ECON02505 months ago

Professor Contractor is a new professor who is still finding her stride with lecturing. She is very enthusiastic about the subject and very knowledgeable, however her explanations are at times unclear. The semester I took this class grading was very easy, however this could change if she adjusts the way that she runs the course.

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
2hrs / week Low difficulty Average value Would take again
ECON02509 months ago

Professor Contractor is very smart and qualified, however, she didn't do a great job of explaining and applying models to real-world concepts, making intuitions for this class seem a bit confusing and non-applicable. She taught us the math of the models, but made it a lot more confusing without explaining what many key variables signify. Overall, though, she did do a great job of teaching us the mathematical concepts of macroeconomic models. Overall, clarity could be increased in this class if professor Contractor took more time to define variables and model intutions.

Professor Contractor is very smart and qualified, however, she didn't do a great job of explaining and applying models to real-world concepts, making intuitions for this class seem a bit confusing and non-applicable. She taught us the math of the models, but made it a lot more confusing without explaining what many key variables sign …Read more

Tough GradingFast-PacedDifficult Exams
3hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely low value Would not take again
ECON02509 months ago

Zara contractor seems like a genius but often struggles to get her ideas across. She moves super slow, then really fast so you have to be really on top of your game. She's really nice, just a super new professor that needs a little more experience. Midterm was super easy and 25% of the grade, final was impossible and 30%. Problem sets are generally pretty challenging but straightforward if you go to office hours.

Zara contractor seems like a genius but often struggles to get her ideas across. She moves super slow, then really fast so you have to be really on top of your game. She's really nice, just a super new professor that needs a little more experience. Midterm was super easy and 25% of the grade, final was impossible and 30%. Problem set …Read more

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkDifficult Exams
5hrs / week Very difficulty Low value Would take again
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