CSCI01452 months ago

Did not enjoy this class with professor Basu. I though his lecturing was very dry and boring which made it difficult to pay attention in class. I enjoyed the homeworks and projects but learned most of the material outside of class through notes or google.

Fair Grading
4hrs / week Average difficulty Average value Would not take again
CSCI01453 months ago

I learned more from google than I did from this course, and I can say with confidence that Shrutarshi Basu has more or less killed any desire I had to perhaps continue with a CS minor. Every single one of his lectures felt pointless, and the content was easily google-able. For someone with absolutely no computing experience this class would be difficult because there are such great leaps from what is(n't) explained in lecture and what you're expected to do in the problem set. Basu is completely inaccessible and condescending. There are exactly two good things I can say about this course: it gives you a DED credit, and you don't have to ever actually go to class to get an A. Be warned, and beware. Try to get Vaccari or literally anyone else.

I learned more from google than I did from this course, and I can say with confidence that Shrutarshi Basu has more or less killed any desire I had to perhaps continue with a CS minor. Every single one of his lectures felt pointless, and the content was easily google-able. For someone with absolutely no computing experience this clas …Read more

Chill and RelaxedEasy Grading
0hrs / week Extremely low difficulty Extremely low value Would not take again
CSCI01453 months ago

Although it is clear Professor Basu cares about what he does, the classes are often times boring and not exciting to attend. This course in general also has a lot of busy work and it is very tedious and takes a lot of time. But USE TA HOURS.

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
5hrs / week Very difficulty Average value Would not take again
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