with Thomas Van Order4 months ago

Course starts out very fast paced, however Van Order is an enthusiastic professor with a clear passion for this class. He's accommodating and easy to talk to/ask about what you can do to improve your grades. Almost all assignments are weekly papers or blog posts about films that are all in Italian. I have no interest in Italian or film, however this class was still decently interesting due to Professor Van Order's expertise. I probably won't be taking any more film courses, however, it did give me a larger appreciation for good film, and I did learn a surprising amount.

Course starts out very fast paced, however Van Order is an enthusiastic professor with a clear passion for this class. He's accommodating and easy to talk to/ask about what you can do to improve your grades. Almost all assignments are weekly papers or blog posts about films that are all in Italian. I have no interest in Italian or fi …Read more

Fast-PacedEndless WritingFair Grading
6hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would not take again
with Thomas Van Order4 months ago

Good news is there is no reading, bad news is these movies are super long and old. If you are a big movie fan, definitely good choice for you. If not, some of these movies might be confusing and dull. A lot of writings, but still manageable. Professor is really nice, grading is fair.

Fair GradingNo Exams
6hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Thomas Van Order4 months ago

The course was pretty difficult and at times hard to manage. I think the course improved work load wise towards the end, but there is definitely a lot of writing between blog posts and the papers written.

Fast-PacedEndless WritingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Average value Would not take again