336 reviews
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This course was very interesting and the information was valuable. I gained a lot from discussions. We rarely had homework except for reading assignments. Readings were interesting and did not take very long, however they were very informative. Professor was enthusiastic, intelligent, and accommodating.
This class is terrible, I am a history major and this is the hardest overall class I have taken at Middlebury, and in the History department. Prof Tropp is a really tough grader and told me that "A's in his classes are very ambitious." I think he enjoys being the guy who teaches classes you struggle in...he is a nice guy, but a rough professor. Would not take a class with him again.
This class is terrible, I am a history major and this is the hardest overall class I have taken at Middlebury, and in the History department. Prof Tropp is a really tough grader and told me that "A's in his classes are very ambitious." I think he enjoys being the guy who teaches classes you struggle in...he is a nice guy, but a rough …Read more
Absolutely one of the best if not the best course at Middlebury for me. Very helpful for developing writing skills by editing my classmate's works and getting feedback from professors on my writing and my classmates' writing. The professor is very passionate, and engaging, and creates a strong environment of respect for all. I would recommend this class even if you are not a history major; you will develop great writing skills, learn a lot, get classroom experience, and get an A if you do the work! There is no real pro to this class outside of it being a 3-hour discussion, but it was about as good as a 3-hour discussion can be.
Absolutely one of the best if not the best course at Middlebury for me. Very helpful for developing writing skills by editing my classmate's works and getting feedback from professors on my writing and my classmates' writing. The professor is very passionate, and engaging, and creates a strong environment of respect for all. I would …Read more