HIST034710 days ago

Professor Tropp is clearly very educated and dedicated to the study of South Africa. Class is almost always just discussion on the assigned readings, and it whether you've done them or not will show as the material can be dense at times. However he's quite chill, and while some people believe he is a difficult grader, I thought he was quite fair, and generous at times.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
2hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
HIST0347last month

I just took the class because I needed a fourth class and it helped with distribution requirements. There was a lot of reading, sometimes a couple hundred pages just between the Monday and Wednesday class. I did find the content to be really enjoyable and loved the format of the class. My only major issue is that he was harsh on grading despite not really providing any feedback on how I could do better during the course despite me asking. I even had several classmates ask me if I was a History major because they were impressed with what I had to say so I’m just surprised he was so harsh when it came to grading. While it was incredibly enjoyable, I wouldn’t say it was worth all the time it took just to get a subpar grade.

I just took the class because I needed a fourth class and it helped with distribution requirements. There was a lot of reading, sometimes a couple hundred pages just between the Monday and Wednesday class. I did find the content to be really enjoyable and loved the format of the class. My only major issue is that he was harsh on grad …Read more

Constant ReadingTough Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would not take again
HIST03473 months ago

This course isn't that bad if you attend classes, participate in discussions, and do the readings assigned. But it is a lot of reading and you tend to find yourself not really needing to read everything assigned. There isn't much room to mess up so every grade matters, and there is a ton of writing that goes along with it. Professor Tropp does grade a little tough but when you make the effort to meet with him you will most likely find yourself doing better in his class.

This course isn't that bad if you attend classes, participate in discussions, and do the readings assigned. But it is a lot of reading and you tend to find yourself not really needing to read everything assigned. There isn't much room to mess up so every grade matters, and there is a ton of writing that goes along with it. Professor …Read more

Tough GradingEndless WritingNo Exams
10hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again
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