CSCI0315 with Peter Johnson18 days ago

This is an entirely project-based class with the only deadline being the end of finals. You also work with the same partner (of your choosing) on these projects for the entirety of the semester. Your grade is based on how many of the projects you complete. Pete is a pretty tough grader and it takes a lot for him to accept an assignment but he's super accessible for help and you get unlimited resubmissions.

This is an entirely project-based class with the only deadline being the end of finals. You also work with the same partner (of your choosing) on these projects for the entirety of the semester. Your grade is based on how many of the projects you complete. Pete is a pretty tough grader and it takes a lot for him to accept an assignme …Read more

Project-HeavyTough GradingNo Exams
5hrs / week Very difficulty High value Would take again
CSCI0202 with Peter Johnson21 days ago

Pete is a nice guy. He's talks super straightforward in class and presents topics in a clear way. I will say it's easy to get swept up because of how fast he can go, so if you ever start daydreaming it can be tough. However, he always posts notes online after class and gives reasonable deadlines most of the time.

Fast-PacedLots of HomeworkFair Grading
6hrs / week Extremely difficulty Above average value Would not take again
CSCI0145 with Andrea Vaccarilast month

Professor Vaccari is sooo passionate about CS and you feel it through his enthusiasm. He sometimes yaps a lot and kind of loses the attention of students, if you ask him questions either right after class or during office hours, he's super helpful. Exams feel pretty hard because the samples that Vaccari gave us were NOT like the actual exams, so if you take this course with Vaccari, you'd want to study a bit more than just going over the sample exams.

Professor Vaccari is sooo passionate about CS and you feel it through his enthusiasm. He sometimes yaps a lot and kind of loses the attention of students, if you ask him questions either right after class or during office hours, he's super helpful. Exams feel pretty hard because the samples that Vaccari gave us were NOT like the actu …Read more

Chill and RelaxedDifficult ExamsLots of Homework
3hrs / week Some difficulty Very high value Would not take again
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