Reading Africa
Reading Africa What do we know about Africa? In this seminar we will explore this vast continent through novels written about it. African and non-African writers will help us discover the continent’s geographies, histories, cultures, and politics. We will study particular phenomena affecting Africans over the centuries including colonialism, dictatorial rule, humanitarianism, the women’s rights movement, and racism. With the help of films and student presentations, we will focus on Algeria, Nigeria, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
Nadia Horning will forever go down as one of the most passionate teachers at Middlebury. She is highly educated on the Africa region and knows everything from the top of her head. She is very straight forward and doesn't give any BS when it comes to where you can improve. She is always coming from a place of love though, and I improved tremendously by the end of the semester. Just be ready for her very blunt humour.
Nadia Horning will forever go down as one of the most passionate teachers at Middlebury. She is highly educated on the Africa region and knows everything from the top of her head. She is very straight forward and doesn't give any BS when it comes to where you can improve. She is always coming from a place of love though, and I improv …Read more