with Jessica L'Roe2 years ago

I genuinely enjoyed this class even though I have no intention in majoring in geography. This was very R- heavy. Everything from labs to lectures was circulating around R, and I don't usually enjoy coding or doing anything technical because I am very humanities-oriented. However, Jess made it very easy to understand and was more than willing to help and very empathetic towards people who were new to R. She also offers a lot of opportunities to raise your grade and help outside of class. How you will be graded: bi monthly labs (all in R, Nvivo, or one non-coding paper), weekly 4 question quizzes, and a final research project/paper. After this class, I think I want to take more classes in statistics or data science.

I genuinely enjoyed this class even though I have no intention in majoring in geography. This was very R- heavy. Everything from labs to lectures was circulating around R, and I don't usually enjoy coding or doing anything technical because I am very humanities-oriented. However, Jess made it very easy to understand and was more than …Read more

Fair GradingChill and RelaxedProject Exams
7hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would not take again