with Pavlos Sfyroeras4 months ago

Greek 101 is not for those who want a relaxing winter term, but it is a great way to introduce yourself to a beautifully constructed ancient language. We had classes every day, with short quizzes every single day as well. Homework would take anywhere from 2-3 hours each night plus the 3 hours of class time. I definitely learnt a lot very quickly and I felt well prepared to continue studying Greek.

Greek 101 is not for those who want a relaxing winter term, but it is a great way to introduce yourself to a beautifully constructed ancient language. We had classes every day, with short quizzes every single day as well. Homework would take anywhere from 2-3 hours each night plus the 3 hours of class time. I definitely learnt a lot …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
15hrs / week Extremely difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Pavlos Sfyroeraslast year

Quite a difficult and time-consuming course, but mostly because of how difficult Ancient Greek is. The grading is extremely generous, and both Witkin and Sfyroeras did a great job of presenting the material. Certainly not for those who want to have a relaxing J-Term.

Fast-PacedEasy Grading
8hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would take again