ECSC0202 with Lizz Ultee17 days ago

This course was very hard but with the help of the TAs it is possible to succeed. While the reviews made me afraid to take this class, I needed it for my minor and went in prepared to dedicate many hours to the coding portion and did alright.

Project-HeavyTough GradingNo Exams
7hrs / week Very difficulty Very low value Would not take again
ECSC0311 with David Westlast month

Mineralogy is awesome, and Dave West is one of the best to ever teach it. Dave's class structure is very organized, and he has a lot of enthusiasm for the material. The exams were very manageable, and the final project at the end was pretty fun! One of the highlights of this course is using the SEM machine in the basement to analyze rock chemistry. If you are an ECSC major, definitely take this class!

Mineralogy is awesome, and Dave West is one of the best to ever teach it. Dave's class structure is very organized, and he has a lot of enthusiasm for the material. The exams were very manageable, and the final project at the end was pretty fun! One of the highlights of this course is using the SEM machine in the basement to analyze …Read more

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingEasy Exams
3hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
ECSC0111 with Lizz Ultee2 months ago

Lizz definitely prioritized how we did journal entries over the course of the semester. These entries were essentially the most important parts of the semester, but other than that, it was a very light workload. Sometimes, it felt tedious to do readings and annotate, but it was not daunting at all. It should be a strongly recommended course for those who need a SCI distribution. The material is very engaging and there weren't exams either.

Lizz definitely prioritized how we did journal entries over the course of the semester. These entries were essentially the most important parts of the semester, but other than that, it was a very light workload. Sometimes, it felt tedious to do readings and annotate, but it was not daunting at all. It should be a strongly recommended …Read more

Constant ReadingNo ExamsChill and Relaxed
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
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