FMMC010116 days ago

I came into this class hoping to gain more insight into media production and critique, but I don't think I learned as much as I thought I would. I feel like the course was bit too discussion-dependent and that becomes a limitation because you don't learn much from conversations between beginners when it takes up at least half of every class. I was hoping to get my hands on professional camera equipment and editing software but that only happened to a very minimal extent. Most of the class was discussions and papers.

I came into this class hoping to gain more insight into media production and critique, but I don't think I learned as much as I thought I would. I feel like the course was bit too discussion-dependent and that becomes a limitation because you don't learn much from conversations between beginners when it takes up at least half of ever …Read more

Endless WritingFair GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would not take again
FMMC01013 months ago

This course is very based on discussions - both during class and weekly posts on Teams in response to the screenings. We watched a lot of anime, so if you are interested in that, this is a good class for you, but as someone who does not watch anime, it got a little old. The evening screenings don't usually take up the full 3 hours - we usually finished up around 9/9:30. Prof. Stein also provides access to the screening materials, so if you cannot make the screening, you can watch the film/episode on your own. Overall it's an easy class with a couple of papers and two big projects. She grades pretty fairly but harder than other 100 level courses I've taken.

This course is very based on discussions - both during class and weekly posts on Teams in response to the screenings. We watched a lot of anime, so if you are interested in that, this is a good class for you, but as someone who does not watch anime, it got a little old. The evening screenings don't usually take up the full 3 hours - …Read more

No ExamsFair GradingChill and Relaxed
3hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
FMMC01013 months ago

This was a fun way to fill the art distribution requirement, but not a super engaging or useful class overall. The lectures are pretty uninteresting and every week one of the classes is focused on discussion. But there were only a few assignments which are graded fairly easily and do not take up too much time. Also the screening choices were mostly pretty boring. If you are trying to take an easy class, this is a good choice but it may not be super interesting.

This was a fun way to fill the art distribution requirement, but not a super engaging or useful class overall. The lectures are pretty uninteresting and every week one of the classes is focused on discussion. But there were only a few assignments which are graded fairly easily and do not take up too much time. Also the screening choi …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
1hrs / week Low difficulty Low value Would not take again
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