with Peter Nelson11 months ago

I am not interested in Geography whatsoever and only took this course to fill out my schedule, but I was very pleasantly surprised. Prof Nelson's teaching style was effective, interesting and valuable. He cares about and connects with students, is extremely accommodating, and is a charismatic lecturer. The one downside is the labs, which are pretty difficult but are graded fairly. Exams are also not as relevant to the class as they could be, but they aren't terrible. The readings are intensive, but only if you do them.

I am not interested in Geography whatsoever and only took this course to fill out my schedule, but I was very pleasantly surprised. Prof Nelson's teaching style was effective, interesting and valuable. He cares about and connects with students, is extremely accommodating, and is a charismatic lecturer. The one downside is the labs, w …Read more

Constant ReadingDifficult ExamsFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Peter Nelson11 months ago

Overall, this class was a pretty good intro to the geography department. Prof. Nelson was super engaging and truly cared about the content he taught us. There was a lot of content to cover in the lectures, however, it is structured in a way that makes it quite easy to follow. Additionally, there is a lab with this class that does generate most of the homework associated with this class. I would definitely consider taking this course if you're interested in anything tangentially related to social sciences and geography.

Overall, this class was a pretty good intro to the geography department. Prof. Nelson was super engaging and truly cared about the content he taught us. There was a lot of content to cover in the lectures, however, it is structured in a way that makes it quite easy to follow. Additionally, there is a lab with this class that does gen …Read more

Project-HeavyTough GradingChill and Relaxed
4hrs / week Average difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Peter Nelson2 years ago

Pete is one of the best profs at Middlebury, but this class in particular is eh (nothing to do with his teaching, he made it much more interesting than it would have been otherwise.) This course is great for freshmen trying to figure out what they want to do because it is a great survey course in geography but it is a LOT of busywork. If you're an upperclassmen who wants to try geog take Population, Urban, or Rural with Pete instead!

Pete is one of the best profs at Middlebury, but this class in particular is eh (nothing to do with his teaching, he made it much more interesting than it would have been otherwise.) This course is great for freshmen trying to figure out what they want to do because it is a great survey course in geography but it is a LOT of busywork …Read more

Fast-PacedProject-HeavyFair Grading
6hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Guntram Herb5 months ago

Guntram is a really really nice dude and it shows in his teaching. This class is pretty easy, and I think you will 100% get way more out of just going straight into a GIS class. That being said, he's a very enthusiastic professor and an effective teacher. You will learn things!

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
1hrs / week Very low difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Peter Nelson6 months ago

Peter Nelson is phenomenal - really smart, very passionate, so so nice and caring about his students. But Place and Society is the dumbest class if you're not a geography major, and the only people who take it are geography majors because they have to and it helps them decide what to focus their major on in the future.

Slow-PacedProject-HeavyEasy Grading
0hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Very low value Would not take again
with Peter Nelson11 months ago

This course wasn't life changing, but it covered a lot of interesting topics and got me excited about taking other courses in the geography department. Professor Nelson is a clear teacher, very knowledgable, and generally accommodating to needs/extensions. Most of the bigger assignments are the lab assignments, and most of the assigned readings were not super helpful, but the lectures were worthwhile.

This course wasn't life changing, but it covered a lot of interesting topics and got me excited about taking other courses in the geography department. Professor Nelson is a clear teacher, very knowledgable, and generally accommodating to needs/extensions. Most of the bigger assignments are the lab assignments, and most of the assign …Read more

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
with Peter Nelson12 months ago

As far as intro classes go, Place and Society with Professor Nelson was a pretty good one. He covered all the aspects of geography and spent just enough time on each one that we got a decent sense but were able to spend time on each area. The labs weren't always the most engaging, and were really more papers than lab reports.

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
2hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Peter Nelson11 months ago

Place and Society broadly overviews many geographical concepts and Professor Nelson is fantastic and interactive lecturer. There are typically reading for each class that students are seen skimming minutes prior to class and if you are willing to ask questions and share personal anecdotes participation is not a problem. It should be noted that the 4 labs comprising most of one's grade are exceedingly broad. While Prof. Nelson makes clear he wants students to go in their own directions, it makes the research and writing process far more difficult than it has to be. Overall, the class is a cool one if have extra time on your schedule, but it meets 4x a week and can be tricky if you don't ask for extensions or advice - both of which Prof. Nelson is great about.

Place and Society broadly overviews many geographical concepts and Professor Nelson is fantastic and interactive lecturer. There are typically reading for each class that students are seen skimming minutes prior to class and if you are willing to ask questions and share personal anecdotes participation is not a problem. It should be …Read more

Fast-PacedProject-HeavyFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Guntram Herb6 months ago

Guntram Herb is one of the best professors I have ever had. He puts in a great effort to make every lecture engaging, and his grading I thought was very fair. Emphasis on group work though means you should choose your group wisely

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Peter Nelson12 months ago

Great class. The lecture is not boring as the contents are really intriguing. Fair-easy grading. Take home exam. No homework! But the lab has a lot of work to do. He usually gives 2 weeks to do the lab work, so it is okay too.

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
2hrs / week Average difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Peter Nelson12 months ago

I had a great time with Professor Nelson. The class wasn't too difficult, but it was very enjoyable. He is a very fair grader and is always there to help when needed. The pace of the class is also really relaxed and it is very easy to catch up on work.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
4hrs / week Average difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Peter Nelson11 months ago

Professor Nelson is an incredibly engaging and approachable professor. Course material is broad and digestible. Not much homework, plenty of time to do the labs you are assigned. Grading is fair, but don't expect and easy A.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Peter Nelson11 months ago

Cares a lot about what he teaches, and tries to make the lectures as interesting as possible. He grades easily, and the only difficult part of the class is some of the labs. Overall it is a very relaxed class.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyEasy Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Peter Nelson12 months ago

I think Pete is a great teacher and I love his teaching style. His lecture is definitely interesting. However, I find the course material somewhat all over the place, and the lab could be really demanding.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Guntram Herb2 years ago

This was a pretty intense course and the labs meant I spent a few nights of the semester up super late working, but that was also my own doing. It’s interesting to have a class that has so many different topics because you don’t get to go as in-depth but it also doesn’t get boring. Guntram likes to teach a lot of theory and geographic vocabulary which some people find annoying but I do appreciate having the class rooted in a list of concepts. He can seem tough but is open to supporting you when you need it. I had to ask for lots of extensions, sometimes even the night before it was due, and he was very understanding. This class inspired me to declare geography in my very first semester, although I was only in the class because I wanted to do ES but couldn’t get into any classes.

This was a pretty intense course and the labs meant I spent a few nights of the semester up super late working, but that was also my own doing. It’s interesting to have a class that has so many different topics because you don’t get to go as in-depth but it also doesn’t get boring. Guntram likes to teach a lot of theory and geographi …Read more

Fast-PacedProject-HeavyFair Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Peter Nelsonlast year

This class skims the surface of a lot of material, which was great coming into the class with no knowledge of geography whatsoever, but might be a drag to people who already have some knowledge of the discipline. Pete is a fantastic lecturer and brings in lots of creative projects and labs. The readings might be difficult for humanities-minded folks, but they don't have a ton of bearing on the class. If you truly want an introduction to geography, this class is absolutely worth it.

This class skims the surface of a lot of material, which was great coming into the class with no knowledge of geography whatsoever, but might be a drag to people who already have some knowledge of the discipline. Pete is a fantastic lecturer and brings in lots of creative projects and labs. The readings might be difficult for humanit …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Peter Nelson2 years ago

Pete was a great professor for this course. The class itself is a bit boring at times as an intro class with busy work and survey topics. But Prof. Nelson brought a lot of enthusiasm and was able to connect the content in an engaging way. The labs were also interesting

Fair GradingEasy Exams
4hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Guntram Herb2 years ago

The class was overall fairly interesting. Herb does a great job of being a fair grader who makes class and labs worthwhile, but he'll also make you work for it. Try and get a good group of friends or acquaintances for the final project, it will make to final presentation easier to work on.

Fast-PacedFair GradingProject Exams
6hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would not take again
with Peter Nelson2 years ago

This course has been fun. Peter Nelson has a great teaching style. While some of the content was a little boring I think that his lecture style made it better. Labs were probably the most difficult and usually required a good amount of time to complete.

Constant ReadingFair GradingFast-Paced
6hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
with Peter Nelsonlast year

Nelson is very available and wants his students to succeed! He makes an effort to know how you are doing in your life outside of this course. The classes and topics were engaging and relevant. Would take again!

Fast-PacedProject-HeavyFair Grading
6hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
with Peter Nelson2 years ago

I like Nelson a lot, the material can be kind of boring as intro. But there are some interesting topics, especially when we delved into cultural and social influences. I liked the project where you focus on one in issue in one certain place.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would take again
with Guntram Herb2 years ago

Herb was very accommodating when I had to miss class, but he made me do extra work to make up for missed class time. I found the lectures fairly boring. Some of the labs were interesting, but some were boring too - we had to do 3 lab reports. We also had a group final project that we spent 6 weeks on. Seemed like he was a tough grader for a 100 level class.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyTough Grading
3hrs / week Average difficulty Low value Would not take again