AMST025223 days ago

It was a lot of readings, but I enjoyed the stuff we went over. we read all really good books, but we barely had time read them at all, so the discussions were stagnant because most people hadn't read anything.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
ENGL0252last month

The class can be dull at times but the professors enthusiasm about the subject makes it more interesting. There’s a lot of reading (almost a book a week) for the whole semester and the final exam was difficult.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
AMST02594 months ago

Will nash is one of my favorite professors I've ever had. He is extremely engaging and quite accomodating to his students. He wants everyone who takes his class to succeed, and will push you to do so. I will say, this course is fairly fast paced. You will be reading roughly a book a week. But I think it's worth it, since the matierial is so interesting.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
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