General Chemistry I
General Chemistry I Major topics will include atomic theory and atomic structure; chemical bonding; stoichiometry; introduction to chemical thermodynamics. States of matter; solutions and nuclear chemistry. Laboratory work deals with testing of theories by various quantitative methods. Students with strong secondary school preparation are encouraged to consult the department chair for permission to elect CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107 in place of this course. CHEM 0103 is also an appropriate course for a student with little or no prior preparation in chemistry who would like to learn about basic chemical principles while fulfilling the SCI or DED distribution requirement.
General Chemistry I Major topics will include atomic theory and atomic structure; chemical bonding; stoichiometry; introduction to chemical thermodynamics. States of matter; solutions and nuclear chemistry. Laboratory work deals with testing of theories by various quantitative methods. Students with strong secondary school preparation are encouraged to consult the department chair for permission to elect CHEM 0104 or CHEM 0107 in place of this course. CHEM 0103 is also an appropriate course for a student with little or no prior preparation in chemistry who would like to learn about basic chemi …Read more
It was genuinely pointless to go to lectures because she simply cannot explain the material. I often went to class feeling like I had a strong understanding of the coursework, only to leave feeling worse off than I had been. I would strongly recommend taking this class with a different professor.
I had to take this course as a prerequisite for my major, but I disliked both the material and the teaching style. Prof Shrestha is very kind one-on-one and cares about the subject, but her lectures are confusing and disorganized, and she struggles to communicate ideas clearly. You're better off just relying on the textbook. Despite its introductory label, this course is not structured toward people without a background in chemistry. If you are constantly on top of homework, do all the reading, and attend office hours often, it is possible to get a good grade.
I had to take this course as a prerequisite for my major, but I disliked both the material and the teaching style. Prof Shrestha is very kind one-on-one and cares about the subject, but her lectures are confusing and disorganized, and she struggles to communicate ideas clearly. You're better off just relying on the textbook. Despite …Read more
Kristina Shrestha is plainly not a good teacher. You can barely understand her with her heavy accent and often her slides contain incorrect solutions to the example problems! It is outrageous that she is a teacher at this school. I think she is a smart individual but is way too far detached from the basic principles of chemistry to effectively communicate them. I haven't really taken a chem class before this, my only other experience was during covid, so I was looking forward to learning foundational skills of chemistry. If you are in the same position, don't take the class with Shrestha unless you need it for pre-med like me.
Kristina Shrestha is plainly not a good teacher. You can barely understand her with her heavy accent and often her slides contain incorrect solutions to the example problems! It is outrageous that she is a teacher at this school. I think she is a smart individual but is way too far detached from the basic principles of chemistry to e …Read more
I tried to enjoy this class, but I really had a hard time liking it due to Prof. Shrestha's methods of teaching. She is obviously very knowledgeable, but her lecture style can often make simpler concepts feel more difficult than they actually are. She also isn't amazing at answering questions in class, and a lot of the time it feels like she misses the point of the question (although her office hours do somewhat make up for it). Additionally, it's hard to feel like she really cares about the class - I don't think she showed up on time more than twice throughout the semester. It's not an incredibly difficult class, but (at least for me) Shrestha didn't make it a whole lot easier.
I tried to enjoy this class, but I really had a hard time liking it due to Prof. Shrestha's methods of teaching. She is obviously very knowledgeable, but her lecture style can often make simpler concepts feel more difficult than they actually are. She also isn't amazing at answering questions in class, and a lot of the time it feels …Read more
Prof. Shrestha goes extremely fast and is not great at answering questions. There's lots of homework (that you basically don't go over in class and are forced to learn yourself). HIghly recommend using other resources - like the CTLR, tutors, and TAs if you are looking to take this course.
My instructor was Kristina Strestha. Her class was very content heavy with lots of homework and reading, but if you manage your time well it's doable, especially since most homework is graded only for completion. The professor's teaching style was ineffective sometimes making me more confused. You can tell she is very passionate about her research and the content, but her delivery of the content was not as effective. Although the slides she used helped fill those information gaps. She was also very accommodating when asking for help and extensions. If you're really good at self-study, then this class will be fine for you.
My instructor was Kristina Strestha. Her class was very content heavy with lots of homework and reading, but if you manage your time well it's doable, especially since most homework is graded only for completion. The professor's teaching style was ineffective sometimes making me more confused. You can tell she is very passionate abou …Read more
Obviously an unfortunate course, but it's really not all that bad as long as you keep up with the homework. Lectures are completely useless and I found myself not wanting to go to class because I usually left more confused than before. Shrestha's a lovely person and in office hours she's helpful and kind, it's just a classic example of an extremely knowledgeable person not being able to explain their knowledge. She does try to improve by sending surveys and asking for feedback on her teaching, but lecture has never been a good experience for me. There's quite a bit of homework and it feels useless at first (and some of it is definitely just busy work), but the exam questions are very similar to homework questions so if anything, make sure you know how to do the homework and you'll be fine. Lab professors are amazing and it's one of the more enjoyable science labs I've experienced.
Obviously an unfortunate course, but it's really not all that bad as long as you keep up with the homework. Lectures are completely useless and I found myself not wanting to go to class because I usually left more confused than before. Shrestha's a lovely person and in office hours she's helpful and kind, it's just a classic example …Read more
Tough class, amazing lab, great professor! Office hours were extremely helpful if you're confused on any topics as she is willing to help guide you in the right direction. This was a large class so I didn't feel as engaged during lecture but the lab section was extremely helpful for those who learn better doing hand-on activities. Exams are challenging, be prepared to apply what you learned to various different settings. As long as you put in the work you should be able to get a good grade for the class coming from someone who never took chemistry before.
Tough class, amazing lab, great professor! Office hours were extremely helpful if you're confused on any topics as she is willing to help guide you in the right direction. This was a large class so I didn't feel as engaged during lecture but the lab section was extremely helpful for those who learn better doing hand-on activities. Ex …Read more
This course was very interesting, and the professor made it very easy to understand the course material. This was especially true during her office hours. She is really passionate about what she is teaching. Sometimes, during lectures, the way that she introduces the topics can make it more confusing than just reading the textbook. She is very accommodating and is always willing to answer questions.
This course was very interesting, and the professor made it very easy to understand the course material. This was especially true during her office hours. She is really passionate about what she is teaching. Sometimes, during lectures, the way that she introduces the topics can make it more confusing than just reading the textbook. S …Read more
I was pretty disappointed with this course. I thought the homework was effective at preparing me for the exam. Despite being tedious, it was helpful and I thought the grading towards homework was very generous and helpful for learning. HOWEVER, I really, reallly didn't like being in this class. The lectures felt inefficient and her method of explaining didn't work for me. If I hadn't taken highschool chem, I don't think I would have done very well. Furthermore, I thought there was a wild amount of cheating occuring during exams that was facilitated by Shrestha. It felt really inappropriate and disturbing.
I was pretty disappointed with this course. I thought the homework was effective at preparing me for the exam. Despite being tedious, it was helpful and I thought the grading towards homework was very generous and helpful for learning. HOWEVER, I really, reallly didn't like being in this class. The lectures felt inefficient and her m …Read more
This class is heavy on assignments that are due every week, in addition to the lab reports that we have. I would say that that the lectures are not enough to learn the material and you should read the textbook and do many practice problems on your own time to prepare for the exams and actually learn. Prof Shrestha's teaching style was not detailed enough and is surface-level at times so reading the chapters before class really helps understand the lesson. It is also important to keep up with the assignments especially with achieve because it is really easy to fall behind and it can impact your grade.
This class is heavy on assignments that are due every week, in addition to the lab reports that we have. I would say that that the lectures are not enough to learn the material and you should read the textbook and do many practice problems on your own time to prepare for the exams and actually learn. Prof Shrestha's teaching style wa …Read more
I took this class as a gateway to the pre-med pathway. I found that although the course material was not particularly difficult, Prof. Shrestha struggled to teach it effectively. She is obviously a very knowledgable professor who cares about the material, but I and many of my peers found her lecture style difficult to follow and confusing. due to the fast paced lecture I often missed key topics and didn't do well on tests.
I took this class as a gateway to the pre-med pathway. I found that although the course material was not particularly difficult, Prof. Shrestha struggled to teach it effectively. She is obviously a very knowledgable professor who cares about the material, but I and many of my peers found her lecture style difficult to follow and conf …Read more
Obviously whoever is reading this review needs to take chemistry at some point. The class is hard but bearable and requires a ton of work to complete the Achieve assignments and to get solid grades. Prof. Shrestha's lectures were often quite confused and it did not help that the class was 8:40
This course was not enjoyable for me. Prof. Shrestha is not very clear at all during lectures. Lectures are often confusing and the slides are very vague, making it difficult to review for exams. The prof does not provide students with practice papers or resources so it feels as though the students have to teach themselves the material.
Professor Shrestha is an amazing person, she's very kind, sweet, and adhering to your questions. However there were times where I felt like she didn't understand what I was confused on. If you're willing to put in the work, effort, and time to meet with her, you will do great.
I hated this class and as a chem major, it really had me down on chem. She is a horrible professor who can not teach to save her life. She makes up for it for being a very nice person and if you go to her office hours she is much more effective at explaining poorly taught topics.
I found this course to be very manageable and interesting, despite many peers saying it was too fast paced. While it is relatively fast paced and can become overwhelming, if you prioritize practice and review anyone can do well in this course. The professor was very clear in class expectations and provided many practice problems.
Chem 103 was hard but rewarding. I really enjoyed getting to know Shrestha. While her lecture style can be challenging she is very helpful and encouraging in office hours. She cares a lot about her students. If you are willing to put in the work, chem 103 is really not that bad. It is totally the type of class that it is what you make of it.
I took this class as a requirement for the Biology major and I had low expectations based on everything I had heard. If you have some chemistry experience and you pay attention in lecture, you will be fine and will not need to do the readings. Homework assignments were the most helpful component of this course. It isn't fun or exciting, but I learned what I needed to learn.
Professor Shrestha's teaching style was not compatible with my learning, however she is extremely helpful and accommodating in office hours. The course is very fast-paced, but it is overall manageable. Weekly homeworks are assigned, and although they can be challenging, they are helpful in preparing for exams. The tutoring services provided are also a great resource. Overall, I would take this course again, but I would expect a higher degree of self-study.
Professor Shrestha's teaching style was not compatible with my learning, however she is extremely helpful and accommodating in office hours. The course is very fast-paced, but it is overall manageable. Weekly homeworks are assigned, and although they can be challenging, they are helpful in preparing for exams. The tutoring services p …Read more
I really enjoyed this intro class and the professor. He is very nice and makes class enjoyable. The pace and material was straightforward and laid a good foundation for my chemistry knowledge. Weekly quizzes really helped me say on top of the material and the tests were all on your own time and take home. Lab was also very fun and not too stressful. Overall, loved this class for my first semester!
I really enjoyed this intro class and the professor. He is very nice and makes class enjoyable. The pace and material was straightforward and laid a good foundation for my chemistry knowledge. Weekly quizzes really helped me say on top of the material and the tests were all on your own time and take home. Lab was also very fun and no …Read more
Bunt is very knowledgeable and effective in his teaching. Occasionally, the way he explains things is a little weird, but he's very good nonetheless. If you want to do well, you need to be willing to set aside time to do practice problems. Other than that, the reading is pretty minimal. Tests are specific, but if you practice, you should be good.
This course was awesome for my first semester. I really enjoyed the way that Bunt taught this course. He was enthusiastic and informative with all material and many times related rather mundane information to interesting real life scenarios. There is a lot of great built in support for this course in terms of tutors and TAs so definitely take advantage of your resources! I recommend always doing the practice exam problems and you will be fine. Overall super interesting and a great intro chem class.
This course was awesome for my first semester. I really enjoyed the way that Bunt taught this course. He was enthusiastic and informative with all material and many times related rather mundane information to interesting real life scenarios. There is a lot of great built in support for this course in terms of tutors and TAs so defini …Read more
This course is important for anyone wishing to pursue the sciences. It covers the foundations of chemistry, which means that you will explore a wide breadth of topics but only scratch the surface of each individual concept. There were a lot of homework assignments (you always seemed to have another one to do), and they were somewhat difficult. If you study well, the exams will be approximately as difficult as the homework (i.e., most questions are straightforward, with some extra tricky curveballs). Professor Shrestha was very kind, understanding, and intelligent, but she was not my favorite teacher. Her lecture style is a bit jumbled and confusing, and I often left the classroom feeling a bit more puzzled than when I entered. However, if you do the homework and read the textbook thoroughly, you will be alright. A strong high school background in chemistry will prove very useful. Lab was enjoyable and straightforward (Professor Simpson is a gem!).
This course is important for anyone wishing to pursue the sciences. It covers the foundations of chemistry, which means that you will explore a wide breadth of topics but only scratch the surface of each individual concept. There were a lot of homework assignments (you always seemed to have another one to do), and they were somewhat …Read more
Shrestha really didn't teach much but gave good enough resources to learn the content on your own. Not a difficult class if you're willing to put in time and effort to teaching the content to yourself. Exams were pretty easy.
This class was difficult to understand at first, because expectations were not clear. Lectures were difficult to follow but supplemental material helped me follow along enough to make the exams doable.
I think that the reviews are a bit dramatic. It is very achievable if you pay attention and put a decent amount of work in. The lab is engaging, and the material is not super difficult. Attendance is pretty laid back if you can make up the material after.
Chemistry 103 offered a challenging academic journey, hindered by the professor's teaching style, which failed to resonate with my learning preferences. The material, although inherently fascinating, became inaccessible due to the lack of clarity and effective communication in lectures. Despite diligent effort, grappling with the course content proved to be an uphill battle, leaving me frustrated and disheartened by the end of the semester.
Chemistry 103 offered a challenging academic journey, hindered by the professor's teaching style, which failed to resonate with my learning preferences. The material, although inherently fascinating, became inaccessible due to the lack of clarity and effective communication in lectures. Despite diligent effort, grappling with the cou …Read more
Where do I even start with this course. The basis of Gen Chem 1 in itself is not hard nor impossible but when taken with Professor Shrestha it is. She is obviously very passionate about chemistry but she should never have stepped foot into the classroom as a professor. She fails to teach the class daily, relying only on power points to teach the class. Her first exam left the class with an average of 70% but a standard deviation of 21%, she refused to curve or even show the exam. She refuses to meet students needs regarding most things and only recently has started to show any effort in improving class grades and morale, we currently have 3 weeks left. The class has become so discouraged that you would be challenged to find a lecture at 40% capacity at this point. Do take this class, but don't make the mistake I did and take it with her.
Where do I even start with this course. The basis of Gen Chem 1 in itself is not hard nor impossible but when taken with Professor Shrestha it is. She is obviously very passionate about chemistry but she should never have stepped foot into the classroom as a professor. She fails to teach the class daily, relying only on power points …Read more
This class has caused me and other Pre-Med students to reconsider their future careers. The professor's teaching style is disorganized, and test averages were VERY low (70%). She refuses to curve as well. Students tend to leave class wondering what they actually just learned. There is also not much help offered during office hours.
Professor Mary Jane Simpson was very helpful when it came time to doing individual labs. As chem 103 is the very first chemistry offered as well as the lab to go with it, I felt that the lab served as a great introduction to what future lab experiences should hold in other courses.
I really enjoyed this course with Professor Shrestha! Honestly, the students found any reason they could to drag and blame her for not themselves not understanding the concepts and the lab professor would also make comments every now and then that felt condescending. I do wish the lecture and labs synced up at all because the lab work was confusing and it felt like every week was the same lab but in a different font with harder math. Since this is basically beginner's Chem there is too much information to go through that the professor couldn't really spend too much time on any one topic. But Professor Shreshta would always try and be as clear as possible and if you went to office hours she would break it down even further and was just super helpful. Loved the professor, hated the students' attitude towards her, and am kinda average towards chem.
I really enjoyed this course with Professor Shrestha! Honestly, the students found any reason they could to drag and blame her for not themselves not understanding the concepts and the lab professor would also make comments every now and then that felt condescending. I do wish the lecture and labs synced up at all because the lab wor …Read more
Professor Shrestha gets a lot of hate which is definitely understandable. I came into CHEM 103 with a fairly good background in chemistry so it wasn't necessarily difficult for me to understand the material. I can only imagine how difficult it would've been for a student with little to no chemistry background. The achieve homework assignments were very time-consuming (taking hours and hours each week), but the canvas assignments were not bad at all. The exams were fair, although the averages seemed quite low. I loved the lab portion of this class but the lecture was very ineffective.
Professor Shrestha gets a lot of hate which is definitely understandable. I came into CHEM 103 with a fairly good background in chemistry so it wasn't necessarily difficult for me to understand the material. I can only imagine how difficult it would've been for a student with little to no chemistry background. The achieve homework as …Read more
This course is not hard if you try. All the info seems pretty important for a baseline chem class. There are lots of TA hours available if you have any trouble understanding content. It makes sense that exams are not curved since it is a "weeder class" and honestly the averages are not that low.
Professor Shrestha is clearly very competent, and I feel confident that she knows what she is talking about in regards to chemistry. With that being said, I feel that her lectures are not effective in teaching the material, and I have had to teach great deal of the material to myself. There are weekly homework assignments, some of which are graded on accuracy and others on completion. These homework assignments are the most reliable way to make sure you understand the material. Also, the exams take several hours and the average scores on them have not been good, and thus far she has refused to use a curve.
Professor Shrestha is clearly very competent, and I feel confident that she knows what she is talking about in regards to chemistry. With that being said, I feel that her lectures are not effective in teaching the material, and I have had to teach great deal of the material to myself. There are weekly homework assignments, some of wh …Read more
I think Shrestha might get too much hate, as I found her lecture fast-paced but it is beginner chem and there is a ton of material she HAS to cover. If you do the textbook readings before coming to class, it gives you a much better overall understanding so you don't have to rely on lecture alone. I took a bunch of chem in hs, so I did have a good background going into it and found it very manageable. However, if you have no experience at all it might not be the right class/professor for you
I think Shrestha might get too much hate, as I found her lecture fast-paced but it is beginner chem and there is a ton of material she HAS to cover. If you do the textbook readings before coming to class, it gives you a much better overall understanding so you don't have to rely on lecture alone. I took a bunch of chem in hs, so I di …Read more
I took CHEM0103 because it is premed requirement. I enjoy math a lot, so the class was not overly difficult. The exams were in person and I thiught they were graded fairly. The lectures were basically just read off the slide so attendance is not really necessary.
Mr. Bunt is an excellent chemistry teacher. Not only is he incredibly enthusiastic about his work, he also genuinely cares that his students do well in his class. I can easily say that I found a new passion for chemistry after taking Mr. Bunt's class — just be ready for some hard work!
Kristina is very nice and is trying her best. If you go to her office hours, she is very helpful. There are 3 exams, which felt do-able. There is homework and the achieve can be time consuming and hard, but her canvas assignments are very short and straight forward and graded for completion. Honestly, this class could've been a lot worse and I think she gets more backlash than she deserves.
Kristina is very nice and is trying her best. If you go to her office hours, she is very helpful. There are 3 exams, which felt do-able. There is homework and the achieve can be time consuming and hard, but her canvas assignments are very short and straight forward and graded for completion. Honestly, this class could've been a lot w …Read more
Mr. Bunt is undeniably an exceptional chemistry instructor. His profound passion for the subject is evident, and he genuinely prioritizes his students' academic success. Personally, I've found myself unexpectedly captivated by the world of chemistry under his guidance. However, it's worth noting that the course demands a substantial amount of dedicated effort.
There’s not much to say other than Professor Bunt is a great professor. He worked hard to mold the material into a cohesive and accessible whole, which he achieved with strong lectures and a good read on the class’s comprehension. Gen Chem was consequently very enjoyable, and I recommend it with Bunt to anyone wishing to fulfill a distribution requirement or learn more about Chem.
You get what you put into the class. You will do good if you spend time doing extra/non-assigned practice, but if you don't, the class is extremely difficult. The exams itself are not horrible, but the range of scores are from 10% to 90% and demonstrate the difficulty of the class. Exams are not curved/scaled.
Professor Shrestha is very intelligent and clearly cares about her students. However, she is often a unclear during lectures. It is a packed course, and in order to be an effective instructor, you have to be very organized. She isn't. That said, she is helpful in office hours and very approachable.
I think this was a valuable class for me to take as it is necessary for most stem classes to have a basic understanding of chemistry. I found the concept to be fairly easy, though I found I understood more from reading than from lecture as I conceptualize most of it differently then Professor Shrestha. The professor is very nice and is very useful in office hours if you don't understand. I knew most of the content from high school chemistry so found this class to be fairly easy all things considered.
I think this was a valuable class for me to take as it is necessary for most stem classes to have a basic understanding of chemistry. I found the concept to be fairly easy, though I found I understood more from reading than from lecture as I conceptualize most of it differently then Professor Shrestha. The professor is very nice and …Read more
Chem 103 isn't as bad as everyone says, but it's still not what I'd call a "fun" class. Doing the reading for this class before lecture is a must, as Shrestha's lectures at times can be confusing, and her answers to questions can be more confusing than helpful. The canvas homework and TA hours were all super helpful for identifying and fixing any confusion that didn't get answered in/was caused by lectures, and the exams were pretty similar to the canvas problems so make sure to go to office hours if you're struggling with those. The highlight of this course is the lab -- Dr. Fischer is a gem and made our labs fun in addition to explaining things well and providing excellent feedback.
Chem 103 isn't as bad as everyone says, but it's still not what I'd call a "fun" class. Doing the reading for this class before lecture is a must, as Shrestha's lectures at times can be confusing, and her answers to questions can be more confusing than helpful. The canvas homework and TA hours were all super helpful for identifying a …Read more
Shrestha seemed like she really cared about her students, however, she was to be completely frank, awful at teaching the course. Her explanations made little sense, and she would often just end up making things more confusing rather than less. If you are prepared to study the textbook/alternative sources by yourself, then this course is manageable (although the tests are still quite difficult), however, if you are looking for a well-taught class you have come to the wrong place.
Shrestha seemed like she really cared about her students, however, she was to be completely frank, awful at teaching the course. Her explanations made little sense, and she would often just end up making things more confusing rather than less. If you are prepared to study the textbook/alternative sources by yourself, then this course …Read more
Chem 103 is an excellent foundational course necessary for anyone pursuing chemistry or biochemistry. The course reviews material from AP chemistry courses in high school. However, now the content is being applied to a lab setting. Professor Rick Bunt is amazing!!
I had not taken chemistry since sophomore year of highschool so thinking chem 103 would be easy was very innacurate. Dovey is a young and relatively new professor and I am sure he will become and awesome one. That being said, I learned the majority of the material on my own. Dovey was friendly and enthusiastic and there wasnt too much to complain about. It just could have been alot better
I had not taken chemistry since sophomore year of highschool so thinking chem 103 would be easy was very innacurate. Dovey is a young and relatively new professor and I am sure he will become and awesome one. That being said, I learned the majority of the material on my own. Dovey was friendly and enthusiastic and there wasnt too muc …Read more
Professor Bunt is awesome, super engaging, nice, and funny. He is always willing to help in office hours and tried to prepare you as best you can. His exams were mostly take-home and not extremely difficult but definitely relied heavily on consistent reading and lecture notes.
I personally did not enjoy this class at all. The lectures were very boring and I often felt like I never learned anything from attending them. She also gives very hard tests with no curve or opportunities for extra credit. Class averages on tests so far are around 70% which clearly indicates that her teaching is ineffective.
I think Professor Shrestha is a great at teaching. She is very clear and you can tell she's very knowledgeable. Her exams are straightforward, she is not trying to trick you. Sigfigs are important, so make sure you know that. There is a lot of material, and many students have no chemistry background, therefore she hasn't been able to cover every material, so you also may need to learn on your own but it's not that much and she is very helpful during office hours. People just don't want to put any work, and expect to do well. If you study even moderately you will be fine(I had no chemistry background).
I think Professor Shrestha is a great at teaching. She is very clear and you can tell she's very knowledgeable. Her exams are straightforward, she is not trying to trick you. Sigfigs are important, so make sure you know that. There is a lot of material, and many students have no chemistry background, therefore she hasn't been able to …Read more
I was nervous about taking CHEM but tbh, if you go to her office hours she is super helpful and during exams, she is very good at answering your questions. The homeworks are super helpful and the exams match up to the homeworks pretty well.
Very helpful with homework and working through problems. Office hours are valuable. Hard to understand sometimes but she grades fair and is very nice and clear. Tests were fair and went perfect with the homework
Chem 103 is manageable if you put in the work. It is definitely a lot of material, but the concepts are not overly difficult. Professor Shrestha is a very nice person and helpful in office hours, but sometimes in lecture she will spend too much time on easy concepts and then rush through the more challenging ones. Overall, the exams were fair, and if you put in the effort, you will be fine.
Chem 103 is manageable if you put in the work. It is definitely a lot of material, but the concepts are not overly difficult. Professor Shrestha is a very nice person and helpful in office hours, but sometimes in lecture she will spend too much time on easy concepts and then rush through the more challenging ones. Overall, the exams …Read more
Kristina gets a lot of unfair hate, she is enthusiastic and if you go to office hours, she is very helpful. It is however a lot of self-teaching, as the lectures are not more insightful then simply reading the material on your own. The combination of weekly achieves, canvas assignments, and canvas quizzes was difficult to juggle, and one platform for practice problems would have perhaps made it easier.
Kristina gets a lot of unfair hate, she is enthusiastic and if you go to office hours, she is very helpful. It is however a lot of self-teaching, as the lectures are not more insightful then simply reading the material on your own. The combination of weekly achieves, canvas assignments, and canvas quizzes was difficult to juggle, and …Read more
I really enjoyed the lab portion of this class, but found the lecture portion challenging. I went into the class with very little previous chemistry knowledge and found the content itself manageable: the homework was not too bad and the exams were about as difficult as the practice materials. It is necessary for this class to follow the textbook/outside of class materials because I often found myself confused after lectures and would have to self-teach the content.
I really enjoyed the lab portion of this class, but found the lecture portion challenging. I went into the class with very little previous chemistry knowledge and found the content itself manageable: the homework was not too bad and the exams were about as difficult as the practice materials. It is necessary for this class to follow …Read more
Professor Bunt was very accomodating and understanding of students. He taught very enthusiastically and made the class fun, making sure to insert jokes and fun commentary. If you don't understand a topic in class, make sure to visit his office hours!
There are a couple of assignments every week that can be a bit overwhelming at first, but they really help with being able to understand the material. The course can be a bit challenging as it is faster-paced and can be very confusing at times.
Professor Bunt is really easygoing. He explained the materials very clearly and did interesting experiments during the lectures. All exams are take-home and not timed, which do reduce much stress. The lab instructor Professor Simpson is awsome too!
Shrestha was very passionate about chemisty but she was not great at lecturing it. She was very accommodating but content wise, it was hard to understand. She made many concepts difficult to understand.
She wasn't a helpful lecturer and she made mistakes when she explaining stuff. However, there's a lot of video online that you can learn from. And I did a lot of self-studying and the problems set in the book is also helpful
Pretty standard intro course, not difficult conceptually. French is not the most enthusiastic or engaging prof but gets the job done. Pretty boring lectures, lab is very easy and chill - no formal lab reports.
Shrestha doesn't deserve all the hate. Her teaching style is hard to follow sometimes because lectures aren't super clear. Office hours are very helpful and try to get to know here and this will make the course easier.
Let's start with the positives: Professor Shrestha is clearly very knowledgeable and cares about her students. However, I do have a number of critiques about her as well. Firstly, she is just not good at teaching. She is very confusing and does not explain the material well. It often feels as if she is talking in circles. Additionally, she often shows up 5+ minutes late to a 50 minute lecture -- over time that definitely builds up and hurts the students! Her exams are tough, not because she is giving us unfair exams, but because many students just haven't been able to learn the material because she hasn't taught it well. Overall, if you had a strong high school chemistry program, this class may be manageable for you. If you have very limited experience with chemistry, you will definitely be putting in a lot of overtime hours to learn the material.
Let's start with the positives: Professor Shrestha is clearly very knowledgeable and cares about her students. However, I do have a number of critiques about her as well. Firstly, she is just not good at teaching. She is very confusing and does not explain the material well. It often feels as if she is talking in circles. Additionall …Read more
This is a fast paced class. The professor is fair, but you have to make sure to keep up on your work. There is usually two different homework sets (one on canvas and one on achieve) that you have to do each week. Going to tutoring and office hours is helpful. The homework can be a lot at times but it is really important for understanding the material. There are three exams, and they are not curved. You have to pay about $40 for Achieve (a homework platform) which is a bit frustrating but the textbook is free online. Professor Simpson, the lab professor is great and very approachable (thought there is a lab report each week).
This is a fast paced class. The professor is fair, but you have to make sure to keep up on your work. There is usually two different homework sets (one on canvas and one on achieve) that you have to do each week. Going to tutoring and office hours is helpful. The homework can be a lot at times but it is really important for understan …Read more
I enjoyed this course but felt like there could have been more of an effective lecture style. I wish we spent more time in lab doing problems that we would actually be seeing on the exam. The exams were long, but I found that the grading and questions were generally fair. The lab component of the course was fair and good introduction to college level laboratories.
I found Kristina's teaching to be fast-paced and a little difficult to follow in lectures. However, she is very helpful during office hours and takes the time to go slowly and teach the material. The labs are time-consuming but not crazy difficult. Homework is not tedious and is actually quite helpful in preparing for the exams.
Kristina was fine, but very scatterbrained and made a lot of mistakes during lecture that made it hard to follow. Lab was great but lecture made it a little hard to enjoy. It was easy enough to follow along, and the material itself was not difficult.
French was a good instructor but Sandwick was the single worst lab professor I have ever had. I wish I never took lab with him. He should not be teaching. One of the worst experience in my Middlebury career.
Exams are not given back to students and you have to go in to office hours to look at them. There’s no curving and the lecture does not include many practice problems due to how fast the course is paced. Lecture can be very hard to follow.
Professor Simpson was very approachable and you could tell she wanted the best for her students. She truly wanted us to succeed in the class and help us succeed through her constant support and accommodations.