Catastrophic Memories
Catastrophic Memories How do people remember traumatic events? How do those memories impact our politics and priorities in the present? How might they guide goals for the future? And what roles can History play in that process? In this course we will examine how two great catastrophes—the American Civil War and the Second World War—have been remembered over time and space. We will consider what roles those historical memories play in our society, how our collective memories are formed, and what makes them change. To do so, we will consider a broad range of sources—major films, historical fiction, popular non-fiction, and historical scholarship. Students end by examining one facet or feature of these historical memories of their choosing.
Catastrophic Memories How do people remember traumatic events? How do those memories impact our politics and priorities in the present? How might they guide goals for the future? And what roles can History play in that process? In this course we will examine how two great catastrophes—the American Civil War and the Second World War—have been remembered over time and space. We will consider what roles those historical memories play in our society, how our collective memories are formed, and what makes them change. To do so, we will consider a broad range of sources—major films, historical ficti …Read more