FYSE151128 days ago

Roger Russi is clearly passionate about the topic and knows just about everything there is to know about fairytales. I personally was simply not that invested in the readings due to my lack of interest in fairytales, but I could see someone with such interest to love the course.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
FYSE1511last month

I took this course as my first-year seminar this fall and enjoyed my time in class. The content was very engaging and fostered a further interest in folk and fairy tales. Roger can be a little bit of a tough grader when it comes to papers but is very accommodating when it comes to extensions and extra help.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingTough Grading
5hrs / week Average difficulty High value Would take again
FYSE15112 months ago

I took this course in Fall 2024. Roger is really sweet and fun. The class is great and makes you think about a lot of stuff you normally wouldn't. It is very reading heavy, and the readings can get quite dry and arduous sometimes. Also reliant on writing (obviously). Roger is approachable and values time management and punctuality. Overall good class but takes up time with readings and written essays and projects.

I took this course in Fall 2024. Roger is really sweet and fun. The class is great and makes you think about a lot of stuff you normally wouldn't. It is very reading heavy, and the readings can get quite dry and arduous sometimes. Also reliant on writing (obviously). Roger is approachable and values time management and punctuality. O …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
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