CHEM02044 months ago

Professor Bunt was very enthusiastic in this course and made the effort to teach the content in a efficient and engaging manner. There wasn't really any homework, just a weekly quiz that you could do some practice problems for if you wanted (I highly suggest doing them). The exams are very thorough, but if you understand the content and have done a fair amount of memorization on top, you will do well. Often there were takehome portions that were significantly more difficult and lengthy questions but you were allowed to use your notes. Most people will take this class because it's required, but I think its still a very valuable class nontheless as long as you're willing to put work in beyond the bare assignments.

Professor Bunt was very enthusiastic in this course and made the effort to teach the content in a efficient and engaging manner. There wasn't really any homework, just a weekly quiz that you could do some practice problems for if you wanted (I highly suggest doing them). The exams are very thorough, but if you understand the content …Read more

Lots of HomeworkFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
CHEM02044 months ago

Bunt was very clear about his expectations throughout the course, and I did feel there was consistency between the homework and content in the class. However, I do wish more resources were available, because I did not always understand how Bunt explained concepts. Lots of background knowledge and information from Organic I is needed!

Fast-PacedDifficult ExamsFair Grading
10hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would take again
CHEM02044 months ago

Bunt is awesome. Hard class but he makes it manageable. Homework is not graded but basically required if you want to do well in the class. Bunts exams are hard but he is a fair grader and wants you to do well. The content is complex but incredibly fun.

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
8hrs / week Very difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
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