INTD12305 months ago

The course I took focused on Restorative Justice. This course was broken down in two parts: lecture in the morning and then your specific focus later on in the day. The lecture was very informative and hands-on: Professor Lyford went over the basics and essential tools that would help you in your later class. Lyford is an amazing professor and his energy keeps you engaged. I have always been interested in RJ and this course was perfect. We worked with Addison RJ and created a presentation and application for them to use. This meant that we would have to meet outside of class time to later present our products to the class and get feedback on what was efficient and needed and continue doing this process.

The course I took focused on Restorative Justice. This course was broken down in two parts: lecture in the morning and then your specific focus later on in the day. The lecture was very informative and hands-on: Professor Lyford went over the basics and essential tools that would help you in your later class. Lyford is an amazing pro …Read more

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyNo Exams
4hrs / week Average difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
INTD01212 years ago

This course was very interesting and provided very valuable life skills; however, I found that it took up a lot of time. The projects that you work on within this class take about 4-5 hours per week and you have to complete other assignments and reading on top of this. The concepts you learn in this class, as well as the involvement with organizations in Addison County, are very interesting.

This course was very interesting and provided very valuable life skills; however, I found that it took up a lot of time. The projects that you work on within this class take about 4-5 hours per week and you have to complete other assignments and reading on top of this. The concepts you learn in this class, as well as the involvement …Read more

Chill and RelaxedUngradingNo Exams
5hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
MATH01102 years ago

The class was extremely easy going. Professor O'Brien's style of teaching is very simple and she explains topics well. If you already have knowledge about R, you probably will not learn anything new. However, it still gives you a credit, so, I would recommend it if you are looking for hours.

Slow-PacedEasy GradingNo Exams
1hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Average value Would take again
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