with Nikolina Dobreva2 years ago

I love Professor Dobreva. She is a super cool professor who you can have great conversations with about basically any media. I took this class simply because I love anime and felt like I already knew a lot, but the class did really well in putting a twist on things. The readings are pretty dense and you might struggle if you have a hard time speaking in class (I usually am, but my interest was a bit stronger, so it was easier) because about 80% of the class is discussing the movies we watch. Still, I don't think anyone should be scared to speak up because Professor Dobreva makes everything you say feel like a contribution and responds with her own input, which helps support what you say. Sometimes she refutes what you say though, which can be scary but it does help you think more about the films. You also are assigned to a lead a presentation/discussion with a group for one of the films and the exams are largely writing based (about every four weeks) but she lets you get creative with it.

I love Professor Dobreva. She is a super cool professor who you can have great conversations with about basically any media. I took this class simply because I love anime and felt like I already knew a lot, but the class did really well in putting a twist on things. The readings are pretty dense and you might struggle if you have a h …Read more

Constant ReadingFair Grading
5hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Nikolina Dobrevalast year

Not a tone of work, one presentation and two take home exams. Worth noting you have group discussions every class and have to submit what you talked about briefly on canvas. If you're interested in anime you will enjoy this course.

Chill and RelaxedProject-HeavyEasy Grading
2hrs / week Very low difficulty Above average value Would take again