with Jane Chaplin4 months ago

Professor Chaplin clearly cares about the course material and making sure you like and understand the course material as much as she does. Her energy, while laid-back and relatively nerd, is infectious across all different kinds of people in the class. Her notes and class worksheets are incredibly helpful as a guide throughout the course, and I find myself taking incredibly detailed notes, not because its needed, but because I found the coursework and reading incredibly interesting. I don't plan on majoring or minoring in Classics or History, but this class definitely made me rethink my original plans in a really good way!

Professor Chaplin clearly cares about the course material and making sure you like and understand the course material as much as she does. Her energy, while laid-back and relatively nerd, is infectious across all different kinds of people in the class. Her notes and class worksheets are incredibly helpful as a guide throughout the co …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin3 months ago

Professor Chaplin was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about Greek history, and made the class very easy to follow. Each lecture follows a handout she shares at the start of class, and readings tend to track very closely with what's discussed in discussion sections. Exams and papers can be difficult, but are fairly graded and receive lots of useful feedback. Overall, a great class and a very thoughtful and engaging professor!

Professor Chaplin was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about Greek history, and made the class very easy to follow. Each lecture follows a handout she shares at the start of class, and readings tend to track very closely with what's discussed in discussion sections. Exams and papers can be difficult, but are fairly graded and rece …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin4 months ago

Professor Chaplin is knowledgeable, passionate and friendly. She is extremely organized and will give out a handout for each class (that contains the key points covered in the less and makes notetaking much easier). The exam requires a bit of preparation, and she is strict about the details of the answer. This class is very rewarding.

Constant ReadingFast-PacedFair Grading
4hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin4 months ago

Professor Chaplin is an extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic professor. She lectures very well and is quite good at responding to student questions with answers that are helpful. While she is a fair/tough grader on essays I would recommend going to her office hours when writing them to help understand the final product she is looking for. Professor Chaplin is unapologetically quirky and energetic. I have thoroughly enjoyed this class.

Professor Chaplin is an extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic professor. She lectures very well and is quite good at responding to student questions with answers that are helpful. While she is a fair/tough grader on essays I would recommend going to her office hours when writing them to help understand the final product she is loo …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
6hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

The lectures were very interesting and readings were also very cool and highlighted several important aspects of the ancient greek world. There are two papers and two exams (including the final exam). The exams are fair because she gives you a sheet of what to prepare for. Papers are given well in advance and the office hours help a lot for giving advice and guidance for a thesis/structure.

The lectures were very interesting and readings were also very cool and highlighted several important aspects of the ancient greek world. There are two papers and two exams (including the final exam). The exams are fair because she gives you a sheet of what to prepare for. Papers are given well in advance and the office hours help a …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
8hrs / week Some difficulty Extremely high value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

Chaplin is awesome. Her lectures are super fun, and the simulation group project towards the end of the semester was extremely fun. Her grading is fairly tough, but the material felt pretty rewarding. Discussions were surprisingly fun, and I found myself actively looking forward to them. Would highly recommend this class to anyone interested.

Tough GradingDifficult ExamsChill and Relaxed
3hrs / week Some difficulty High value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

Jane Chaplin is a really sweet and very passionate professor, and although the lectures move fast, they're clear and easy to follow. She's a little tough but a fair grader, and there were only a few papers throughout the semester. There's a group project/simulation at the end, which unexpectedly was a lot more fun than your usual group project.

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingFair Grading
3hrs / week Very difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

Chaplain is a bit odd and quirky in the best way possible. She's super sweet and obviously so passionate about her work, and once in a while she'll crack a joke that will make your jaw drop just because you'd never expect something like that to come out of her mouth. Lectures are fast paced but easy to follow, and doing the readings will drastically improve your participation grade and exam scores. The best part of the course is a simulation group project at the end of the semester, which is only graded for participation but people always get really into.

Chaplain is a bit odd and quirky in the best way possible. She's super sweet and obviously so passionate about her work, and once in a while she'll crack a joke that will make your jaw drop just because you'd never expect something like that to come out of her mouth. Lectures are fast paced but easy to follow, and doing the readings …Read more

Constant ReadingFair GradingDifficult Exams
3hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

Professor Chaplin enjoys her teaching a lot. Her excitement in class is a very important part of understanding the material. Lectures were very valuable with a lot of historic events, especially that the historic period examined is very interesting. Discussions might be a bit demanding as she calls out on everyone, but as long as you know the topic you'll be fine. Exams are very old school, but not difficult if you're familiar with the material.

Professor Chaplin enjoys her teaching a lot. Her excitement in class is a very important part of understanding the material. Lectures were very valuable with a lot of historic events, especially that the historic period examined is very interesting. Discussions might be a bit demanding as she calls out on everyone, but as long as you …Read more

Chill and RelaxedConstant ReadingTough Grading
3hrs / week Low difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

Professor Chaplin is fascinated with the ancient Greek speaking world and it shows in her teaching. Her bizarre personality makes her lectures funny and keeps you intrigued. We had 2 papers, 2 exams (which we get somewhat helpful outlines for), and a pretty low stakes group project that is fun if you're into the material.

Constant ReadingFair GradingFast-Paced
3hrs / week Some difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

I loved this course however it was extremely difficult. The lectures are engaging and interesting but the readings (although also interesting) were wordy and hard to follow. I found myself struggling to not fall behind with the readings. Professor Chaplin is very kind and extremely passionate about this class, which is what makes this class engaging and interesting. With any other professor, I don't think I would have enjoyed it.

I loved this course however it was extremely difficult. The lectures are engaging and interesting but the readings (although also interesting) were wordy and hard to follow. I found myself struggling to not fall behind with the readings. Professor Chaplin is very kind and extremely passionate about this class, which is what makes thi …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
8hrs / week Extremely difficulty Above average value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

I really enjoyed this class, even though it was definitely tough and a lot of work. The readings are difficult and require focus, but they are interesting and really add to the value of the class. Ms. Chaplin is a fantastic lecturer and great at facilitating discussions among students. Participation is a large part of the class, so show up to discussion sections SUPER prepared and ready to talk about the readings.

I really enjoyed this class, even though it was definitely tough and a lot of work. The readings are difficult and require focus, but they are interesting and really add to the value of the class. Ms. Chaplin is a fantastic lecturer and great at facilitating discussions among students. Participation is a large part of the class, so s …Read more

Fast-PacedConstant ReadingTough Grading
5hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
with Jane Chaplin2 years ago

I didn't enjoy this class. I found it to be very difficult and hard to follow. I didn't feel like Professor Chaplin was supportive or understanding. I felt like her grading was very biased and unfair.

Constant ReadingTough GradingDifficult Exams
4hrs / week Very difficulty Very low value Would not take again