GREK0201 with Christopher Star3 months ago

This course is the first real reading course that follows 101 and 102. After learning about grammar and the mechanics of Greek syntax, Greek 201 is the introduction to unadapted, authentic greek. We read all of Lysias 1 and are trying to finish Crito by Plato. Professor Star is nothing short of fantastic and a genius. He is accommodating, knowledgeable, kind and wonderful at teaching and explaining. This course is not for children, you need to put in real work and really struggle with the Greek. But, as they say in the Classics, Latin marches, but Greek dances.

This course is the first real reading course that follows 101 and 102. After learning about grammar and the mechanics of Greek syntax, Greek 201 is the introduction to unadapted, authentic greek. We read all of Lysias 1 and are trying to finish Crito by Plato. Professor Star is nothing short of fantastic and a genius. He is accommoda …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
6hrs / week Very difficulty Very high value Would not take again
GREK0101 with Pavlos Sfyroeras4 months ago

Greek 101 is not for those who want a relaxing winter term, but it is a great way to introduce yourself to a beautifully constructed ancient language. We had classes every day, with short quizzes every single day as well. Homework would take anywhere from 2-3 hours each night plus the 3 hours of class time. I definitely learnt a lot very quickly and I felt well prepared to continue studying Greek.

Greek 101 is not for those who want a relaxing winter term, but it is a great way to introduce yourself to a beautifully constructed ancient language. We had classes every day, with short quizzes every single day as well. Homework would take anywhere from 2-3 hours each night plus the 3 hours of class time. I definitely learnt a lot …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
15hrs / week Extremely difficulty Very high value Would take again
GREK0101 with Pavlos Sfyroeraslast year

Quite a difficult and time-consuming course, but mostly because of how difficult Ancient Greek is. The grading is extremely generous, and both Witkin and Sfyroeras did a great job of presenting the material. Certainly not for those who want to have a relaxing J-Term.

Fast-PacedEasy Grading
8hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would take again
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