Gender Sexuality & Feminist Studies
80 reviews
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This course was very interesting and did a good job of explaining the complexities of gender, sx, and sexuality. The readings were definitely the hardest part, but the professor was very helpful in explaining the readings during the class and stimulating class discussion to aid our understanding. The large assignments were essays, which were not difficult as the goal was more to show what we know than to bring new, unique ideas to light.
This course was very interesting and did a good job of explaining the complexities of gender, sx, and sexuality. The readings were definitely the hardest part, but the professor was very helpful in explaining the readings during the class and stimulating class discussion to aid our understanding. The large assignments were essays, wh …Read more
This class focused on interesting material and required little work outside of class. Not a lot of reading or writing was required, just 2-3 very short essays and a group project for the final. Professor Hardy was pretty disorganized, though, and kept changing the course as we were going.
This class was very interesting and very easy. It is definitely not a light intro into the field of gender studies, though. It tackles very divisive and active political topics. Overall, very interesting and worth taking.