AMST0252 with William Nash13 days ago

It was a lot of readings, but I enjoyed the stuff we went over. we read all really good books, but we barely had time read them at all, so the discussions were stagnant because most people hadn't read anything.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
AMST0216 with Kathryn Morse19 days ago

Professor Morse is an amazing teacher who is passionate about the subject and fair when it comes to grading. The class is completely essay weighted and reliant upon reading to supplement in class lectures and conversations. Pretty chill in class environment but it tends to be a larger class so it can be easy to get away without doing the work.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyFair Grading
3hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
AMST0260 with Susan Burch21 days ago

Dr. B is a fantastic professor who is enthusiastic about her work. The class is heavily discussion based but Dr. B offers various modes for participation. Grading is fair as Dr. B gives multiple chances for revision and offers assistance. The course content is engaging as well.

Chill and RelaxedFair GradingNo Exams
3hrs / week Low difficulty High value Would take again
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