828 reviews
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AI material is interesting especially for those that are soon to enter the workforce. Class was relatively easy but felt drawn out and repetitive at times. It was also a bit difficult to know where you really stood in terms of a grade throughout the course. Was an ok experience
Every class was fill in the blank notes. You receive full packets that are up to date notes, but you must pay attention and follow every note to get everything out of it. If you miss a section of notes it can be very easy to fall behind. Overall, Professor Gindin was great, and very available for help. She understands the course is challenging and will work with you as much as you need in order to succeed.
Every class was fill in the blank notes. You receive full packets that are up to date notes, but you must pay attention and follow every note to get everything out of it. If you miss a section of notes it can be very easy to fall behind. Overall, Professor Gindin was great, and very available for help. She understands the course is c …Read more
I enjoyed taking this course with professor Pescok. He was really accommodating to students needs and very informative in lectures. All tests were very relevant to homeworks and lectures. Make sure to review homeworks for test and you will do great