History, Fiction, Memoir
History Through Fiction and Memoir In this course we will explore boundaries between fiction and history. While the American historical profession is founded on ideals of objectivity, faithfully representing the past remains an ongoing and elusive challenge. In this course we will examine memoirs and works of historical fiction to better understand this challenge. Topics include methods of source evaluation, challenges presented by memory and experiential/eyewitness testimony, and the role of narrative in establishing credulity. Throughout, we will pay close attention to ways that racism, sexism, classism, and ethnocentrism have shaped ideas about credibility. Throughout the four week course, students will work on writing their own memoir or piece of historical fiction.
History Through Fiction and Memoir In this course we will explore boundaries between fiction and history. While the American historical profession is founded on ideals of objectivity, faithfully representing the past remains an ongoing and elusive challenge. In this course we will examine memoirs and works of historical fiction to better understand this challenge. Topics include methods of source evaluation, challenges presented by memory and experiential/eyewitness testimony, and the role of narrative in establishing credulity. Throughout, we will pay close attention to ways that racism, sexi …Read more