184 reviews
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Jeff Howarth is an incredible professor who deeply cares about the material he chooses to teach. Every year, Jeff updates the course materials and creates new practice problems. Personally, I loved this class, it was like solving a fun puzzle every week. If you pay attention in lectures and have coding experience this class should be pretty manageable. Super fun, super valuable!
While the course content was interesting and Prof L'Roe is super nice, I found this class to be way too lecture dependant. Any projects or discussions we did have were quite interesting and enjoyable, but oftentimes class was boring. There are ~3 assignments and one exam. This class leans more into the physical geography side of things rather than the people.
Not great. Holler assigns hours of lecture videos to watch (with a mandatory question set) each week, saying we don't have enough time to go over it in class, and then spend every lecture doing pretty much nothing of value. Labs are long, but a reasonable length for the class probably. Pointlessly harsh grading - you have to get a 95 or higher to get an A for some reason, and he will take points off for the most minor things or his own biases on the projects.
Not great. Holler assigns hours of lecture videos to watch (with a mandatory question set) each week, saying we don't have enough time to go over it in class, and then spend every lecture doing pretty much nothing of value. Labs are long, but a reasonable length for the class probably. Pointlessly harsh grading - you have to get a 95 …Read more