Earth's Oceans and Coastlines
Earth’s Oceans and Coastlines In this course we explore our planet’s oceans and coastlines through the interdisciplinary study of marine geology, physics, biology, and chemistry. We use these fields as lenses through which we examine our reliance on the oceans for climate stability, food, economic resources, and waste dispersal, among a host of other ecosystem services. In parallel, we explore how humans are fundamentally altering coastal and marine ecosystems, posing unequally distributed, but increasingly severe threats to ocean and human health. In labs, we learn quantitative data visualization and analysis techniques making use of real-world observations and datasets.
Earth’s Oceans and Coastlines In this course we explore our planet’s oceans and coastlines through the interdisciplinary study of marine geology, physics, biology, and chemistry. We use these fields as lenses through which we examine our reliance on the oceans for climate stability, food, economic resources, and waste dispersal, among a host of other ecosystem services. In parallel, we explore how humans are fundamentally altering coastal and marine ecosystems, posing unequally distributed, but increasingly severe threats to ocean and human health. In labs, we learn quantitative data visualiza …Read more
I really enjoyed this course and it is what sent me on my path to be an Earth and Climate Science major. Alison is very well spoken and passionate about what she teaches. I found the content interesting but the exams were difficult and it is a faced paced course.
Professor Jacobel is so enthusiastic about the material and very personable in her teaching. She creates a comfortable atmosphere in which it is easy to ask questions. Although lectures are always very information-dense, she always explains everything very thoroughly in an easily-understandable way.
I enjoyed the class for the most part. I thought the material was very interesting, although most of it was information I had already learned, it did go into more detail of natural processes. What I really did not enjoy about the course were the labs, which mostly consisted of working on google doc/excel sheet for the entire period. For me, this is not how I learn best. I think Professor Jacobel is a great professor, but that aspect made this course frustrating for me.
I enjoyed the class for the most part. I thought the material was very interesting, although most of it was information I had already learned, it did go into more detail of natural processes. What I really did not enjoy about the course were the labs, which mostly consisted of working on google doc/excel sheet for the entire period. …Read more
I really liked this class. Allison is super knowledgeable and spoke very well in her class lectures. She was very fast pace when speaking which made it hard sometimes to follow. She was really helpful during office hours. She would always talk about internships and how she could be a resource outside of class which was helpful if you want to go into the ECSC line of work. The class material was super interesting but was heavy on the textbook readings per night.
I really liked this class. Allison is super knowledgeable and spoke very well in her class lectures. She was very fast pace when speaking which made it hard sometimes to follow. She was really helpful during office hours. She would always talk about internships and how she could be a resource outside of class which was helpful if you …Read more
I took this course for ES requirements, and I had low expectations based on what I heard from other people, but if you are a first year, I would definitely recommend. Allison spends a lot of time going over careers and internships, which aren't useful to me as a senior but would be helpful if I was a sciencey freshman. Overall, the midterm was tough, but as long as you try on labs and go to TA hours, you should still be able to do well in the class
I took this course for ES requirements, and I had low expectations based on what I heard from other people, but if you are a first year, I would definitely recommend. Allison spends a lot of time going over careers and internships, which aren't useful to me as a senior but would be helpful if I was a sciencey freshman. Overall, the m …Read more
Course is a wide survey of a ton of a topics, which felt a bit disjointed at times. Jacobel moves very fast during class and squeezes a ton of material into the 50-minute lectures. Labs are pretty difficult and complex but do help you to understand the course material. Overall, the class covers some interesting topics about the ocean, but if you want to go into ECSC I would take a different 100-level course as they would be more relevant to the major.
Course is a wide survey of a ton of a topics, which felt a bit disjointed at times. Jacobel moves very fast during class and squeezes a ton of material into the 50-minute lectures. Labs are pretty difficult and complex but do help you to understand the course material. Overall, the class covers some interesting topics about the ocean …Read more
I took this class as a first year and although I found it pretty difficult, it taught me what to expect from college level science classes. Allison was clear and concise in her lectures and was always available if I needed to talk about anything. Many of the labs were on Excel (but thats understandable since we were studying the ocean). I learned a lot of valuable and interesting information in this class and would totally recommend it.
I took this class as a first year and although I found it pretty difficult, it taught me what to expect from college level science classes. Allison was clear and concise in her lectures and was always available if I needed to talk about anything. Many of the labs were on Excel (but thats understandable since we were studying the ocea …Read more
Very interesting course, lectures focus on real world topics that are engaging and exciting. Labs are primarily Excel spreadsheet analysis, which is a bit disappointing, but there isn't a great way to go to the oceans during a regular class. Overall highly interesting, moderate difficulty, great professor.
Allison is very enthusiastic about the subject and puts a lot of time towards getting students interested in it as well. She is a fast lecturer and the exams were fairly difficult, but I found a lot of success with a medium amount of studying before them.
This course was face paced and and the exams were pretty difficult. The labs were also extremely long and arduous. Overall I did not find the material in this course very interesting at all and would not taker it again if I had the chance.
I loved this course! Professor Jacobel is clearly an expert in her field, but she manages to make the material digestible to everyone - even people not in the department. I highly recommend this course, and it was so compelling!
It was ok! Not the greatest but also not an interest of mine. She was very passionate and had lots of resources for people looking to go into the field, but it seemed much harder than was necessary for an intro and also harder than advertised.
Not my favorite. Jacobel can be very condescending at times and a very harsh grader. Class averages on exams were pretty bad. The labs that we weren’t on the boat were incredibly boring and time consuming.