with Nikolina Dobreva2 months ago

This class was very fun. You learn a lot about all different types of films and there is a weekly screening to watch them. Additionally, throughout the semester you watch a couple of TV series. The majority of the work is just attending these screenings and the two production assignments throughout the semester.

Slow-PacedProject-HeavyFair Grading
1hrs / week Very low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Louisa Stein8 months ago

I came into this class hoping to gain more insight into media production and critique, but I don't think I learned as much as I thought I would. I feel like the course was bit too discussion-dependent and that becomes a limitation because you don't learn much from conversations between beginners when it takes up at least half of every class. I was hoping to get my hands on professional camera equipment and editing software but that only happened to a very minimal extent. Most of the class was discussions and papers.

I came into this class hoping to gain more insight into media production and critique, but I don't think I learned as much as I thought I would. I feel like the course was bit too discussion-dependent and that becomes a limitation because you don't learn much from conversations between beginners when it takes up at least half of ever …Read more

Endless WritingFair GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Louisa Stein10 months ago

This course is very based on discussions - both during class and weekly posts on Teams in response to the screenings. We watched a lot of anime, so if you are interested in that, this is a good class for you, but as someone who does not watch anime, it got a little old. The evening screenings don't usually take up the full 3 hours - we usually finished up around 9/9:30. Prof. Stein also provides access to the screening materials, so if you cannot make the screening, you can watch the film/episode on your own. Overall it's an easy class with a couple of papers and two big projects. She grades pretty fairly but harder than other 100 level courses I've taken.

This course is very based on discussions - both during class and weekly posts on Teams in response to the screenings. We watched a lot of anime, so if you are interested in that, this is a good class for you, but as someone who does not watch anime, it got a little old. The evening screenings don't usually take up the full 3 hours - …Read more

No ExamsFair GradingChill and Relaxed
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Louisa Stein4 months ago

Professor Stein is very enthusiastic about this class. She is also very caring about her students. The class itself is very discussion based and towards the end there is a final film project which is very fun and you get to learn how to use a camera/ using different types of angels!

Slow-PacedEasy GradingNo Exams
1hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Louisa Stein6 months ago

The class is a great introduction to media studies, particularly the basics for media analysis and construction. There are a lot of group projects, and that can be a bit tiring having to rely on others and their visions as well for your grade. Slightly on the harsher grader side of professors, but very nice and approachable.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
2hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Louisa Stein4 months ago

Louisa Stien was very enthusiastic about the course and I learned a lot in the process. Screenings take up a good chunk of time each week but the films are usually engaging, thus making the course lots of fun overall. Work was light, and projects were assigned far in advance to give students an edge.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyEasy Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Louisa Stein11 months ago

My favorite course of the year. This is a great class for people who are passionate about film. If you have a passing interest in movies and tv I would not recommend it as highly because it may feel too semantic. Louisa is incredible, passionate and experienced. She wants to see her students create and succeed which is very refreshing.

Chill and Relaxed
1hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Louisa Stein11 months ago

This was a fun way to fill the art distribution requirement, but not a super engaging or useful class overall. The lectures are pretty uninteresting and every week one of the classes is focused on discussion. But there were only a few assignments which are graded fairly easily and do not take up too much time. Also the screening choices were mostly pretty boring. If you are trying to take an easy class, this is a good choice but it may not be super interesting.

This was a fun way to fill the art distribution requirement, but not a super engaging or useful class overall. The lectures are pretty uninteresting and every week one of the classes is focused on discussion. But there were only a few assignments which are graded fairly easily and do not take up too much time. Also the screening choi …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
1hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would not take again
with Nikolina Dobreva3 months ago

This was probably the most chill class I've ever taken. It's a nice intro to film but it isn't the most in depth class. There are two production assignments and two written exams throughout the semester, so the workload isn't too heavy.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobreva4 months ago

Prof. Dobreva is super chill and organized during class. I do wish we were more rigorous and specific with our analysis. You do learn about film, but also it can be pretty easy to muddle your way through this course and still get a good grade.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
4hrs / week Very low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Louisa Stein2 years ago

I enjoyed taking this class, it is a good introduction to film studies. Professor Stein is easy to talk to, a fair grader and is really passionate about the material. Group projects were the most exciting part, I enjoyed creating our own film, but I wished the instructor gave more technical and conceptual support. Although some international film works are being screened the class is itself very focused on American Cinema. It is an easy class, with limited readings, and you will have fun when doing film projects.

I enjoyed taking this class, it is a good introduction to film studies. Professor Stein is easy to talk to, a fair grader and is really passionate about the material. Group projects were the most exciting part, I enjoyed creating our own film, but I wished the instructor gave more technical and conceptual support. Although some inte …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingProject Exams
2hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Louisa Stein2 years ago

Louisa is clearly very passionate about the material she teaches which makes for a fun class. Final grades consist of several projects/short papers with self reflections where you rate how much effort you put into them. Readings are not difficult and she is very accommodating regarding due dates of work.

Chill and RelaxedProject ExamsEasy Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobreva2 years ago

This is honestly probably one of the worst courses I've taken at Middlebury. It's basically a room full of people mildly interested in film being forced to participate in unproductive group discussions for an hour twice a week. This should not be a requirement for the film major. It is a completely uninspiring and unsatisfactory introduction to film and the film studies department.

This is honestly probably one of the worst courses I've taken at Middlebury. It's basically a room full of people mildly interested in film being forced to participate in unproductive group discussions for an hour twice a week. This should not be a requirement for the film major. It is a completely uninspiring and unsatisfactory intr …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Extremely low value Would not take again
with Nikolina Dobrevalast year

The course isn't necessarily bad but I just didn't feel like I gained very much from it. We just kinda watched stuff and talked about- lecturers are much more like a discussion where the students contribute. Some of the movies are good at least. Screenings feel a little irrelevant when the professor leaves and expects you to stay

Slow-PacedEasy Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Very low value Would not take again
with Nikolina Dobreva11 months ago

The material covered was great! As a movie buff, you will feel introduced to new content while reviewing classics. The teaching wasn't top-tier. The lectures were lacking but it wasn't horrible. If you are looking to fill requirements and have a light homework load this is a great class.

Slow-PacedEasy Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobrevalast year

A good excuse to watch movies if you enjoy that, lots of interesting content in screenings and class with good discussion. Work load is very manageable and most of the out of class work is in group projects.

Slow-PacedFair GradingProject Exams
1hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobreva2 years ago

Film studies is a very interesting subject and this course serves as a general introduction to it. There are some fun viewings and the production assignments (in which you get into groups and film two very short videos throughout the semester) really make you appreciate the work that goes into producing films. Professor Dobreva does not really lecture, instead relying on class discussion, which is forced since there is a system in which every student has to talk so often for their grade. And while it is a large intro course, she made no effort to get to know anyone's names, so we had to submit a Canvas post after each class explaining what contribution we made to the class discussion. Overall, the grade structure is strange (with you having to do different amounts of assignments based on the grade you want to get out of the course) and the material at times a bit dry, but overall it was still and enjoyable class and a classic Middlebury experience.

Film studies is a very interesting subject and this course serves as a general introduction to it. There are some fun viewings and the production assignments (in which you get into groups and film two very short videos throughout the semester) really make you appreciate the work that goes into producing films. Professor Dobreva does …Read more

Easy ExamsFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Nikolina Dobreva2 years ago

The course was overall very boring. Besides a couple of cool movies, the rest of the class was not very enjoyable and Dobreva didn’t really help out with that either. Not only does she not grade fairly, she also doesn’t really explain what she wants from you. She just states that it is in the syllabus and to find your answers there. I don’t recommend taking a class with Dobreva. Course overall again was pretty boring.

The course was overall very boring. Besides a couple of cool movies, the rest of the class was not very enjoyable and Dobreva didn’t really help out with that either. Not only does she not grade fairly, she also doesn’t really explain what she wants from you. She just states that it is in the syllabus and to find your answers there. …Read more

Chill and RelaxedTough GradingEasy Exams
5hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely low value Would not take again
with Nikolina Dobrevalast year

If you enjoy film, then you will find this class to be very enjoyable. The movie screening list surpassed my expectations. There is no homework, just very heavy class participation. The exam/papers are relatively easy as well.

Easy GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Very low difficulty High value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobreva2 years ago

An easy class but lots of homwork.It is very time consuming to watch two tv shows throughout the semester and lot of movies as homework. There is a fair bit of reading involved. Exams are two essay style question.

Chill and RelaxedLots of HomeworkEasy Grading
5hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would not take again
with Louisa Stein2 years ago

This course was enjoyable and not very much work aside from several group projects and individual papers throughout the semester. The weekly readings were easy and usually short. The screenings varied from quite interesting to only moderately so. It's approachable for students who don't have a background in film studies and provides a good intro. Louisa is a good professor and very excited about the course content and supporting students' projects and creativity.

This course was enjoyable and not very much work aside from several group projects and individual papers throughout the semester. The weekly readings were easy and usually short. The screenings varied from quite interesting to only moderately so. It's approachable for students who don't have a background in film studies and provides …Read more

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyEasy Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Louisa Steinlast year

You can really tell the professor is really passionate about what it is that they're teaching and how they want their students take from what they're teaching. The group work can be tough as you are making short films with other students in class, it often can be very fun.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
with Louisa Stein2 years ago

She is very kind and the material is interesting. I have no interest in film or media, but I did enjoy the class. This is a good class to get art requirment for if it is needed. A couple essays and reading annotations due weekly.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Average difficulty Low value Would take again