The Physics of Motion
The Physics of Motion This calculus-based course examines fundamental topics in motion and mechanics, including inertia, force, Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, linear momentum, collisions, gravitation, rotational motion, torque, and angular momentum, emphasizing applications in physics, engineering, the life sciences, and everyday life. Laboratory explorations of topics covered in lecture will build students’ physical intuition and problem-solving skills. Students who have taken a high-school course in physics should consider enrolling in PHYS 0109.
Prof. Goodsell is a really wonderful woman to take a class with, but sometimes I got a little lost in the weeds with her lectures. I'm not really the physics type, so I would imagine you won't have that much difficulty with the class if you do, but I found myself having some trouble, especially with pretty comprehensive exams (however, you are given some notes, so it's not totally miserable).
Prof. Goodsell is a really wonderful woman to take a class with, but sometimes I got a little lost in the weeds with her lectures. I'm not really the physics type, so I would imagine you won't have that much difficulty with the class if you do, but I found myself having some trouble, especially with pretty comprehensive exams (howeve …Read more
I had taken physics in high school but it was my freshman year, so much of this was a review but still very valuable. However I would definitely say that it was a fun class and intro level to physics. The lab was pretty simple too so overall its pretty chill.
This course was difficult for me. Goodsell taught us the theory in lecture, seldom with examples of how to apply it. This meant that homework and exams were extremely difficult. On top of that, they required very specific styles of presenting work, and I was heavily dinged often. Professor Goodsell is extremely kind, accommodating, and brilliant, it was just difficult to learn the physics of motion from her.
This course was difficult for me. Goodsell taught us the theory in lecture, seldom with examples of how to apply it. This meant that homework and exams were extremely difficult. On top of that, they required very specific styles of presenting work, and I was heavily dinged often. Professor Goodsell is extremely kind, accommodating, a …Read more
I have taken physics before, so it is very easy for me, nothing new to learn, even there is, pretty easy to understand. BUT..... there is one thing I have to mention that kind of disappoint me. 60% of my energy and time was spent on taking care of specific ways of resenting the the answers and writing in very specific forms required. Never experienced such high requirement for simply presenting existing ideas and answers in detailed rules. Such details are NOT helpful for my understanding and knowledge about physics at all. basically 70% of my scores being taken away are because I did not present things is desired ways (not even common practices like correct units or decimals). In summary, I felt I spent most of my time on something not helpful. But professor Goodsell is definitely a very nice and helpful instructor, always give great care for students' need and progress.
I have taken physics before, so it is very easy for me, nothing new to learn, even there is, pretty easy to understand. BUT..... there is one thing I have to mention that kind of disappoint me. 60% of my energy and time was spent on taking care of specific ways of resenting the the answers and writing in very specific forms required. …Read more
The thing I appreciated the most about this course was that even though the material could be tricky, everything was super fair. Professor Watson let us know from day one what she expected of students, and what students could expect from her. Problem sets, labs, etc were always in a predictable format, and I appreciated knowing exactly how my final grade would be derived. There was also a good spread of how each element of our work would affect the final grade, so there was an impact on my grade that came solely from putting in the effort. Overall, a very good experience in this course.
The thing I appreciated the most about this course was that even though the material could be tricky, everything was super fair. Professor Watson let us know from day one what she expected of students, and what students could expect from her. Problem sets, labs, etc were always in a predictable format, and I appreciated knowing exa …Read more
Hess is the man. This class is hard but he's super accommodating and clearly cares about his students. His exams can be difficult (the average on one of them was a 50) but he curves generously. He even changed my grade after grades were due after he realized there was a grading error which he could have easily not gone through the bother of fixing.
Professor Watson was a good professor but led a very difficult class. The homework assignments were unnecessarily hard and require so much work to receive little credit. Professor Watson was very enthusiastic about teaching physics which I appreciated. The class for me was more to get the work done than actually learn.
Took the class to try some stem class and got thouroghly cooked. Despite that i felt like the course overall was a good in the sense that you learn a lot and the instructor is very accomodating and nice.
The course was really good for learning about the physics of motion, and overall the professor is a really great teacher but I believe to be successful in this course you need to be prepared to put in a lot of work.
This class was a really good introduction to physics. A lot of time is spent on each topic and it's reinforced in textbook, homework, videos, and lecture so if you don't get it the first time you will eventually. Labs are very well thought out and take almost the whole time or less on average.
In order to succeed in this course, you defiantly need to keep up with the homework, go to the lectures, do the readings and watch the recorded videos. Practicing these physics problems is definitely important as well. The exams, thankfully, are graded on a curve which is nice. Professor Hess was also very enthusiastic about teaching physics and very helpful whenever I went to his office hours!
In order to succeed in this course, you defiantly need to keep up with the homework, go to the lectures, do the readings and watch the recorded videos. Practicing these physics problems is definitely important as well. The exams, thankfully, are graded on a curve which is nice. Professor Hess was also very enthusiastic about teaching …Read more
This class was a really good introduction to physics. A lot of time is spent on each topic and it's reinforced in textbooks, homework, videos, and lecture so if you don't get it the first time you will eventually. Labs are very well thought out and take almost the whole time or less on average.
This class was my introduction to physics and I felt overworked for most of the semester. The professor tried to explain the concepts to us but sometimes would not effectively explain it, and we had two problem sets each week that required significant effort. The exams were graded fairly and scaled. Overall I liked Professor Watson but she wasn't always the best at explaining concepts to students who have never taken physics before and I felt that the workload was excessive for an introductory course.
This class was my introduction to physics and I felt overworked for most of the semester. The professor tried to explain the concepts to us but sometimes would not effectively explain it, and we had two problem sets each week that required significant effort. The exams were graded fairly and scaled. Overall I liked Professor Watson b …Read more
This is definitely a hard course but it's doable if you put the work in. There is a lot of homework- two problem sets a week and the exams are hard but he usually gives a nice curve. Professor Hess is an awesome guy and super accommodating.