AMST0234last month

This class was super easy work wise. Throughout the whole semester, you need to write 6 discussion posts which take like 45 minutes to an hour and there are 2 presentations you give as well as like 2 or 3 essays. Prof Allen is such an easy grader and you really dont need to put any work into the class to do well. The class is super interesting and I learned alot of cool stuff. If you need a chill class to balence out a heavy workload, this is the one for you

This class was super easy work wise. Throughout the whole semester, you need to write 6 discussion posts which take like 45 minutes to an hour and there are 2 presentations you give as well as like 2 or 3 essays. Prof Allen is such an easy grader and you really dont need to put any work into the class to do well. The class is super i …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingNo Exams
0hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Average value Would not take again
AMST01092 months ago

I love Holly Allen. She is super kind and someone who I wanted to do well and put in effort for. I took the class when it wasn't a CW, so it wasn't super writing intensive, but essays were our only form of assessment. The class periods can sometimes be slow, but she will acknowledge it and try to engage us in different ways. She is a fair grader and clearly sets her expectations.

Chill and RelaxedFair Grading
2hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
AMST02342 months ago

AMST0234 with Professor Holly Allen has been a great class. It is informative and interesting while not taking a big amount of time. There are 6 discussion posts that you have to do over the whole semester and 2 group presentations. Lots of interesting discussions and knowledge to be acquired. Not very time intensive.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
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