DANC1016 with Miguel Castillo29 days ago

This course really improved my idea of dancing in general. It helped learn about the origin of salsa and some specific salsa legends. I enjoyed every part of this class, more particularly the final video which was to show our accumulated understanding of the class. This class involved partnering and collaborating which I found a bit uncomfortable in the beginning of the class but got more acquainted at the end of the class. This was a very practical class and all assignments were very easy. The course load in general was very chill.

This course really improved my idea of dancing in general. It helped learn about the origin of salsa and some specific salsa legends. I enjoyed every part of this class, more particularly the final video which was to show our accumulated understanding of the class. This class involved partnering and collaborating which I found a bit …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy GradingProject Exams
8hrs / week Very low difficulty Above average value Would take again
DANC0240 with Karima Bornilast month

I used to dance and took this class to get back into it a bit. Loved Kari so much. So so accommodating and her class is obviously well-thought through. Each class is roughly half dance and half discussion, and the dance and discussions are both very accessible for all levels. Every class usually has one to two 250 word responses due and there is a daily journaling assignment that is purely honor system. Really helps you get in tune with your mind and body which was lovely for j-term. Final project is very fun and she grades based on effort so no concerns about not necessarily being an artistic genius.

I used to dance and took this class to get back into it a bit. Loved Kari so much. So so accommodating and her class is obviously well-thought through. Each class is roughly half dance and half discussion, and the dance and discussions are both very accessible for all levels. Every class usually has one to two 250 word responses due …Read more

Chill and RelaxedUngradingProject Exams
1hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Above average value Would take again
DANC0277 with Karima Borni2 months ago

The class was one of the most fun and easy classes I have taken at the college. I loved how professor Borni was so amazing and chill. the fieldwork were soo fun. I loved the class. She made us read very short and interesting readings, she took us on field trips to the forest and made us write journals which were all very easy and fun.

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingEasy Grading
5hrs / week Low difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
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