Migrations: Pol, Ethics, Lit
Migrations: Politics, Ethics, Literature In this class we will learn about the political and ethical issues of migration. What are the rights of those who migrate and how can we hear and make space for their voices? How can we study and talk about migration in ways that are respectful to everyone? To answer these and other questions, we will analyze different texts (literary, journalistic, essays), learn how to assess their reliability, and apply them to our understanding of migration. We will consider migration in its local and global aspects with a focus on Italy and Europe compared with what happens in other parts of the world (eg. U.S. and Syria), through group and individual research that we will present in oral and written form.
Migrations: Politics, Ethics, Literature In this class we will learn about the political and ethical issues of migration. What are the rights of those who migrate and how can we hear and make space for their voices? How can we study and talk about migration in ways that are respectful to everyone? To answer these and other questions, we will analyze different texts (literary, journalistic, essays), learn how to assess their reliability, and apply them to our understanding of migration. We will consider migration in its local and global aspects with a focus on Italy and Europe compared with wha …Read more
Prof Mula is a very accommodating teacher with great feedback on your paper and writing style. All homework done over the semester could be resubmitted for regrading at the end of the semester. This is the ideal course to get used to college writing and presenting with an accommodating teacher that really cares. Deadlines are always negotiable. Course Material is engaging if you are interested in exploring (European) migration in many different mediums.
Prof Mula is a very accommodating teacher with great feedback on your paper and writing style. All homework done over the semester could be resubmitted for regrading at the end of the semester. This is the ideal course to get used to college writing and presenting with an accommodating teacher that really cares. Deadlines are always …Read more