ENGL03305 months ago

Truly incredible course. Shakespeare is Billings' specialty and he is clearly invested in and knowledgeable about the course content. You generally read one play per week, and then Billings will lecture about some themes and important passages for two class sections. The only assignments besides the final exam were weekly 300-400 word discussion posts on a topic of your choosing and an exceedingly easy passage recognition quiz covering the passages lectured on in class. I listed the workload as 6 hours, but almost all of this time was enjoyable—either reading the plays or watching the productions (which, although optional, I would encourage everyone to do).

Truly incredible course. Shakespeare is Billings' specialty and he is clearly invested in and knowledgeable about the course content. You generally read one play per week, and then Billings will lecture about some themes and important passages for two class sections. The only assignments besides the final exam were weekly 300-400 wor …Read more

Chill and Relaxed
6hrs / week Low difficulty Very high value Would take again
ENGL01037 months ago

Billings is a great professor. Because instructors of this course can pick essentially any material that they find interesting, they always show up to class super enthusiastic. Billings is no exception. He is clearly passionate about English lit. Moreover, he adopts a discussion-based lecture style. No doubt, you will have to do quite a bit of reading and writing for this class, and the Prof will know if you have not kept up with the material. However, I genuinely enjoyed the entire process and came out as a better writer. Highly recommend

Billings is a great professor. Because instructors of this course can pick essentially any material that they find interesting, they always show up to class super enthusiastic. Billings is no exception. He is clearly passionate about English lit. Moreover, he adopts a discussion-based lecture style. No doubt, you will have to do quit …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingEasy Grading
8hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
ENGL033010 months ago

Great class, totally would recommend Billings to anyone! Great for English majors (or anyone really) looking to hear a bunch of deep facts about Shakespeare from someone who knows a lot about what they teach!

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingEasy Exams
1hrs / week Extremely low difficulty High value Would take again
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