlation, regression, contingency tables, and analysis of variance. The course has no formal mathematics prerequisite, and is especially suited to students in the physical, social, environmental, and life sciences who seek …Read more
For a person who never wants to have anything more to do with maths beyond high school, this course was surprisingly pleasant to take. It wasn't dead-easy but also wasn't insufferably challenging. Prof Emily is very chill and friendly, she's good at explaining stuff in simple language and is always helpful during class and office hours. Classtime is basically going over stats knowledge and starting on homework, labs are dedicated to learning R and starting some more homework. Workload isn't heavy and there are only two (OPEN-BOOK, OPEN-INTERNET!!) exams for the semester. Great experience.
For a person who never wants to have anything more to do with maths beyond high school, this course was surprisingly pleasant to take. It wasn't dead-easy but also wasn't insufferably challenging. Prof Emily is very chill and friendly, she's good at explaining stuff in simple language and is always helpful during class and office hou …Read more
Professor Malcolm White is super passionate about her class, and often brings in interesting data sets to make the class more interesting than just simply learning R. I recommend taking your first data science class with her, as she is approachable and structures the class well for first-time coders.
This class was a very thorough introduction to statistics and R. While the class is not very hard, I came away feeling like I had a good handle on all the material and I really understood it. Professor Emily is very passionate about the material which makes it easy to stay engaged.
Took this class as a substitute for Econ Stats -- it was an easy intro to stats, homework was group work, and open notes exams. Definitely an easy class. However, if you are interested in taking higher econ classes that build on the knowledge, not sure this is the right class. Malcolm White is nice, however, she is known to treat some students (usually POC) more strictly than other students.
Took this class as a substitute for Econ Stats -- it was an easy intro to stats, homework was group work, and open notes exams. Definitely an easy class. However, if you are interested in taking higher econ classes that build on the knowledge, not sure this is the right class. Malcolm White is nice, however, she is known to treat som …Read more
I thoroughly enjoyed this course with Prof. Emily! I was initially a little apprehensive about coding with R, but she was available to help every step of the way which made things a lot easier. There were two exams (open-note but can be a little tricky) and a final project where you analyze a dataset of your choice. All in all, I would recommend this class to anyone looking to develop some basic coding skills and would definitely recommend taking it with EMW if you can.
I thoroughly enjoyed this course with Prof. Emily! I was initially a little apprehensive about coding with R, but she was available to help every step of the way which made things a lot easier. There were two exams (open-note but can be a little tricky) and a final project where you analyze a dataset of your choice. All in all, I wou …Read more
This class was an easy introduction to statistics. It was not very fast paced and the lectures were easy to follow. Lots of the homework was simple and the exams were open note. Definitely recommend it.
EMW is awesome. I think more professors should teach like her. There are two exams but they're both very chill. Homework is group-based and straightforward. The labs are probably the most challenging part of the class but she's available every step of the way.
Emily Malcolm-White is a phenomenal teacher who is very enthusiastic about the course material and accommodates a student's needs. The class consisted of lectures and going through notes that she provided and using latter part of the class to work through the assigned homework in groups. The exams contained similar material as the homework so their questions were not shocking or something out of a student's ability to answer. If you attend all classes and keep up in the work you will do fine.
Emily Malcolm-White is a phenomenal teacher who is very enthusiastic about the course material and accommodates a student's needs. The class consisted of lectures and going through notes that she provided and using latter part of the class to work through the assigned homework in groups. The exams contained similar material as the ho …Read more
Taking Intro to Stats with Emily Malcolm-White has been an awesome experience. EMW is very effective in her way of lecturing and is very good at correcting any misunderstandings. You have a chance to get the homework and labs done in class so you don't have to think that much about the class outside of class. As long as you did all the homework and notes for the lessons then the exams are pretty easy as well. I'd definitely recommend taking a class with EMW to anyone, she is amazing.
Taking Intro to Stats with Emily Malcolm-White has been an awesome experience. EMW is very effective in her way of lecturing and is very good at correcting any misunderstandings. You have a chance to get the homework and labs done in class so you don't have to think that much about the class outside of class. As long as you did all t …Read more
EMW is a great professor and really helps her students understand the material. Her office hours are very helpful and her class is paced very nicely. Having need to taken this as a pre-med requirement, I feel as if I have learned lots of useful information. This class was great!