with Nikolina Dobrevalast month

This course was one of the difficult FYSE with a paper due every week. But you will really learn and improve your writing. She also will re-grade your work if you apply her feedback which made this class worth it. You just have to make time to meet with her in office hours as she is very helpful during 1-on-1 sessions

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Average difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobreva4 months ago

To be honest, this course is probably as hard as it gets for a first year seminar. We had a paper due basically every week which was definitely challenging. BUT it does an excellent job at preparing you for your future classes. Professor Dobreva provides thorough and incredibly useful feedback. She also will re-grade your work if you apply her feedback which made this class so much better. I have noticed a substantial jump in my writing ability sense beginning this course.

To be honest, this course is probably as hard as it gets for a first year seminar. We had a paper due basically every week which was definitely challenging. BUT it does an excellent job at preparing you for your future classes. Professor Dobreva provides thorough and incredibly useful feedback. She also will re-grade your work if you …Read more

Endless WritingFair GradingNo Exams
4hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobreva4 months ago

I took this class as my FYSE, and it was really fun as the course explores my interest in futuristic tech through reading books, short stories, and articles, as well as watching movies. If you enjoy discussions, this class is for you as we have group discussions almost daily.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Nikolina Dobrevalast year

This class wasn't too hard, given it's an FYS. It was a nice class to take as one of my first, as I thought it was pretty chill. The readings were a bit much as a first-year, but it did make me become used to it. That, along with having to watch movies or episodes sometimes was a bit time-consuming but nothing crazy. Professor Dobreva is fair with grading, particularly essays. Our final project was to think of a way to create a sustainable community project, do research on it, and then present it.

This class wasn't too hard, given it's an FYS. It was a nice class to take as one of my first, as I thought it was pretty chill. The readings were a bit much as a first-year, but it did make me become used to it. That, along with having to watch movies or episodes sometimes was a bit time-consuming but nothing crazy. Professor Dobrev …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingProject Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobreva4 months ago

There is a paper almost at the end of every week and sometimes the reading gets super long! The group discussions were quite insightful. If you are interested in learning about utopias and dystopias this will be a good class for you

Chill and RelaxedEndless WritingTough Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again