824 reviews
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We had readings some weeks, but not all. We had problems sets every other week. We had five quizzes and you can drop the lowest one. He is very passionate about the material and taught us a lot about what is going on in the world that I thought was very useful. In class he went over slides and we had a notes packet.
I enjoy Microeconomics, but I wouldn't recommend taking it with Professor Isham. While he's clearly passionate about environment and global issues, his lectures often focus more on long-winded tangents, leaving little time to cover the essential material for problem sets and exams. As an Environmental Economics major who also cares deeply about these topics, I found his rants sometimes come off as preachy and even give off "white savior" vibes. He isn't a tough grader, but I feel his approach doesn't provide enough solid grounding in foundational microeconomics, which could make later Econ courses more challenging.
I enjoy Microeconomics, but I wouldn't recommend taking it with Professor Isham. While he's clearly passionate about environment and global issues, his lectures often focus more on long-winded tangents, leaving little time to cover the essential material for problem sets and exams. As an Environmental Economics major who also cares d …Read more
Wunnava is the man. He's super funny and passionate about the material. He wants to ensure you do more than just memorize graphs—you fully understand the meaning behind them. He is all over the place in terms of his teaching, so keeping organized and chronological notes was a bit tough. But he is entertaining.